"Confronting Calamity: The Revolutionary Army's Dilemma"

"The center of the revolutionary army."

A soldier shouted, 'The enemy's cavalry is approaching our way.'"

Demitry was taken aback by the approaching cavalry. Here, he knew something bad had happened to the left wing. He should have taken steps to avoid the disaster, but it was already too late; the cavalry had already engaged the revolutionary army.

Simultaneously, the right wing contemplated withdrawing from the war due to the significant reduction in their army's size, almost halved by the sacrifices of "Joe" and the left wing. Observing Dimitry tightening his grip on the royal army's center, reducing their numbers by half, solidified their decision. They began attempting to break the siege on the central army and initiate a strategic retreat.

Deploying several cavalry units, they managed to break the siege, but the withdrawal was chaotic due to the challenge of organizing their large numbers. This allowed the revolutionary army to attack them, resulting in numerous casualties.

Two hours after the war's end, Dimitry began counting the casualties, and the number was staggering, close to 30,000 soldiers. This horrified Dimitry, prompting him to head to the meeting tent to inform them of the dire situation.

Inside the tent, a round table was set, with the general at the head, Dimitry on his right, and the left counselor on his left. The meeting was overshadowed by the somber atmosphere following the loss of the right counselor.

Breaking the heavy silence, Dimitry said, "Sir, General, based on the reports from the scouts, we must act now to seize the city. If we stay here any longer, we won't be able to control it. The royal army hasn't retreated to the city, aware that its defenses are weak and they won't be able to defend it due to the number of wounded."

The general looked at Dimitry and said, "Do what seems right to you. I'll stay in my tent for today."

Deeply saddened by the death of the right counselor, 'Joe,' Dimitry didn't express empathy not because he lacked emotions but because he concealed his grief in his heart. When he entered his tent, he cried alone, knowing that showing tears in front of others would be perceived as weakness.

"After an hour, Dimitry emerged from his tent, mounted his horse, and led the revolutionary army to conquer their first city, 'Doglan City.'"

The conquering of 'Doglan City' was a pivotal moment for the revolutionary forces. As they marched through the city's gates, Dimitry felt a mix of emotions—victory, sorrow, and the weight of responsibility for the lives lost. The streets echoed with the footsteps of the triumphant army, but the scars of war remained etched in Dimitry's mind. The conquest marked the beginning of a challenging journey, and the city's fate now rested in the hands of those who sought freedom.
