
In a sunlit room adorned with ancient tapestries, a captivating scene unfolded.

A young, handsome seventeen-year-old lad with fiery red hair, exuding an air of subtle wisdom, sat across from a muscular figure. This imposing man possessed a fierce countenance, his fiery red hair tied back in a ponytail. A faint smile graced the young lad's face as they engaged in a gripping game of Elven chess.

"Impossible..." The man uttered, his eyes fixed on the intricate chessboard before him. The young lad's smile deepened, further enhancing his sage-like presence. His vibrant red eyes darted between his father's perplexed expression and the strategic movements of the chess pieces.

With a contemplative gaze, the imposing figure sighed, a mixture of frustration and parental pride filling the room. "Son, you've inherited too much of your mother's brilliance. It pains me to admit defeat, ... I can't believe..."

"Dad, the same trick won't work now that I've caught on," the young man interrupted a mischievous glint in his eyes. He remained unfazed by his father's words, fully aware of the futile attempt to distract him and utilize godly powers to shift the chess pieces surreptitiously.

Gazing up at the heavens, the man grumbled in frustration, his voice laden with resolve. "I am a dragon, impervious to the mere complexities of Elven chess. Brute force shall prevail, even if it means facing defeat head-on." Uncertainty mingled within him as he moved a piece, his lack of confidence palpable.

"Unfortunately for you, Father, your godlike strength won't aid you here. Checkmate," the young man declared, executing a single deceptively simple yet intricately calculated move. Surprise widened his father's eyes as he realized his predicament. Realizing the inevitable outcome, he rose to his feet once again, groaning, "Against you, I truly stand no chance..."

"You, with your dragon brain full of aggression and battle, have much to learn," the boy remarked, the audacity of his words capable of leaving any onlooker utterly flabbergasted. After all, the man whom he casually insulted happened to be the sole God-level being among dragons... The Dragon God.

Meanwhile, the boy, undeterred by the implications of his bold statement, stood up confidently and added, "Remember our wager, Dad..."

"I know, I know..." The Dragon God rolled his eyes in a display of visible frustration. However, a malevolent smile crept across his face, eliciting a shudder from his son. The boy's heart pounded as he heard words that filled him with trepidation, "Right after you complete your first Draconic transformation!"

A sense of discontent surfaced on the smart lad's face. "But, Dad, I am not a pure dragon. The transformation is arduous and painful..."

"Ah, no longer the wise sage, are you?" The Dragon God's grin grew wider as he effortlessly scooped up his son with one hand, playfully menacingly ruffling his hair. "We said; no bullying, but you outrightly played and bullied me in that game. But now my dear boy. It's time to unleash your anger; it shall pave the way to accessing your dragon form. With the blood of both Dragon and Celestial elves coursing through your veins, this minor roadblock won't hinder your path toward greatness."

"Dad, your actions contradict your words. You're bullying me..." The lad yelled out, desperately struggling to escape from his father's grasp.

Dragon God didn't answer his son's words, but his sudden sharp gaze toward the corner of the room caught Dragovic's attention. The Dragon God's eyes glowed with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very walls of the room, fixated on something unimaginably distant. "Impossible..." he muttered, a shudder coursing through his body. Annoyance and worry twitched in his glowing eyes, revealing a hint of deep concern.


"What's wrong, Dad?" the young lad asked, still held tightly in his father's grip. The tense atmosphere had not gone unnoticed, and Dragovic's curiosity grew as he sought answers. His father's silence and troubled expression only added to his anxiety.

With a voice low and heavy, the Dragon God replied, "Invaders." His words hung in the air like an ominous warning, sending a wave of dread crashing over Dragovic.

"Who would dare to invade the dragon realm? They must be courting death," Dragovic spoke, his words an attempt to comfort his father. Yet, beneath his seemingly ignorant facade, he couldn't ignore the weightiness of the situation. There was something more to these invaders, something that made his father tense up like never before. It worried him deeply.

"Galaxy Invaders," the Dragon God muttered again, his voice carrying a tremor that sent shivers down Dragovic's spine. The mention of these formidable beings struck fear into the depths of his being. Galaxy Invaders possessed awe-inspiring power, even the weakest among them holding the strength of gods. The mere thought of such power being unleashed upon the Milky Way Galaxy filled him with trepidation. Destruction on a colossal scale loomed like a haunting nightmare.

