Miss Sabrina, I remember you saying I wasn't your type.t

Shuffle Playlist – Acrostico by Shakira.

Milan Airport.

Sabrina walked out of the exit and looked around. Georgia had informed her that she would be at the airport to pick Sabrina up.

Sabrina's phone vibrated and she checked it immediately and saw a message from Georgia.

''Miss Sabrina, I had to leave early but the CEO is on his way to pick you up. You can wait for him at the parking lot of the airport.''

After reading the message, Sabrina held her green luggage bag and walked towards the airport's parking lot. When she got there, she looked around and decided to stand in front of a parked corolla.

A minute later, a Bentley pulled over right in front of Sabrina and the window to the backdoor rolled down.

''Get in!'' Vincent spoke. The driver got down and took the luggage from Sabrina to put inside the booth. Sabrina smiled and got into the car. She joined Vincent at the backseat.

Sabrina looked at Vincent's bandaged hand and asked. ''Are you okay? Does it still hurt?''

Vincent looked at his hand. ''Not bad.'' He replied, and his facial features relaxed greatly.

The atmosphere in the car became quiet. Sabrina didn't know how to engage Vincent in a conversation because he was always cold to her. Even now, she still didn't know what came over to and she decided to come all the way to Milan to help him.

Was she really worried about him, or was she been selfish again and using him for her own gains? Sabrina touched her wrist and looked at the timer. It had stopped running once again.

Sabrina shifted her gaze to Vincent. He was looking at something in his phone. She had never imagined she would be this close to him, and sitting in the same car with him. It felt unreal.

''Miss Sabrina, I remember you saying I wasn't your type. Don't you think it will create another misunderstanding if you keep staring at me like that? I might get the wrong idea.'' Vincent turned and locked eyes with Sabrina.

Sabrina flushed and looked away. ''I wasn't looking at you.'' She replied.

''Mr. Maraj, to the hotel?'' The driver asked.

''Yes!'' Vincent looked at Sabrina and chuckled.

Meanwhile, back at California.

S. T. Studios.

Tia walked to the breakroom to get herself a cup of coffee and saw Lucia watching a video with a keen concentration.

''What are you watching?'' Tia asked as she poured in an espresso for herself.

''Sis, TMZ caught Kai again. This time with a model.'' Lucia replied.

''Kai? Who is Kai?''

''Kai Luca, the voice actor who acted with Sabrina in 'Finding Love'. He is always on the news every other day. Either with a singer, an actress or a model. He really knows how to enjoy his life.'' Lucia added.

''You think he is enjoying his life? He is wasting his life. A man like that is a thorn in the flesh.'' Tia picked her cup of espresso and returned to her office.

''Sis…'' Lucia turned off the video and followed Tia into her office. ''Sis, now that Sabrina has gone to take care of Mr. Maraj. Do you think a romance could issue between them?''

''That's so cliché.'' Tia replied.

''Why? Mr. Maraj is single, and Sabrina is also single. I think they would be so cute together.'' Lucia was a fan of romantic movies, so as soon as she heard Sabrina had gone to take care of Vincent, she started to create her own romantic scenarios in her head.

''Knock it off. I don't trust that man. One minute he is cold to Sabrina, another minute he is nice to her. Besides, with a sister who is not really a sister like Celia around…'' Tia shook her head. ''That Celia is clearly in love with Vincent. The only reason why I allowed Sabrina to go over there is because it's beneficial more to her than to him.''

''What do you mean?'' Lucia asked.

''Nothing!'' Tia drunk the espresso and gave the mug to Lucia. ''Go and practice your lines. I still have work to do.'' She dismissed Lucia.

''Alright!'' Lucia pouted her lips as she walked out of the office.



The Sun hotel

Vincent stood at the hallway of Sabrina's room waiting for her to come out so that they could attend the dinner together. He was dressed in a light nude monclur tuxedo and black pair of …. black shoes. His short wavy hair was brushed and parted neatly to the left side with a thin line. Vincent's brown eyes complimented the artificial laces he put inside his eyes.

Vincent removed his phone and looked at it. When he heard the door open, he turned and saw Sabrina walking out of the room. His eyes widened and his throat throbbed. She was wearing a monclur one shoulder off nude gown which complimented his own tuxedo.

