"The Battle"

The royal army comprised three main units: the right, left, and center, each with 50,000 soldiers, making it a formidable force. Dimitry, the strategist, foresaw the difficulty and significant losses in this war. After minutes, Dimitry shouted, "Charge!" The army moved forward, and nearing the enemy, he commanded the Vanguard to speed up while slowing the center, causing a 100-meter gap. The battered front merged gruesomely, resembling a painful sight—a metaphorical meat grinder. The revolutionary army's wings, each with 10,000 soldiers, also engaged, with each soldier facing a daunting challenge against 50,000 enemies.

Following the clash of the army's Vanguard with the enemy, the overall commander shouted, "Split!"

Here, the central army divided into two halves, one led by the general and the other by Dimitry. They surrounded the royal army from all sides—a brilliant move, the only solution for the military campaign's success. After several minutes, the revolutionary army successfully encircled the central army.

However, the expressions on the faces of the royal army's leaders remained unchanged, knowing that the wings would rush to their aid. Their commander remarked, "It seems the dogs of the revolutionary army have shown their fangs."

**The Right Wing:**

The Left Counselor, 'or kin,' took control of the situation with his military expertise, handling 50,000 enemy soldiers. "or kin" declared to a messenger, beheading an enemy soldier, "Go to the general and inform him that I can endure this situation for half a day."

The messenger hurried toward the central army, leaving a trailing dust cloud behind.

**The Left Wing:**

The left wing struggled, in contrast to the rest of the army, appearing on the brink of collapse at any moment. The reason was unclear, perhaps due to the overwhelming numbers of the imperial army. However, it was evident that the Right Counselor was lost amidst the plans—not due to his limited experience, low kill count, or even the vast numbers. Dimitry hadn't tasked him with defeating them but merely delaying. Still, he knew all too well that he couldn't delay them for more than two hours. This was because of the poisonous strategic mind possessed by the Right Wing of the royal army, known as the "Venomous Serpent of Encirclement."

After one hour;

The right wing was in an excellent state, with the Left Counselor adeptly confronting the enemy army at full strength, seamlessly alternating between offense and defense. Meanwhile,

the central army continued to choke the enemy, turning the gaze of the royal army from confidence to fear. The commander screamed to his advisors, "We can't continue like this. Where is the support from the wings? We provided them with soldiers to act as a vice on the rebel army's center."

The counselor bowed respectfully to the general, stating, "Sir, the wings will surely come to our aid at any moment. For now, we must focus on defense. The problem, sir, is how they maintain such strength despite enduring a severe betrayal just yesterday."

The general responded with a strange smile, "The answer is clear—this plan is the cunning work of that sly fox, Dimitry."

The left wing faced imminent collapse, and Counselor 'Joe,' fueled by thoughts of freedom, saw this rebellion as the sole path to liberation from the king's oppression. Impulsively, he unsheathed his sword, defiantly stared at the enemy commander, and shouted, "Follow me, all soldiers!" Rushing to breach the enemy ranks, 2,000 soldiers abandoned their positions to follow him. At first glance, it seemed a foolish sacrifice, but, in reality, he harbored a deep hatred for submission, yearning to return to his home, wife, and child. His emotional turmoil revealed his humanity.

A royal soldier reported, "Sir, the general, leader of the rebel wing, is approaching." The general dismissed it, recognizing numbers often outweigh bravery, saying, "Leave him; he'll collapse eventually." 'Joe' led the enemy army, killing them and his soldiers. After two hours, covered in fatal wounds, he reached the enemy headquarters. Turning to his fellow soldiers, he found himself alone. Exhausted, he lifted his sword toward the enemy commander, muttered, "Forgive me, Dimitry," and suddenly fell dead from his horse. The general of the imperial army ordered, "Kill the remaining rebels and send reinforcements to the central army," acknowledging that the impulsive attack by the counselor had cost the lives of half his soldiers.

"After 45 minutes."

a soldier shouted, 'The enemy's cavalry is approaching our way.'"
