"Shadows of Deceit: A Game of Thrones"

In the opulent Throne Room, King Louis Dorman, with a regal air, addressed his military leaders regarding the impending threat from the state of Kronos. Abruptly, the grand door creaked open, revealing a weary soldier who bowed before the king, uttering, "My lord, a message has arrived from the city of 'Doglan.'"

Worry etched on the king's face, he commanded, "Read the message."

As the soldier unfolded the paper and read aloud Chris Balcton's words, "We have reached an agreement: a 59-day extendable ceasefire, the release of all prisoners, and a payment of 10,000 gold coins. My lord, I acknowledge the injustice of this deal , but given the current circumstances, I had no choice but to agree.", the king exploded, "These scoundrels dare to blackmail me! What fools! Once Kronos's attack is repelled, I'll crush them, slaughter their families, and display them on the city walls." A malicious smile played on his lips as he visualized the scene. Turning to his assistant, he ordered, "Release all the prisoners and prepare 10,000 gold coins for 'Doglan.'"

The assistant bowed, replying, "Yes, my lord."

After five days, around 20,000 prisoners arrived in "Douglan," where Dmitri welcomed them, providing tents for their shelter.

In a subsequent meeting with the remaining leaders, Dmitri, exuding confidence, shared, "Today, I outmaneuvered the king in a cunning strategic battle. Now, we must contemplate our next move." After a thoughtful pause, he continued, "I've devised a plan to defeat the king. Scout reports indicate a 55% reduction in troops on the defensive lines, providing an opportunity To attack."

They are Surprised by Dmitri's plan, acknowledging the breach of the treaty, he reassured them, saying, "War is deception; I must seize this opportunity, or the royal army will annihilate us after battling Kronos." Understanding the stakes, the leaders were compelled to follow Dmitri .
