Chapter 45

Jon looked at his younger self, feeling a sense of tension as the younger version of himself approached. The younger Jon wore a smile, but his words cut deep. "How stupid we are?" he remarked before vanishing into thin air, leaving Jon feeling unsettled.

Suddenly, Jon found himself in the grand hall of Winterfell, surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar faces alike. They cheered his name, proclaiming him as the "King in the North." Confusion washed over Jon as he spotted his older self and Sansa standing by his side. He couldn't help but wonder if this was a glimpse into his future or something else entirely.

Then, he heard his own voice speaking from beside him, causing Jon to turn in surprise. His older self spoke with a mixture of reflection and uncertainty, admitting, "I never imagined we'd come this far, yet here we are, still knowing nothing. We've endured so much, learned from our mistakes, and grown stronger with each challenge we faced. But even now, I wonder if it was all worth it."

Before Jon could grasp the full meaning of his older self's words, everything shifted once again. He found himself back in his chamber at Winterfell, days passing by in a blur as he experienced a reality that seemed to blend with his dreams. However, he couldn't shake the feeling of being unable to control his actions and thoughts, leaving him feeling unsettled and uncertain.

Every day, Jon found himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, smiling and crying alone in his chamber while outwardly portraying the persona of a stoic bastard. Memories of his past, the choices he made, and the longing for his family's recognition haunted him incessantly. Despite his decision to join the Night's Watch to hide from them, he still yearned for acceptance and validation from those he considered his kin.

His emotions seemed to spiral out of control as he grappled with the reality of his situation. He felt trapped in an illusion, unable to distinguish between what was real and what was merely a figment of his imagination. Even though he longed to deny his bastard status, he couldn't bring himself to do so. The words remained trapped within him, unspoken.

When Eddard Stark acknowledged him as having the blood of Stark, Jon was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. He wanted to respond, to express his gratitude and acceptance of this recognition, but the words eluded him. Instead, he was consumed by a tidal wave of emotion, grateful yet burdened by the weight of his identity.

As the days marched forward, Jon found himself weathering the harshness of winter, enduring humiliation, provocation, and neglect. Despite his efforts to prove himself worthy, he often felt like a fool, risking his life to gain acceptance. The reality he once knew began to blur, replaced by the illusion of acceptance and acknowledgment. He formed bonds with others who saw beyond his identity, finding solace in their companionship. 

However, his happiness was short-lived as news of his family's downfall reached him. He felt powerless to help them, forced to bear the pain of his loss alone.

Amidst the sympathy and mockery directed towards him, Jon unexpectedly found himself falling in love with a wildling, Ygritte, despite fighting against her people. His thoughts began to merge with his experiences, and soon both versions of himself were deeply in love with her. They cherished their time together, wishing for their days to never end.

But the day has came when Ygritte's lifeless body lay in his arms, and Jon's heart shattered into a million pieces. In that moment, something within him shifted, and he emerged as a different person, one with resolve and the ability to make choices. Though many disagreed with him, some stood by his side, and Jon respected every person, regardless of their stance.

But his trust was shattered when they betrayed him, stabbing him to death. In death, he experienced darkness and learned what it truly meant to be dead. Upon his return to life, Jon couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed within him, that he had perhaps sold a piece of his soul in exchange for a chance. Nevertheless, he pressed on, fighting not as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but as a true Stark, defending his remaining family and shedding blood alongside them.

In the end, Jon emerged victorious, becoming the Lord of Winterfell and earning the respect of every northerner, a recognition he had once yearned for. Yet, despite his triumphs, he couldn't shake the lingering question in his mind: "Was it all worth it?" As his dream of turmoil came to an end.


As Jon woke from his dream, tears lingering in his eyes, he couldn't shake the feeling of heaviness in his heart. With a small smile, he hoped against hope that it was all just a nightmare, a figment of his imagination. But deep down, he knew better.

Slowly rising from his bed, Jon longed for the comfort of a hug, someone to share the burden of his pain. Though he understood the meaning behind his dream—that his real reality had become a distant memory—he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that it was over. Yet, beneath the surface, his emotions remained turbulent, his expression unreadable to those around him.

With determination etched on his face, Jon resolved to uncover the truth of what had transpired in Westeros during his absence. He yearned to know if everything had changed or if he had been spared from the anguish he had experienced in his dream. Though his heart still heavy with uncertainty, Jon steeled himself for whatever lay ahead, ready to face the challenges that awaited him.


Guys, I tried my best to keep the dream he experienced within one chapter, not wanting to make it look like filler. So I hope everyone could forgive me even if there is a mistake or if I missed something important.

So for more chapters access my patreon.

