Chapter 44

As the carriage journeyed northward, accompanied by more than 500 knights tasked with ensuring Eddard and his daughter's safe return to Winterfell, Eddard remained mostly silent, lost in his own thoughts. He had little desire to engage in conversation, even with his daughter, preferring to keep to himself.

During the occasional stops they made along the way, Eddard's interactions with the other knights were minimal. His recent conversation with Brynden had left him deeply shaken. It wasn't merely a talk—it was a revelation that had turned his world upside down.

Eddard wasn't much surprised to learn of Brynden Rivers's true identity as the former Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, nor was he astonished by the man's youthful appearance despite his age. What terrified Eddard was the vision Brynden had shown him—a glimpse into a future that hasn't altered by the Lord of Life.

In that vision, Eddard had witnessed the tragic fate that awaited his family if he continued down his former path. He saw the suffering that would befall his descendent and his wife. But what terrified him most was the darkness that loomed beyond the Wall, unchanged by the alterations to the future.

Eddard felt a deep sense of shame for his past actions, particularly his role in executing those who had claimed to have seen White Walkers. He now realized that he had betrayed his own people with his choices, and he questioned his worthiness to be their lord.

Brynden had also asked Eddard to swear allegiance to Jon, his nephew, as the new king of the Seven Kingdoms. Eddard knew that this would not be an easy task, as many would be hesitant to accept Jon as their ruler, even with his formidable army of 50,000 strong.

But Eddard was willing to do whatever it took to ensure the survival of House Stark and the realm. He believed that Jon was the prince that was promised, the key to their future. Despite his weariness and the daunting prospect of war that lay ahead, Eddard knew that he had a duty to fulfill—a war against the darkness that threatened to engulf them all.


While Xerneas remained content on the tiny island, he shifted his focus to Jon, who was still blue with his choices. Xerneas sensed Jon's inner turmoil and contemplated sending Brynden to his side. Jon needed to learn the true meaning of wielding power, to understand that it was not something to be controlled by others.

Maester Aemon could offer guidance, but there were lessons Jon needed to learn from Brynden—the man who had served as Hand of the King, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and the last Three-Eyed Raven. However, Brynden was currently occupied leading his forces to deal with nuisance plagued the land, leaving Jon without the mentorship he required.

Xerneas understood that Jon needed a catalyst, something to shatter his naivety and awaken the man within him. In the former past, Ygritte might have played that role, but she was no longer an option. Reluctantly, Xerneas considered allowing Jon to experience a vision of the life he could have led without Xerneas's intervention—a life marked by the downfall of his family, the loss of his first love, betrayal and death.

Though Xerneas hesitated to intervene in such a manner, he felt helpless without viable options. He hoped that by experiencing these events in a single night, Jon's overwhelming emotions would eventually subside, allowing him to find clarity and purpose. It was a risky plan, but Xerneas believed it was necessary to shape Jon into the leader he was meant to be, despite the potential toll it might take on his heart.


Jon returned to his chamber, nodding to the slaves who guarded the entrance. Unlike others, he always made a point to acknowledge their presence. As he entered his chamber and settled onto his bed, his mind was consumed by thoughts of the recent experience he had.

Lying on his bed, Jon couldn't shake off the troubling thoughts swirling in his mind. The marriage proposals from both the Elephant and Tiger parties troubled him deeply. They demanded he take multiple mistresses, a notion that clashed with his principles. The parties' sudden shift in attitude towards him was disheartening. Initially, they had seemed welcoming, but now it was clear they were only after his bloodline and dragon, seeking to use him for their own gain.

The denial of trade routes with Hardhome, unless he agreed to marry the daughter of the Triarch, added to his frustration. It felt like they were trying to manipulate him into a situation that went against everything he believed in. Jon couldn't help but feel naive in the face of their political maneuvering, unsure of how to navigate the treacherous waters of Volantene politics.

As he closed his eyes, hoping for some reprieve from his troubled thoughts, Jon found himself standing in front of his younger self.


Sorry for the delay in updating; I've been quite busy lately. Managing three fiction projects simultaneously has been challenging, but I've managed to update two more chapters on Patreon. The fiction is progressing smoothly, although there are some compromises to be made along the way. Take care!