Sabrina smiled when she saw Vincent. Vincent immediately looked away, with a hint of embarrassment written all over his face.

''Let's go!'' He spoke. He gazed at her subtly as they walked out.

Sabrina looked at his outfit. ''Are we wearing couple outfits?' Sabrina's cheeks turned red at the thought of it.

The dinner was taking place at the restaurant of the hotel. When they walked in, a waiter greeted them and sent them to the private room. The other party had yet to arrive. Vincent and Sabrina sat next to each other and waited.

''Mr. Maraj, who are we meeting?'' Sabrina asked. The room was a little too quiet for her so she decided to throw in a question.

''Didn't Georgia give you the details?'' Vincent turned to look at her.

Sabrina shook her head. ''No! I only know that we are meeting a Spanish couple. Honestly, I'm surprised you don't understand Spanish. I thought you were versatile in a lot of languages.''

''Does that make you disappointed?''

''No…'' Sabrina chuckled. ''I just feel that, you are a little human since you don't understand Spanish.''

''Oh? Why?'' A rare smile appeared in his face.

''You know, you are the CEO of a big company. Everyone reveres you because you are on a high pedestal. Normal people like us don't even dare to get closer to you.'' Sabrina was surprise Vincent was actually chatting with her.

''But you are here with me.'' He raised his brows at her.

''That's different. I'm here because I owe you. I'm here to be your translator.''

The two-way door opened and instead of the Spanish couple, Pat Terkins and his wife, Adelaide walked in.

''Vincent, Sabrina, sorry for coming late…'' Pat apologized and Sabrina stood up.

''Pat?'' She turned and gave Vincent a confused look. ''They aren't the Spanish couple, right?'' She asked.

''Your face is really priceless, Sabrina. You really kept it from her?'' Pat asked Vincent.

''You said I should play along. Adelaide, I brought her to you.'' Vincent replied.

''Thank you, Vincent.'' Adelaide smiled and stretched her hand towards Sabrina. ''Hi, Sabrina, nice to meet you. I am Adelaide, Pat's wife.''

''Hi, nice to meet you, Adelaide.'' Sabrina shook the lady's hand and smiled.

Adelaide was a young woman in her early thirties. She was very agile and very knowledgeable along with a childlike fun side. She was a beautiful Latina woman and seemed to know a lot about fashion because the outfit she had worn for the dinner was a very elegant two-piece crop top and flare skirt with embroidery on the edges.

''Sit down, Sabrina. Remember I said I would invite you to dinner? Well, I happened to be in Milan for a few meetings with Vincent. My wife is a huge fan and when I told her I met you, she couldn't stop talking about you. I had to give in and asked Vincent to invite you over.''

''Oh, I see…'' Sabrina turned and looked at Vincent. ''And here I was, thinking I was here to translate for Mr. Maraj…''

Vincent smirked when Sabrina looked at him.

''Sabrina, you are so beautiful in person. I am a huge fan. Your voice is so soothing and enchanting.'' Adelaide couldn't help herself. She has been a fan of Sabrina and had long wanted to meet with her.

''You are also beautiful, Adelaide. Thank you for supporting my works.''

''No, I am not only supporting your works. I am also supporting your relationship with Vincent.'' Adelaide said.

''No… that's not. You're mistaken.'' Sabrina tried to explain but the woman had made her own mind up and didn't give Sabrina the chance to explain.

''I understand. You two are famous and want to date normally.''

''What exactly is this woman talking about?' Sabrina turned and beckoned on Vincent to intervene but he shifted his gaze and started talking to Pat.

The door opened and the waiters arrived with their meals.

''Adelaide, calm down and give Sabrina a break. You two can talk after the meal.'' Pat tapped Adelaide and the latter chuckled.

''That's true. I am just too excited.'' Adelaide looked at Sabrina and smiled.

Sabrina was still a little confused. She kept turning to look at Vincent but he didn't even look at her.

''You are not going to explain this situation, right? Way to go, Vincent. You're trying to take revenge on me, right?'' Sabrina leaned over and asked Vincent.

''Do you think you will survive if I ever decide to take revenge on you?'' Vincent finally looked at her with a mocking expression.