
Cough! Cough! Cough!

Dice could barely open his eyes amidst the ringing in his head. He was far from the center of the explosion, but his body had been flung away by the accompanying shockwave. 

He felt his body hit concrete, rolling over rugged rocks and other unidentifiable objects along the way. 

Fortunately, he was able to protect his head at the last minute. 

'I can survive better with a broken limb or rib than a head concussion.'

Dice did not know what happened after he had passed out. He did not even know how long he had been unconscious.

'I think my eardrums burst.'

It was the strangest sensation — not being able to hear a single sound from his surroundings, yet being able to hear one inside his head.

It was as if a hammer was hitting his skull repeatedly.


For a moment, Dice could not understand the situation. 

All he knew was that he was on the ground, and that he could feel broken rocks and other debris underneath him.

It took him some time to get his bearings, and when he did, a scene from hell presented itself in front of him.

Black smoke filled his blurry vision, and his nose burned from the acrid smell of blood and smoke. 

From the heat in the air, it seemed something was burning nearby.

'What the hell happened? Is it a terrorist attack?'

Dice slowly sat up as he attempted to understand the situation he's in.

Amidst the opulent setting of the grand press conference hall, a deafening explosion shattered the air, sending shockwaves through the once composed gathering. The cacophony of the blast echoed against the polished walls as a plume of smoke billowed upwards, momentarily obscuring the lavish backdrop of the large conglomerate's logo.

Chaos erupted among the attendees, who were moments ago engaged in polite conversation and poised for the announcement. The shimmering lights and meticulous decor now served as a stark contrast to the pandemonium unfolding before them. Journalists and executives alike scrambled for cover, their meticulously prepared notes and expensive suits forgotten in the face of an unexpected crisis.

The acrid scent of burning debris mingled with the scent of panic, and emergency alarms blared through the hall, drowning out any attempts at maintaining order. The once-steady hum of camera shutters was replaced by the dissonant wails of sirens outside.

Through the dissipating smoke, the remnants of the press conference stage were revealed—charred and disfigured. The backdrop, now marred and partially collapsed, bore the scars of the explosion. As emergency personnel rushed in, the room transformed into a scene of urgency, with paramedics tending to the injured and security personnel assessing the extent of the damage.

Amid the chaos, the remnants of the shattered press conference symbolized a profound disruption to the conglomerate's carefully orchestrated public image. The air, once filled with anticipation, now carried an unsettling tension as investigators and emergency responders worked swiftly to unveil the cause behind the explosive interruption.

Thankfully, Dice could hear footsteps and shouts around him. They sounded like soldiers dispatched to save civilians.

'I'm alive. I also don't seem badly injured. My hearing also recovered.'

The ringing in his head subsided in about a minute or so after he awakened.

"Here! There is a survivor!"

"Corporal Kim reporting, five civilians with one casualty found in the perimeter of Area 35."

"...reporting, two casualties near the east gate!"

Despite being disoriented, Dice felt a little relieved knowing there were soldiers around him saving people. It was only a matter of time before he was found.

'I think it's better I go find them instead. I should also help. In disasters like this, every bit of manpower will help save more lives.'

Dice slowly stood up and lifted his head, trying to determine a direction to head in.

But his eyes widened at the first thing he saw amidst the thick smoke.

'What the fuck—'

In the heart of the military barracks, a surreal spectacle unfolded as an otherworldly gate materialized, defying the laws of nature. Shimmering wisps of ethereal energy danced around its edges, casting an eerie glow that clashed with the stark, utilitarian surroundings.

The gate itself seemed to be a rift in reality, a luminescent portal suspended in the air. Strange symbols and arcane patterns adorned its surface, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. It exuded an aura of ancient mystery and untold power, contrasting sharply with the regimented structures of the military compound.

Soldiers, initially engrossed in their routine drills, abruptly halted as the air crackled with an unspoken tension. The ambient sounds of the barracks were drowned out by a low, resonant hum emanating from the gate. Men and women in uniform stared in disbelief and awe, their disciplined composure giving way to a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

The atmosphere became charged with an inexplicable energy as the gate flickered with hues that defied earthly color palettes. 

A soft, haunting melody wafted through the air, carrying a sense of both wonder and foreboding. The surreal occurrence, an enigmatic fusion of the mundane and the mystical, left the military personnel in a collective state of awe and uncertainty.

'What on earth am I seeing?!'

Dice had read countless articles online. He knew that the world he grew up in had changed massively.

This world After the Sky Shattered no longer worked in the same rules and laws as the one in his memory.

His head knew, but he was not prepared to see one in real life so soon.


Dice inevitably took a step back at the eerie animal sound.

He did not realize when, but the chaos made by the soldiers around him had long disappeared. 

A fog surrounded him, and it was easy to tell that the fog was strange.

Aside from the large gate and the sky above him, there was nothing else he could see aside from the thick fog.

Dice felt danger.

'I need to run! Or find a weapon to protect myself!' his senses screamed at him, even before he saw the creature slowly making its way towards him.

In the midst of a thick fog, a mysterious four-legged monster emerged. 

Its eerie form slowly took shape. It appeared to be a horse, or a tiger, or a moose, an ugly combination of those three with grotesque-looking slimy black scales and a mouth that was divided into four parts.

The fog wrapped around its unusual body, concealing most of its features in a haunting silhouette. 

'Fuck! Fuck, I'm going to die!'

Dice wanted to run, but he knew that the moment he moved, that monster would pounce on him like a hungry predator.

He dared not even blink nor let out a breathe.

The air was filled with an unsettling quietness as the creature moves closer, its presence announced only by a faint, ominous sound.

Out of the swirling mist, the young, unarmed man becomes aware of the approaching threat. His eyes widen with fear as he glimpses the otherworldly creature, its outline growing clearer with each step. The fog shrouds the monster in an aura of mystery, making it difficult to discern whether it's a product of nightmares or some unearthly reality.

As the monster lunges forward from the fog, the atmosphere becomes charged with tension. The young man, caught off guard and defenseless, is faced with a visceral fear as the creature, fueled by an unknown intent, closes in on him. The fog, now a haunting backdrop, amplifies the uncertainty and dread of the impending encounter between the vulnerable individual and the enigmatic monster.

In the midst of a chaotic encounter, a young man finds himself in a perilous situation, facing a bizarre and menacing monster. The creature, with its strange four-legged form, advances menacingly, its intentions unclear. Fear tightens its grip on the young man as he realizes his vulnerability and the imminent threat before him.

Suddenly, amidst the tension, a soldier emerges as a beacon of hope. Clad in combat gear, the soldier swiftly steps forward, a determined look in their eyes. With precise movements and trained instincts, they skillfully position themselves between the young man and the approaching monster. The soldier's presence radiates a sense of strength and assurance, instilling a momentary calm in the midst of the chaos.

In a swift and coordinated effort, the soldier takes decisive action to fend off the strange monster. Perhaps it's the sound of gunfire or the clash of metal against the creature's hide, but the monster is momentarily repelled. The soldier skillfully maneuvers, creating a protective barrier and buying precious seconds for the young man to retreat to safety.

The young man, filled with gratitude and awe, watches as the soldier valiantly confronts the mysterious threat. The soldier's bravery becomes a shield against the unknown, a testament to their training and dedication. Together, they navigate the surreal encounter, the soldier standing as a stalwart guardian against the enigmatic menace, and the young man finding refuge in the soldier's selfless act of protection.