The Dragonoid Form!

With a wild cackle that echoed through the air, the colossal figure's enormous twin wings on its back began to flutter, lifting it higher and higher until it could easily survey the entirety of the Dragon realm with its penetrating eyes.

The inhabitants of the realm all gasped and shivered in fear as they looked at the colossal figure in the sky.

But, in an instant, something shocking unfolded before their eyes. The large tentacles on Cthulhu's beard stretched out in all directions, reaching out like sinister appendages ready to ensnare countless lives.

Down below, the inhabitants scattered in fear, desperately trying to outrun these vile structures.

Despite the fear etched into their eyes, the brave warriors unsheathed their weapons, slashing at the vile tendrils. They fought valiantly while retreating as fast as their legs could carry them. The crowds erupted with bravery, each attack bringing forth a surge of morale that resonated throughout their ranks.

"Sword of Dominion!" cried one human warrior, unleashing a powerful strike.

"Blessing of the Spear God!" shouted another, channeling energy into his weapon.

Different attacks filled the air, each emanating hope and defiance. Even the mighty dragons transformed into their true forms, summoning their bloodline and elemental powers to unleash devastating attacks. The ground quaked as the force of their combined assault shook the very foundation of the realm.

Yet, to their dismay, all their efforts proved futile. Their attacks were shrugged off as though they were mere trifles. Energy blasts dissipated harmlessly, while physical strikes became naught but inconveniences to the slimy-looking tentacles.

Terror gripped everyone. The dragons, renowned as the top race in the Milky Way galaxy, had never before encountered a force so overwhelming. In the face of this indomitable foe, they felt utterly hopeless and useless. There seemed to be only one person who could potentially be their last hope - the Dragon God. But where is he?

And the power emanating from the colossal Cthulhu constantly sent shivers down their spines.

As despair settled over the dragons, the Cthulhu's slimy black face contorted into a deep frown. A powerful life force was drawing near. The figure seemed to have materialized out of thin air, stunning the Cthulhu momentarily. However, focusing his gaze on the approaching figure, he noticed something intriguing.

It was another dragon, from his aura, the Cthulhu guessed that this Dragon had only just recently achieved the status of Lesser God. This dragon possessed unparalleled strength when compared to the ants in this Galaxy.

His power is great, surpassing even the mightiest of his kind within the realm. The Cthulhu sneered, "To think you have a God in your midst..."

His eyes followed the figure's swift flight, witnessing the burning intensity within the figure's fierce eyes. The figure seemed to emanate an invisible aura of confidence.

'As expected of one with the bloodline of the Celestial dragons,' the Cthulhu mused inwardly, acknowledging the power coursing through the Dragon God's veins.

The tentacles that emerged from the Cthulhu's jawline — now resembling a grotesque beard — remained patient, eagerly clutching their prey. Each appendage held multiple beings, adding to the morbid scene.

Suddenly all those clutched tightly by the tentacles were sucked dry, leaving only a dried husk of their former self. Their entire life force was completely drained. The sight was extremely frightening and chilling.

Sucking the life force, The Cthulhu laughed and waited, observing the figure approach with keen interest.

Human in appearance save for his fiery red hair, the figure commanded attention. But the Cthulhu's keen senses detected the unmistakable presence of the Celestial Dragon bloodline coursing through his veins.

Then, without warning, two red horns sprouted from his head. Next, two demonic-looking wings with black veins tore through his clothing, unfurling majestically with an undeniable sense of pride.

What shocked the Cthulhu further was the absence of pain or bloodshed during this metamorphosis. It was as if the transformation was second nature to the figure. But then, as if that wasn't enough, shimmering red scales emerged, encasing the Dragon God in an impenetrable armor.

It was a breathtaking sight, both intimidating and awe-inspiring. After this transformation to the dragonoid form, Dragon God was given an insane boost.

His physique was brimming with strength, and the dragon bloodline and all the accumulated bloodline abilities within him roared, wanting to be unleashed.

With a resounding swoosh, the figure's wings gathered power, fluttering once before propelling the Dragon God towards the Cthulhu with the force of a cannonball. His fists were clenched tightly, ready to engage in combat against the colossal creature before him.

As Dragon God soared towards Cthulhu with incredible speed, a fiery red aura enveloped him. His arm muscles bulged, and his fist became imbued with an unprecedented level of power. Meanwhile, the Cthulhu's wings fluttered in the air, allowing it to hover effortlessly. Despite the imminent attack, the Cthulhu seemed unfazed, regarding it as inconsequential.

"Roar!" Dragon God bellowed as he unleashed his mighty punch, closing in on Cthulhu's face with blinding speed. However, just as the strike was about to connect, Cthulhu, who had remained motionless until now, suddenly sprang into action. Despite its immense size, it moved with surprising swiftness, catching Dragon God's fist with its finger.

"You're strong, but not strong enough," Cthulhu taunted, effortlessly batting away Dragon God's body as if it were insignificant.

The impact of the smack was devastating, sending Dragon God hurtling through the air like a lifeless doll. With a resounding boom, he crashed towards the ground, only to save himself from an imminent collision by flapping his wings twice, regaining stability in mid-air.

Unfazed by the setback, Dragon God roared, propelling himself towards the Cthulhu once more, his eyes blazing with unwavering determination.

Encased in a blinding red light, he accelerated, using the momentum of his flight to unleash a powerful punch. Again and again, he charged forward with an unstoppable fury, delivering a barrage of furious blows that managed to surprise the Cthulhu. Fist-sized holes appeared in its chest, evidence of the damage inflicted upon it.

"Good, just as expected from a bloodline descendant of the Celestial dragons. Your strength amplifies alongside your bravery," murmured the Cthulhu, weathering the relentless assault. Its wounds rapidly healed before one's eyes, showcasing its remarkable regenerative abilities. However, Dragon God seemed oblivious, or perhaps indifferent, to this fact, persistently launching uninterrupted attacks against the Cthulhu.

Each punch possessed an immense force, capable of reducing small planets or large meteorites to dust.

Dragon God fought with increasingly wild abandon, resembling a frenzied beast as he pummeled the Cthulhu relentlessly. The shockwaves generated from their clashes shook the very ground beneath them.

Despite being dwarfed in size by the Cthulhu, the Dragon God's onslaught pushed the colossal creature backward, displaying his overwhelming power. The Cthulhu found itself with little opportunity to counterattack due to the Dragon God's relentless assault.