Punishment Game

Slowly, Quinlan's senses faded.

First, the taste of blood faded from his tongue, and then the foul smell of the extracted impurities vanished. After that, his hearing stopped, preventing him from hearing his own pained growls.

His sense of touch soon followed, stopping him from feeling the hot and cold sensation on his skin. And finally, his eyes failed, turning his world into pitch-black scenery.

'Am I still awake...' He wondered.

He could still feel the extreme pain of his body changing rapidly, of course. However, he was rendered unable to show it. He just sat down like a statue, staring at the ground with blank eyes.

During the breakthrough, his body, or rather, Yinuo's body, was undergoing sudden and rapid improvement. The bones became denser and tougher, the muscles firmer, and the brain sharper. Her body's Qi pathways became wider and her blood vessels thicker. And, finally, one of her meridians got completely cleared.