Chapter 58

"Tell me you are lying, Madam! Tell me!" Jackie yelled while the eyes began to water.

"It's a long story, Jackie. What Xander went through will shock you," she was given a clue, but she cannot wait to know the truth.

"Then tell me! I deserve to hear that big revelation!"


Madam Maurice's POV

It was long ago when Xander was admitted to the hospital. He was put in the ICU, which gave me chills and heartbreak. Xander had a long, heavy sigh. He was so tensed, full of sweat, like he ran a mile. A few seconds later, he asked for a mirror. That time, I had an idea of what would happen next. I was hesitant to bring him what he asked for, I am terrified that he will be disappointed by his poor face. But then he stared at me too badly, I didn't have a choice but to give him what he wanted. Whatever will be, 

will be!

Xander holds the mirror and immediately faces it. The sudden bit on his lips, the fingers clenched, I already knew he was angry.

"Arrrgghhh!" Xander shouted in despair then stoned the mirror against the door. He sobbed and sobbed; he could not breathe normally. He was touching his burnt face, hoping that he could fix it. 

"Oh, honey, don't be sad, okay? We can fix this. There is a surgeon here in the hospital; he can help you fix your face." I comforted him until he stopped crying. He hugged me so tight that I could not control myself, but I just cried.

"Don't worry, everything is under control. Just have faith, okay? The important is you are alive, right Xander?"

When I mentioned his true name, he started to act odd. He was covering his ears and panicked. It looked like he was hearing echoing voices that might be from his traumatic experience.

The door opened; the doctor was finally here. I immediately asked him what was happening to my son. I cannot tell anymore; this is beyond my limitations even Mother knows best. I didn't know what to do to make him feel better. Mentioning his name became a disaster, I was so confused.

"Doc, what is happening to my son? I just mentioned his name earlier and he acted like that."

"You have just asked the right person. I already found out what he went through. He was a victim of hostage; it is possible that he was electrified on an electric chair…"

"W-What? Oh god…"

"After that, his face was exposed with an open flame of a torch. This causes him to experience trauma. As of now, he started an episode of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is also possible to experience amnesia. Mentioning his name is a stressor, maybe the abductor repeatedly said his name while he was physically abused. I suggest avoiding that, and please suggest a doctor who will fix his face before it is too late."

[End of Flashback]

"So, if I were you, don't you ever call him Xander, or else a bad thing will happen. I hope my narrative is enough to convince you that anything has changed. For goodness's sake, we named him Harrison so that he can start a new life, a new identity."

Jackie was so silent, that it seemed like she knew what the answer to his question was. The doctor might forget to tell her what really happened to Xander. She is planning to meet a psychiatrist to look for answers. She already had a hypothesis waiting for it to be confirmed.


Jackie's POV

I need to find Xander, I have guts that he is only inside Harrison's body. There is no paranormal involved here, but a psychiatric case. I had a friend when I was in elementary. Sometimes she recognized me, but always forgot me. Then I tailed her no every time she ignored me. 

What I found out... she was speaking in a blank space. Something like she wanted to tell her true self to leave her alone because her circle of friends was eventually gone. Until I realized that she had a DID when I accidentally watched a TV show titled Rhodora X.

Going back to my business, I am on the way to the mental hospital. My appointment time is approaching, can't wait to talk to a psychiatrist.

After a while, I arrived. The assistant of the specialist toured me to the office. 

"Thank you, here is your reward. Please don't tell anybody that I came here." I handed the money to the assistant.

"Ma'am, we don't accept that. It is given that we value privacy, but we really don't accept bribes." My offer was rejected.

"Oh, I see. Well, I am easy to talk to. Sorry for my behavior." I chuckled.

I knocked on the door twice until the doctor welcomed me.

"Good day, Ms. Jackie, right?"

"Likewise, doc."

"Take a seat. Would you like some tea?"

"No, thanks."

I looked around the office and then swallowed. "Uhmm... I don't have a mental illness, but I will become mentally ill if I don't find out what is happening to my future husband."

"Oh, tell me then his case."

I deeply sighed. "He was my boyfriend a long time ago, but we separated ways when he became the CEO of Fuentabella Company. When I went back and met him, I was ignored. Whatever I romanced him, he didn't love me back. Until I learned from his mother that he was not Xander anymore but Harrison. He didn't recognize me anymore, something like he was wearing a new identity."

The doctor scratched his jaw. "Hhhmmm... there are two possible results, might be PTSD or more than that, Alzheimer's. Or if you caught him flipping personalities, might be DID."

My wild guess was right! Now, my question is how can I meet Xander?

"How flipping happens?"

"Every time the alter experiences stress and meet his fears, he will pass out then wake up with the host."

Gotcha! I have plans for this, we'll see if Harrison will give up. I wanna help Xander to go back to normal, but the fears of Harrison is still unknown. 

But I will not give up. I have high hopes I can find out!