WebNovelMad House30.00%


"How long has it been since he passed out?"

Even though his eyes were clouded, Jae could clearly hear the familiar voice of a man that still gave him shivers on his spine.

"3 days."

A reply came from the wrinkled old lady, standing beside the bedridden Jae who's head was covered in bandages.

"I'm not saying that it's your fault, but you shouldn't let the kids play that way."

She added, which made him clear his throat.

"Ehem! You don't have to remind me; I know what I'm doing,"

The man replied in his usual tone of voice. It was calm yet intimidating.

Just when the bed sheet rustle,both of them had watch him grunted as Jae tries to open his eyes.

As soon as his vision cleared, he saw a man not in a brown coat nor hat, but a man who's now wearing a plain white long sleeve sitting beside the window, holding a cup of tea, and an old lady standing behind him, while a familiar figure of a girl could be seen sleeping peacefully by his side.

"You're awake...."

Jae didn't respond but frowns his brows as he could still feel the immense sharp throbbing in his head.

A minute later, just as he puts down his cup on the table, words continued to come out of his mouth.


He affirmed.

-You both passed the test—"

Just as before he could finish his line, Jae interrupted.

"Were going back home!"

He shouted, with a pair of bulging eyes, clenching his jaw as he crampled the blanket that covers his thighs.

Surprisingly, the man he thought who would make a fit on his behavior has acted calm sipping his tea with a compose posture.


He called.


As he look on his ocean eyes, Jae couldn't help the sweat to slide down on his palms.

"Then I'll excuse myself,"

She shortly responded as she steals a glance on the two kids in the bed before lowering down her head as she leaves.

Just after the old lady closed the door, Jae shouted in fury which awoke the small little girl by his side.

"You liar!"

His cheeks flushed in anger.

-You said that you'd help us find the culprit!"

As his voice has gotten louder, he find himself panting from all the shouting, never expecting the man to response.

"And that's what I'm doing."

He shortly replied as he continues to sip his tea, looking unbothered.

Seeing it Jae snap. He gulp first thing before he starts fuming like a bull.

"Bu-but you never did."

He even stuttered, especially after looking into his eyes that were like about to eat him whole.

"Did I?. Tell me. What did I do wrong?

His gaze pierces his soul.

Did I force both of you to come?"

He stated as if the table had turned, knowing that they had come to the man by themselves, without forced.


He stuttered. He didn't know what to say. He was lost for words but he notice him grin.

"Of course I didn't."

His response left him with a furrowed brows.

"We-well! because you said that you knew who killed her!"

The man stays unbothered as he gets the apple and a small knife at the circular table before he form a smirk on his lips, leaving him quiver at sight.

"Did I say I didn't?"

The man asks as he enjoyed the sight of him tremble from either fear nor anger.

"Then you should have told us already so we could let the police know!"

Just then, the man burst out laughing, and left Soo-ah awoken, rubbing her eyes as she hear them throws words towards each other.

"I know you're just a kid, but I did not know that you were this naive."

He paused.

"Do you think the cop could be of help?

Jae mouth zippered.

Don't you remember they're the ones who killed your mother?"

He then gazes at the knife.

She could be alive right now if they listened to you punny kids, but they didn't.... "

He then reverted his looks on the two.

Why?... Because you are weak, nothing less than a small branch of a tree.....fragile and breakable."

Hearing it, made Jae held his sister's hand.

"Brother, are you okay?"

She asks when he sees him tremble.

"What-whatever were leaving!"

"Let's go, Soo-ah. We're going back home!"

He then grabs his sister while she looks back at the man.

'You can't stop us.'

He thought, but the man never actually prevent them from leaving, he even acted as if they didn't exists. He just continued to peel an apple and eat.

On their way out, they found that the place was enormous, it was painted in white, and they even lost count on how many rooms it had, but they could still easily find a way out after an hour of being trap in a maze.

"Brother, that man looks scary."

Soo-ah stated as he clung on his brother's arm.

"I know, thats why we are leaving."

"But where do we go?"

'I don't know.....' He thought.

"Somewhere safer?"

He responded after a minute.

An hour later, they escaped and entered the forest, panting.

The cloud was already pitch black, when they notice.

"Do you think a witch lives here?"

Her grip tighten.

"I-It was just in a fairy tale, soo-ah, do-dont be scared."

Even though he said it himself,both of them jolted out in fear when they heard the braches of the tree cracking, as if a monster was slowly walking towards them.

Their faces has turn pale when a big silhouette slowly come forward them.

And without them noticing.....*THUD!*

They were now facing a gigantic hungry grizzly bear, which left both of them like an statue, with their butt sitting flat on the ground. They could not even scream and their complexion has turn pale as they both eaten by fear.


The bear lets out a long huff as it launched to attack the two when all of a sudden, as before it could even touch a string of their hair....*BANG!*.... a defeaning sound of a gun shotted and killed the bear on the spot.

When they looked back, it was the same cold man holding a rifle in his hands.....


He pants as he stared blankly at the man.

'.... I'm wrong,'

He thought as they found themselves standing in front of a building....A building they once tried to escaped...An ordinary looking building- No. An enourmous building where its fences were covered in electrifying wires wrap all around the gate and through the wall.


He scoff.

"Lucky for you for not steeping on the landmine."

Jae then slowly turn his head at the man as he blows a smoke into the air.

'....We...We can never come back home.'

He thought as he looked at the sign on top of the building in the middle of nowhere, hidden deep into the forest.

' St. Patrick orphanage.'