Hot And Cold

Shuffle Playlist: Still Falling by Tatiana Manaois

''One is correct and one is wrong. Yes! I indeed came because of you. Mr. Maraj, I told you the first time we met that you are my savior. Do you remember that? But I wouldn't stoop so low as to use the paparazzi to take pictures of us and create a scandal. You should know by now that I avoid the paparazzi like a plague. This is also my first scandal.''

''So, you didn't call the paparazzi. Okay, but what makes you think I am your savior? I am not Jesus Christ.'' Vincent looked at Sabrina. ''Then, were you drunk when you called me your savior that night?''

Sabrina knew he was been sarcastic. ''I don't drink. In any case, I realized our first two meetings weren't pleasant. Can we start on a clean slate?'' Sabrina stretched out her hand.

''People are watching, Mr. Maraj. My hand is getting tired too.'' Sabrina was hoping that Vincent would shake hands with her but he scoffed.

''Miss Van, has anyone told you how inconsiderate your actions are?'' Vincent stepped closer to Sabrina and said to her. ''I am not one of those men that you can get on a silver platter. In fact, I hate women who throw themselves at men for money.''

''What?'' Sabrina was speechless. She watched Vincent as he walked away. ''Did he just assume that I am chasing him?''

''Woaa! I didn't know he could be so full of himself.'' Sabrina muttered.

''Vincent Maraj isn't a man the likes of you can get, Sabrina. In fact, he hates women who try to use him to climb the social ladder.'' Bianca walked over with a glass of red wine. She took a sip and added.

''I didn't know you could be so desperate? Creating a scandal with Mr. Maraj and even coming to cling to him in his friend's party. Sabrina, this is a new low. Don't you think so?''

Sabrina paid Bianca dust and turned to leave but the latter felt slighted and held Sabrina's hand.

''Stop there! Don't feel proud just because you won best voice actress of the year. Just because you won that award, you think you can seduce Mr. Maraj? It's obvious he's disgusted by you and your petty tricks.'' Bianca said loudly and everyone turned to look at them.

Sabrina clenched her fist tightly and smirked. Arguing with someone like Bianca was a waste of time and energy. She would rather spend that time on what she came for.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for Sabrina's next move. Even Vincent and his small circle were watching her closely, especially Vincent.

Sabrina didn't want to further embarrass herself so she turned to leave but it seemed Bianca really had it out for her tonight.

Bianca stepped on the edge of Sabrina's dress and when the latter turned to leave, the dress tore from the knee. Feeling satisfied, Bianca furthered her actions by pretending to trip, thereby pouring the glass of wine on Sabrina's dress.

Sabrina was in total shock and couldn't move for a few seconds. She could feel the eyes on her. Just when she thought she had seen it all with Bianca, the latter went all out again.

''I'm sorry, Sabrina. My hand quivered and I accidentally poured the wine on you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.'' Bianca kept bowing in front of Sabrina and apologizing to her as if she was been forced to do so.

''What to do? Your dress…'' Bianca sneered discreetly before tearing up in an apologetic manner. She had turned Sabrina into a bully.

The guests began to murmur amongst themselves, and pointed fingers at Sabrina. Even though she was the one at a disadvantage, Bianca had played the victim card and gained sympathy from everyone.

Sabrina smiled. ''It's alright, Bianca. Accidents do happen. It's not like you did it on purpose, right? You don't have to apologize to me.''

Vincent gave Sabrina an interesting gaze and chuckled. They witnessed how Bianca kept apologizing to Sabrina and were waiting to see what was going to happen.

''This Bianca is one good actress.'' Georgia mumbled. She was actually on her way to Sabrina to ask her to sign an autograph for her when she saw what happened. She knew who was at fault and who was the real victim.

''Sabrina, your dress is ruined. I have a spare dress in my car. If you don't mind, I will get it for you to change into.'' Bianca quickly held Sabrina's hand.

