Second Brother (One)

Amidst the barren lands lining the bamboo groves, stood a newly erected inn. Its wooden beams were freshly lacquered and its tiled roofs were gleaming under the late morning sun.

A huge board was hung at the entrance of the Inn, reading in bold and beautiful calligraphy - Tranquil Cloud Inn. The plaque was prepared by Wei Guang and everyone was busy praising just how good his calligraphy skills were.

If this moment of opening of the Inn would have taken place somewhere in the bustling streets of a city, it would surely have garnered a lot of attention from the passersby and brought them a couple of customers who would have been interested to take a look. However, since their Inn was located in the middle of nowhere, there was no one in sight.

"Let's head inside and wait for our first customer to arrive." Xiang Ling cheered the staff who looked slightly low-spirited when they found not even one customer at the entrance.