The Doctor


As soon as I'm out of Vanessa's room, I head down to Ivan's intending to just check on him. When I'm at the door, it's not without hesitation that I finally open it. I felt no mercy in the wake of what he said at the club, but facing the reality of what I did now is still difficult. How bad did I hurt him? 

In my imagination, he is all bloody and hooked up to tubes with a machine breathing for him, but that isn't the reality. Instead, he's bandaged and swollen. 

Ivan's face has been mostly spared, so I must have focused the majority of the hits on his body, which explains how my hands managed to make it out of the fight relatively unscathed. I remember getting in a liver shot, and that's what dropped him. That's what always drops them. 

The rest of the attack is really a blur, though. I was blinded by so much emotion, I couldn't even see. I wouldn't have stopped hitting him if Luka had not been there to step in.