''No need. Sabrina, come with me. I'll take you to get changed.'' Peter walked over and spoke. He was acting based on someone's instructions.

''Thank you, Peter.'' Sabrina walked away with Peter.

Bianca smirked with a satisfied smirk after achieving what she wanted. She turned to walk away and saw Vincent from a distance. When their eyes met, she panicked and looked away immediately.

''Thank you, very much, Peter.'' Sabrina said after changing into a dolce and Gabbana alta moda lace gown which was given to her by Peter.

''You're welcome, but the person you should thank is Mr. Maraj. He was the one who asked me to bring you over to change and he picked this outfit.'' Peter revealed.

''Huh? Mr. Maraj did that? Why?'' Sabrina was shocked. He seemed totally disgusted by her. Why did he help her?

''This is our fall collection. It hasn't been put out yet. I still have some things to do. I'll leave first.'' Peter didn't want to stay longer to avoid spilling the tea.

''Thank you!'' Sabrina gave Peter an awkward smile and sat down to calm herself down. As she tried to recollect her thoughts, her phone started ringing.

Sabrina took out her phone and smiled when she saw the call from Tia. ''Hello, Darling.''

''Darling, did something happen at the party?'' Tia asked anxiously.

''Not exactly, why do you ask?'' Sabrina removed her shoes as they talked over the phone.

''There is a video of Bianca bowing to you as she apologized. Did something happen between you two?''

''What?'' Sabrina stood up.

''This video was posted a few minutes ago. The title is even misleading. What the hell happened, darling? How did you manage to escape the paparazzi but got caught up with Bianca?'' Tia asked.

''This was what she wanted? Darling, I can't explain to you over the phone. I need to do something. Let's talk when I get home.'' Sabrina hung up and checked the video. It was well edited to make Sabrina look like a bully.

''I've had enough of this bitch!'' Sabrina quickly changed into the new outfit and sauntered out furiously. She forgot to take her purse.

As she walked out towards the party hall, she saw the way the guests were looking at her and became even more uncompromising.

The yellow gown fitted her and brought out her curves. Her fierce gaze as she walked towards Bianca made her look even enchanting.

''Bianca!'' Sabrina picked a glass of red wine from the table and walked towards Bianca.

''Sab….'' Bianca was shocked when she saw the wine dripping down her body from her face.

''You are a disgusting bitch. A piece of trash and I feel dirty playing this game with you, but I will not leave here misunderstood and become the talk of the world. You walked over to me and instigated me, stepped on my dress, then, poured your wine on me and acted like a victim to gain public sympathy. As if that wasn't enough, you had someone post the edited video of you apologizing to me to make me look bad?''

''She really has a knack for pouring drinks on people!'' Vincent mumbled.

Sabrina looked around, facing the guests. ''Since you want to play this game with me, I will gladly be your guest. Everyone, I hope you are all witnesses to what happened tonight. She not only played the victim but she also made someone upload the video to make me the bad guy. You can judge for yourself. As for you, Bianca, let me warn you. The next time you play this dirty game with me, it will not just end with a slap.'' Sabrina turned to leave and Bianca yelled.

''Hey! Sabrina, you think you are all that?'' Bianca picked a glass of wine on the table and wanted to pour it on Sabrina but a hand intercepted.

''That dress isn't even out yet and it cost at least six figures. Are you sure you want to pour the wine on it?'' Vincent asked.

Sabrina heard his voice and turned. She looked at him with a surprised gaze.

Bianca lowered her hand and placed the glass back on the table. ''Consider today your lucky day.'' She said before storming out of the place.

''Sabrina, are you alright?'' Pat walked over and asked.

''Yes, I'm fine. Pat, I'm really sorry for causing a scene at your party.'' Sabrina was going to bow and Pat held her hand.

''Actually, Georgia told us what happened. Bianca was the one at fault. I am also at fault. I shouldn't let such classless people attend my party. But, don't worry, that will be her last time.'' Pat instead apologized.