Challenging His Bottom Line

Shuffle Playlist – Unconditionally by Katy Perry.

As the live band was going in, Sabrina turned and looked at Vincent. He was focused on the music and didn't notice her gaze on him. His side profile looked so beautiful that she couldn't focus on anything else.

Sabrina cussed herself within. Was this because he was the first man she has just started liking? She just couldn't hold back. She wanted to look at him all night. Sabrina touched her chest and blushed.

The duo performing were a popular Milano group hired by the hotel to entertain the guests. Most of the songs been performed were Spanish songs.

Vincent felt his phone vibrating on the table and he turned to take it. That was when he noticed Sabrina's intense gaze. The way she looked at him made his throat to suddenly dry up and throb.

''Is there… something on my face?'' Vincent asked.

''I think I like you!'' Sabrina suddenly blurted out.

''What did you just say?'' Vincent heard her clearly but he wanted to be sure she indeed just confessed her love to him.

Sabrina came back to her senses and blinked a few times. ''I mean, I think… I think I like your watch.'' Sabrina said with a clear horrified expression. She pointed at the phone adding. ''Aren't you going to answer that?''

Vincent's mind came back to the phone and he nodded his head. 'Excuse me!'' He stood up and went to answer the phone.

Sabrina slapped herself. The embarrassment on her face was clear. She was more horrified by her own words. She couldn't believe she said that to Vincent.

''You've lost it completely, Sabrina. How could you say that to him? Now he is just going to think you have bad intentions and want to use him to climb the social ladder.''

Sabrina stood up. ''I have to go. This is so embarrassing. I have to go back to my room.'' Sabrina turned to leave and saw Vincent in front of her. She didn't know when he had returned from the call.

''Where are you going?'' Vincent asked and sat down.

''I… I wasn't going anywhere.'' Sabrina replied helplessly.

''Then, why are you standing up? Sit down!'' Vincent looked at her. Sabrina sat back quietly and tried to focus on the music.

''You said you think you like my watch?'' Vincent asked.

''Huh? Yes, that's what I said.'' Sabrina closed her eyes and cussed. ''Why is he suddenly asking me this?'' She mumbled.

''What do you like about it?''

'Sir, can we just focus on the music? Why are you suddenly asking me this? Can't you see I'm struggling here?' Sabrina smiled awkwardly. She didn't dare to say those words loud.

Vincent chuckled. He knew he was putting her in a difficult situation, but he found it amusing. Her reactions were cute and adorable. He smiled and decided to let it go and focus on the music.


After concluding his meetings, Vincent returned to the hotel. Sabrina had finished packing and was waiting for him at the hotel. Vincent arrived and packed his stuff and met with Sabrina at the lobby.

Sabrina wore a pair of faded blue jeans, a green netted blouse with a black silver inner and draped a brown trench coat over it and went with another pair of black foot wear.

When Sabrina saw Vincent coming towards her with his luggage, she stood up. He nodded to acknowledge her presence before talking the luggage from her. He handed them to the valet and they got inside the car.

Sabrina noticed that Vincent didn't seem to be in a good mood. She wondered what happened? Or perhaps, what changed. This morning, he came to check on her before going to his meeting. A few hours ago, he sent her a text that she should get ready and that they were leaving Milan this afternoon instead of the scheduled evening flight.

Now, he didn't even smile at her. Did something happen? Or did someone piss him off? He was suddenly back to his own self. Cold and distant. Sabrina was confused.

All through the car ride to the airport, Vincent was focused on his laptop and didn't pay attention to Sabrina. She decided not to bother him and allowed him to work.

Sabrina picked her phone and started browsing the internet. She went on 'X' to check the latest trending news and that was when she saw Vincent and Celia's names on the number one spot for 'X' USA. Sabrina glanced at Vincent before clicking on the trending topic.

Just as she was about to read, her phone standing going off. It was a call from Tia. Sabrina answered it immediately.

''Hello, Darling, we are going to the airport.''

