Stake Out


"Do you think this is a good idea, boss?" Dom asks, looking up through the windshield at the snow that has started to fall. 

"Of course I think it's a good idea. That's why we're doing it." 

"There is a chance we will get stuck on this mountain. That's all I'm sayin'." 

"We aren't going to get stuck." 

"With these roads…" 

"Dom!" I bark, losing patience. I'm already on edge as it is. "Shut up about the damn snow." 

"Didn't the guy in the road say she wasn't with them?" Sonny asks from the back. 

"Luka Persson," I mutter, trying once again to figure out why he seems familiar. I can't place it, but I know I have seen him before. "He was lying." 

"How do you know?"