Chapter 43

The crowd erupted into a chorus of fervent shouts, their voices echoing across the river as they proclaimed, "For the glory of Old Gods."

Xerneas regarded them with a serene gaze, with a voice as sweet as it was majestic, he addressed the assembled knights.. "Raise your head, my children.". As one, the knights lifted their heads, their gazes filled with respect and anticipation as they awaited Xerneas's words, he began "I have watched over you since the dawn of time, guiding you in the ways of of valor and righteousness.. Now, as the tides of fate shift once more, I call upon you to rise and defend the mortal realm entrusted to your care.".

For a brief moment, silence fell over the assembled knights. Then, as if by a shared instinct, they raised their voices as one, reciting the solemn oath taught to them by the greenmen in their dreams.

"We, the knights of the Yggdrasil, do solemnly pledge our swords, our hearts, and our lives to the cause of righteousness and valor," they proclaimed. "In the name of honor and duty, we swear to defend the mortal realm against all forms of darkness and tyranny. We will stand as beacons of hope in the face of adversity, unwavering in our resolve to uphold justice and protect the innocent. With courage as our armor and faith as our shield, we will march forth into the fray, ready to sacrifice all for the glory of the Old Gods and the preservation of peace. This oath we swear, by the light of the heavens and the strength of our brotherhood, until our final breaths."

As the knights spoke in unison, Xerneas felt genuine happiness welling up within him. With a gentle release of his aura, the forest deity illuminated the surroundings, his antlers aglow with seven colors. Each word he uttered sent ripples of energy coursing through the assembled knights, who remained in their kneeling positions.

With a burning sensation, a mark of a tree appeared on their shoulders, a symbol of the strength they had gained and the presence of Xerneas's aura within them. "Embrace the light that dwells within each of you," Xerneas continued, his voice resonating with wisdom and power. "Remember the oaths you have sworn, the bonds of honor that bind you together. Let no evil go unchallenged, for you are the guardians of peace and the champions of justice. Go forth, my noble knights, and may your bravery shine brighter than the sun, illuminating the path to a brighter future."

As Xerneas's presence began to fade, he called out to Brynden, beckoning him forward. With reverence, Brynden stepped through the throng, the crowd parting before him in a wave of deference. He knelt before Xerneas, his head bowed in deference to the ancient being.

"Brynden Targaryen," Xerneas began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. "I appoint you as the commander of the Yggdrasil Knight Order. You are tasked with leading your fellow knights in the noble pursuit of ending the penny war and paving the way for your future king."

Brynden nodded solemnly, accepting the responsibility bestowed upon him. As Xerneas offered his blessing, his words echoed with a sense of authority and guidance. "Lead with honor, integrity, and compassion," he instructed. "May your decisions be guided by wisdom, and may your actions serve as a beacon of hope for all who face adversity."

With those final words, Xerneas vanished into the ether.


As the presence of Xerneas filled the air, Eddard and his daughters couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of it. They found themselves instinctively kneeling, their bodies trembling with an inexplicable energy coursing through their veins.

Eddard's mind raced as he struggled to comprehend the emotions surging within him. It was a sensation unlike any he had experienced before, a stirring deep within his soul that he couldn't quite put into words. Arya and Sansa, too, felt the intensity of the moment, their hearts pounding in their chests as they knelt beside their father.

Despite their efforts to rise and get a clearer view of Xerneas, their bodies refused to obey their commands. They could only watch in awe as the ancient being revealed himself, his presence radiating power and authority.

As the knights swore their oaths to Xerneas, Eddard found himself murmuring along with them, his thoughts consumed by the weight of the words being spoken. It wasn't until Xerneas addressed Brynden as Targaryen that Eddard's attention was drawn away, his gaze lingering on the figure of Brynden in the distance.

The mention of paving the way for the king stirred something within Eddard, reminding him of Jon and the mysterious god he had spoken of before departing from Winterfell. A sense of foreboding settled over him, a feeling that the coming war would be anything but simple.

Despite his years of experience in battle, Eddard couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over him in the presence of the knights bathed in radiant light. It was as if they exuded an aura of power and danger, like predators lying in wait.

As the ceremony came to a close, Eddard could only hope that the North would remain untouched by the looming conflict, praying that winter wouldn't descend upon their lands once more.


Guys, content has started getting harder to write, which is why it's taking longer to release. For every two chapters I release on Patreon, there will be one public release. The more time I take, the later the releases will be. Don't be disappointed; I'm not planning on going on hiatus. In the current stage of this fanfiction, all the Targaryens are about to join forces. If you want to know more, access my Patreon.

