
Year 2020, the second day of the second month, Time on Earth stopped.

At first, no one noticed. After all, Time is but a concept created by humankind. People walked and talked and went about their own lives, ignorant that one of the most fundamental laws of the world has changed.

"Huh? Is my watch broken? Or did the batteries die out?"

"I feel like I've been running for about an hour but I'm not tired?"

"Strange. The butter isn't melting."

"It's so noisy. The dog won't stop barking!"

"Doctor, the bleeding on the patient won't stop!"

"Is it just me or did the clouds in the sky stop moving? It's like a painting."

"Now that you mentioned it, the sun too? It should be long past noon, but it's still over our heads…"

People who slept remained asleep, while the people who were awake could not feel even a hint of drowsiness or fatigue.

No one got older, no sickness was cured nor acquired, no hunger or thirst resolved, and nothing was created or destroyed. 

Worst of all, even the concept of Birth and Death disappeared.

Life became meaningless.

Without Time, there was no change, and living had become synonymous with existing. 


A curse with no end in sight.

People despaired as they remained frozen in the various states they were in… until the merciful gods descended on the mortal realm and opened the gates of the Pantheon for mankind.

1 Unknown Actor Baek

A defiant gaze that showed repressed thoughts of scorn.

A devilish smile that hinted of irreconcilable conflict.

A pair of dark eyes shining with muted anger, as if one wrong move, he would not mind breaking the bones of the person before him.

It was an appearance that showed intense emotions even without a single word being spoken. 

The bloodlust of a soldier, no, a member of the special forces who was prepared to tear an enemy to shreds with his bare hands.

'Seojun-hyung is really amazing!'

Lee Adam, the younger man opposite Baek Seojun, gasped in amazement at the scary sight. He could not help but gulp involuntarily as he tightened his hold on his phone. Goosebumps grew in his arms that were already shaking.

Could it be he was scared of Baek Seojun, the nicest colleague he had ever met since his university days?

Adam wanted to deny it, but his body was honest.

'Hyung is really a good actor! All he needs is a chance to show others how talented he is.'

As if to test the waters, Adam raised the phone in his hand to get a better angle for the camera. 

Maybe it was just the lighting, but the shadows contouring the man's face...

Adam's eyes widened when he saw his phone screen.

"Ahhhh! Seojun-hyung! I forgot to press record!" Adam cried out in horror. A common newbie mistake, but still! "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

The defiant gaze and the devilish smile immediately erased themselves on the face of the twenty-seven-year old man being filmed. The soldier from the special forces could no longer be seen, replaced by a silly-looking neighborhood guy.

The change in expression was so quick, any bystander would have thought two different personalities existed in that one body.

"So should I do it all again?" Seojun asked as he scratched the back of his head. 

"Ahh! Three minutes wasted. I'm really sorry, hyung!"

"It's all right---"

"I'm sorry!"

"It's fine. I can do it again."

"Yes, of course, because Seojun-hyung is amazing!"

Adam exclaimed with a bright smile, not realizing the brief flash of disappointment in the other man's eyes.

Seojun could only laugh along.

'If I were truly amazing, I would not be working part-time anymore...'

Baek Seojun loved acting from a young age. 

However, fortune never smiled on him. 

Seojun was handsome, but not handsome enough to gain a second look from people, tall but not tall enough to garner attention, and he had no connections or networks that could land him a big role. He didn't have an agency or a manager.

He could not land a supporting role, much less a main lead role.

At most, he could only work as a non-speaking extra or temporary crew on filming sets. On more than one occasion, he was told to come on set, only to work more as a hired help instead of an actor.

Not to mention...

'I panic during live recordings.'

No matter how good you are at acting, if you could not follow the director's instructions, if you could not perform under the judging eyes of the filming crew, if you could not even look straight at the camera, you have no right to be an actor.

'Even if you work hard.'

Ten years.

It had been ten years since Seojun started acting.

Despite his passion, due to his panic attacks ranging from upset stomachs to cold sweats and body tremors, he could only land roles as Passerby A, B and C.

A person in the background, never in the spotlight.

'I should have grown used to it.'

But no. 

He did not want to be satisfied playing small roles.

He did not want to give up.

So Seojun studied a lot.

From facial micro-expressions and body language, to wielding cold weapons and military tactics, to foreign languages and riding horses, even how to do odd jobs like carpentry and farming, in order to prepare for any future roles.

Action movies, historical drama, contemporary fantasy, romcom…

Sadly, the moment he felt people's gazes on him, Seojun would freeze like a statue and all his preparations became useless.

Thankfully, things were looking bright for him.

Today, with the help of Adam, Seojun was trying to record an audition video for an incoming drama.

It was an original screenplay of a best-selling author who became famous just last year. An action-packed drama about a group of S-ranked hunters saving a world devastated by an evil god, a sequel to the work that made the author famous.

'At least a supporting role, that's my aim. One who will appear for at least three episodes and has lines to speak.'

If not for Adam's help, Seojun could not act naturally in front of the camera.

Seojun and Adam's friendship only began at the start of winter, barely three months ago. He was a friend he made from his current part time job in a small cafe near Adam's university. 

Adam was an easygoing airhead, and as a person five years older than him, Seojun took charge of looking after Adam.

It surprised Seojun when he found out that the young man had an amazing background.


An entire family of doctors.

Although Adam had no interest in medicine, he was heavily doted on by his parents and siblings. One of his older sisters was a psychiatrist. 

Through their friendship, Seojun was able to get consultation and therapy at a discounted price (of soju and fried chicken) every time he paid a visit to their family house.

'When I earn more, I will repay Noona's fee in full. I will also treat Adam to drinks.'

And much to his surprise, two weeks later...

"Adam, they sent me the script! I passed the audition!"

2 An Unbelievable World

Sometimes, there were things in the world that were impossible to achieve, even with effort, time and experience.

At least, that was what Seojun's landlord, who watched him grow like his very own grandson, told him about two, three years ago. Back then, Seojun's panic disorder was so severe, he had to be hospitalized.

The kind old man told him to give up. After all, he had seen Seojun struggle for years. He had watched the young Seojun wallow in disappointment and had witnessed him drown himself in alcohol in despair.

His landlord pitied him, and told him, maybe he should give up acting. 

After all, he could switch to another career, a job more befitting introverts or those with social anxiety disorders. One where his interaction with strangers or unfamiliar people could be minimized.

But Seojun did not want to give up.

A goal that could not be reached?

Seojun didn't believe it. He was a firm believer of the saying, 'effort does not lie'. If he failed, it meant he was lacking. He only needed to work harder. Maybe the time wasn't right.

But today, he experienced it.

A goal that could not be reached.

An impossible dream.

'How do I return to my own world?'


Three days ago...

Seojun had signed the contract with the production company.

Originally, he was supposed to become the actor for the best friend of the main character. However, due to circumstances, he was relegated to another role.

Albeit minor, it was still a supporting character who would appear on many occasions so he was extremely, extremely happy.

On the morning of the first day of filming, Seojun set his alarm three hours before the actual start of filming. But when he woke up...

"Where the fuck am I?"

Surrounded by the unfamiliar scenery, Seojun found himself surprisingly calm.