''Darling, Vincent Maraj is getting engaged!'' Tia said loudly into the phone. Sabrina's hand quivered and the phone fell down and the loudspeaker turned on.

''Vincent Maraj is getting engaged to Celia Manu. Darling, wherever you are, come back to California immediately. Get away from that man. I am so mad. How can he be getting engaged and he dared to trick you into meeting with him in Milan?''

Vincent looked at Sabrina and their eyes met. She immediately lowered her body to take the phone. But Tia didn't stop.

''I am going to open a hate account for him. I will make sure I shit on him daily as long as I live. How can he make you fall for him when he is a man with a woman?''

''Darling, that's enough!'' Sabrina picked the phone and turned off the loudspeaker but it was too late. Vincent had heard more than enough to make his own conclusion.

''Darling, how can you tell me that's enough? It is not even remotely enough compared to what that man did. I used to have a lot of respect for him, but he has lost it all. Darling, we are not going to work for him. Tomorrow, I will send a letter to his company rejecting the offer.''

''Tia, I'm in the car with Mr. Maraj. Let's talk later.''


Sabrina hung up and closed her eyes. It was something she did whenever she was in an embarrassing situation. Vincent was quiet. He didn't say anything to Sabrina and that was what was killing her internally.

She knew he had heard everything Tia said, so why was he quiet? Was he waiting for her to bring it up?

''I'm sorry, Tia is just all talk and no bark. I hope you don't take her words seriously.''

''I don't care! But if you step down from the series, I'm going to sue you till you have nothing left in your bank account. Just know that before you attempt to do anything.'' Vincent replied casually.

Sabrina became angry. His words were harsh. ''Vincent, what do you mean by that?'' She asked.

''You're calling me by my first name. That's new, Sabrina!'' Vincent chuckled with a hint of mockery in his words.

Sabrina snickered. ''Right! This is the Vincent Maraj, I know. Not the one who was faking to care all this while. You just jolted my mind back to reality.''

Vincent closed the laptop and turned to face Sabrina. ''What exactly do you want from me? Do you want me to acknowledge your friend's words? Or do you want me to tell you that it was okay for her to say those things about me? Sabrina, ever since you came into my life, you've been challenging my bottom line.''

''I'm challenging your bottom line? Fine! You are missing the point and I'm not going to explain myself.'' Sabrina turned her face away.

''Suit yourself!'' Vincent replied and also looked away.

The driver felt cold just watching them. He wished he could tell the man that what the woman wanted was his explanation. To either affirm or deny the engagement allegations. But alas, he didn't do that causing the misunderstanding.

When they got to the airport, Sabrina requested for a different seat away from Vincent. Her actions made him angry and he agreed to it so they ended up sitting in separate seats.

Sabrina felt heartbroken. While browsing the internet, she came across a lot of fan-made couple pictures and videos of Vincent and Celia together. Everyone seemed to be supporting their relationship and were commenting on how they were the next power couple to come from Hollywood.

Sabrina shed a tear and covered herself with her trench coat. She didn't want anyone to see her in such a miserable state.

Vincent turned and looked at Sabrina. When she saw her cover herself with the trench coat, he cussed. He really wanted to tell her it was a lie. He wanted to explain himself but he didn't know why he lost his temper on her instead. He was aware that she was hurt by her words.

The two people were stuck in their own heads, making up their own scenarios and misunderstanding the other.

As for Sabrina, she was utterly heartbroken. This was her first crush. The very first time she has fallen for someone. She didn't know how to navigate through the feelings of heartbreak. It hurt her so much and she just wanted to find a hole and bury herself in it.

Sabrina sent a text to Tia and the latter picked her up at the airport when the plane landed. She got into the car and didn't look back at Vincent even though he was looking at her.

''CEO, the car is ready!'' Georgia spoke when Vincent didn't move. She wondered what happened between them. She thought she was going to pick both of them, but Sabrina left in Tia's car without even speaking to Vincent.

Georgia sighed and drove the car when Vincent got in.