"The Unseen Chessboard: Negotiations Amidst Conflict"

As Dmitri prepared for the impending counter-attack. The documents arrived, detailing the city's layout, resources, and potential allies within its walls. As he perused the information, Dmitri's mind worked tirelessly to formulate a plan that would outmaneuver the royal army's defenses.

In the following days, Dmitri strategically deployed scouting units to gather intelligence on the defensive lines. The resistance fighters worked tirelessly to fortify their position, utilizing the city's natural advantages and rallying the citizens who yearned for freedom.

After a day filled with tension, a weary soldier entered Dmitri's presence, expressing concern, "Sir, the strategist, there's a carriage carrying the king's banner heading towards the city. Shall we allow them to pass?"

Dmitri, showing signs of fatigue from deep contemplation, responded with a heavy tone, "Stop them, conduct a thorough search, and afterward, bring them to the meeting hall."

The soldier bowed respectfully and left, leaving Dmitri lost in his thoughts, wondering, "Why send someone to the city? Are they seeking negotiations?" He felt the weight of uncertainty, like being trapped in a mental quagmire.

After a few tense minutes, all the leaders gathered in the meeting hall, bracing themselves for the unexpected guests.

The guest, a man in his fifties exuding elegance, entered without hesitation and took a seat at the meeting table. He began speaking with a tone of diplomacy, "General Créon, His Majesty the King extends an offer of mercy. He sent me to resolve all issues. His Majesty presents you with a generous deal: retract your revolutionary ideas, and he will grant you this city as a reward."

The general laughed defiantly, saying, "Hahaha! Do you think, either you or your king, can intimidate me?"

The guest, looking at the general with disdain, was taken aback. Before he could speak, Dmitri interjected sarcastically, "And what prompts this excessive generosity from your king?"

The guest, visibly surprised by the leaders' defiance, admitted, "You are as fierce as the rumors describe. It seems I cannot hide the truth any longer. The state of Kronos has initiated an attack on our northern borders due to conflicts in our kingdom. I am here to discuss a ceasefire with you."

The room fell into stunned silence, including Dmitri, who had anticipated such a turn of events.

The general, intending to reject the proposal, found himself preempted as Dmitri calmly declared, "We accept, but with three conditions."

Curious, the guest asked, "Conditions? What are these conditions?"

Dmitri, embodying both determination and reason, replied, "First, the royal army must release all prisoners held in its prisons. Second, this ceasefire should not extend beyond 60 days. Third, the royal army must pay 10,000 gold coins."

The guest, initially taken aback by these bold conditions, observed the resolute spirit in the room and decided to accept Dmitri's terms, recognizing that negotiations were now a two-way street