"Dragovic, enter the Draconic Tower, quickly!" his father's voice resonated in his ears before he vanished, leaving Dragovic to fall to the floor as his grip was released. Dragging himself back onto his feet, Dragovic muttered to himself, lost in contemplation.

"Galaxy Invaders... this is serious," he whispered, his mind racing with thoughts, trying to grasp the severity of the situation. The urgency of his father's command echoed within him, urging him to seek shelter within the protective confines of the Draconic Tower.

But curiosity gnawed at him, pulling him towards the edge of the floating mountain where their small house resided. On this mystical mountaintop coated in a veil of mist, a sense of sacred power radiated from every nook and cranny. It was a place that embodied both tranquility and hidden strength.

As Dragovic gazed down towards the distant ground below, what he witnessed shattered his composure


A few moments back, arrogant Dragons could be seen bustling about in their lowest dragonoid forms. With their humanoid bodies, draconic wings and scaled skin, they towered over the other races, adorned with striking red horns on their heads.

The scene was a mixture of familiar mundane tasks being carried out by humans, Wolverines, and other lower races.

Suddenly the air changed.

Despite the apparent normalcy, an underlying tension filled the air, as if everyone sensed something amiss. Everyone could feel a subtle pressure and sense of foreboding.

And then it happened. The space in a certain location twisted and tore, the pressure within causing an invisible force that distorted the very fabric of reality. The torn space stretched upward into the sky, a monumental breach that emanated a superior energy. The onlookers couldn't help but shudder at the sight, their senses screaming for them to run far away from this phenomenon. Cold beads of sweat dripped down their brows, reflecting their uncertainty and fear.

Suddenly, emerging from the twisted dimensions, a colossal creature made its entrance. It was a Cthulhu, a creature of unimaginable size and power. Standing thousands of meters tall, it seemed to defy the heavens themselves. Space and dimensions distorted and twisted around it, giving an otherworldly and terrifying presence.

It was covered in rubbery flesh, and the creature's skin glistened with a sickly green and black hue.

Below its massive head, on its jaw, rests a beard of elongated, webbed appendages, resembling a sinister combination of antlers and squid-like protrusions. The protrusions were an array of slimy tentacles, each one writhing and undulating as if possessed by a life force of its own.

Its eyes, large and luminescent, burn with an otherworldly, spectral glow.

Completely covered by its tentacle beard, was a gaping maw, lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, a foul odor permeated the air, foretelling the presence of incomprehensible horrors.

Sprouting from its back are colossal, bat-like wings, membranous and leathery in texture. With a span that seems to defy geometry, casting an ominous shadow upon all who behold them.

Its immense limbs terminate in clawed appendages, honed for destruction and capable of rending buildings and structures asunder. With each step, the ground tremors beneath its colossal weight, causing the very earth to shudder in submission to its terrifying presence.

The natives of the realm were utterly terrified by this sight.

As the Cthulhu cast its eyes upon the galaxy it invaded, a burst of terrifying laughter erupted from its mouth, causing even the bravest dragons to tremble in fear. This was a moment that seemed like the end of the world.

"Intriguing, a lower race with the bloodline of the Celestial Dragons," the creature's hoarse voice thundered across the realm, sending weak-hearted individuals into a panic. "Interesting indeed. But now, you've caught my interest. You shall all meet your demise."

The words echoed through the realm, eliciting a profound sense of dread. The creature's awareness spread throughout the entire realm, taking note of every living being within its grasp. The Dragon realm, though vast and expansive, was no match for the Cthulhu's immense power. To him, all those residing within were mere ants - insignificant and feeble.

With a malicious grin, the Cthulhu savored the chaos unfolding before its eyes. It possessed the ability to crush everyone with mere pressure from its aura. Yet, it desired a more special method to cultivate their bodies, to grow stronger. The thought twisted within its mind as it observed the terrified actions of the realm's inhabitants.

Curiously, there was one place that remained hidden from the creature's awareness - a floating misty mountain. Unbeknownst to the Cthulhu, this mountain resided beyond its reach. And so, it continued to relish in the frenzy of beings desperately trying to escape, their efforts in vain.

As the chaotic sight unfolded, the villainous laughter of the Cthulhu reverberated through the realm. Its chilling sound engulfed everything, spreading fear and despair to those unfortunate enough to bear witness.