Summoned by the Galaxy core?

And the God was a recently leveled-up lesser God, so the Cthulhu didn't take him seriously, he wanted to finish this quickly and get it over with, but the God turned out to be troublesome to deal with. With an insane level of Bravery and skills, he was able to even up the small gap of strength that set them apart.

But the Cthulhu hasn't yet used the strongest Bloodline skill in his arsenal. The skill, [Dry] is a insane hydration skill gotten from the bloodline of the Celestial Blue Kraken, that sucks off water from a person within seconds.

Almost every living being depends on water, so for one's body to dry off every single drop of water means death.

Dragon God's body was extremely hard, so when the body was sucked of every drop of water it cracked and was broken to pieces that later chartered to dust under the force of the [Dry skill]. The Dragon God's body, though incredibly tough, succumbed to this merciless skill, cracking and crumbling into dust under its unrelenting force...that proves how powerful this bloodline skill was.

He discovered a shocking connection between the Dragon God and Deus Anima, the God of Souls. He made a wish!

He soon noticed a treasure that once seemed to be in the possession of the lesser dragon he just killed, now he wants to claim it.

But suddenly, An invisible amount of pressure acted on him, deeming him incapable of moving, the pressure was increasing, as if trying to crush him under that invisible weight.

The only thing the Cthulhu could think of that can suppress him so much in a galaxy is a Galaxy core. The Galaxy had created a core to become sentient.

This was very shocking, he didn't for once know that such things could be made possible through wishes and favors, if such news went out, it would rock the entire universe. It was simply impossible and would take a huge amount of energy to fulfill. No Ancient God would dare fulfill this request.

But it's plausible to say that only the God Of Souls, Deus Anima, is capable of such a feat. As he is one of the strongest and this is also his first time to fulfill a wish.

He couldn't imagine what the Dragon God must have done to have acquired the favor of Deus Anima.

But whatever that was, it didn't matter, what matters right now is that he is trapped and there is no way out, it is only a matter of time before he is crushed under that rapidly increasing pressure.

Large beads of sweat could be seen on the black slimy slimy-looking skin of his gigantic head on his gigantic body. The beads of sweat after appearing, were promptly flattened by the pressure.

A few seconds later, he could be seen, his body could be seen getting slowly flattened on all sides. The pressure was like gravity, the weight of the pressure, to be able to slowly flatten a Giant like the Cthulhu, was beyond human measure.

Sickening sounds of shattering bones could be heard as its wings were shattered to a gory, bloody mess under the pressure.

The Cthulhu groaned in agony, he struggled to open his mouth, but after opening his mouth, he couldn't close it, as the invisible pressure entered his mouth acting on his tongue and other inside organs. The tongue was immediately mashed into a repulsive, and disgusting paste by the pressure. His other organs suffer under the pressure.

He could escape, no Galaxy invader would try to invade a galaxy without a sure and special means of escaping.

But all this while, he has endured the pain while at the same time trying to find a way through which he could resist or defy that pressure. He needed that floating mountain. It's not a treasure that he would see and easily give up without trying his best to secure it.

But after trying everything he could and he still wasn't able to defy the pressure, he knew it was time to leave.

"Aw b-we wack!" He declared, trying to say "I'll be back!" But couldn't because he has no tongue.

He looked like he wanted to say more, but he didn't. So after saying that, he disappeared from the place, suddenly leaving a cloud of mist in his place. Luckily for him, the Galaxy core level was weak, so its control wasn't much so he was able to leave without any problems. If it was an old, strong Galaxy core, then things would have been far trickier than they should have been.

Dragovic was now inside the tower, he had no idea what to do inside there. But it was his father's last wish for him to be here, so in the heat of the previous tense situation he told himself to first go there, then, he could think things through.

He didn't know how many more Dragons were left, and he didn't even know where to start from, he was ever so confused.

[You have received a system The Draconic System!]

A blue panel suddenly appeared in front of him. Dragovic's eyes widened in shock, he found it hard to comprehend what was happening.

[You have been blessed by an Ancient God, Deus Anima, the God Of Souls]

[You have received a skill, Soul Plunderer]

[You have been Chosen by the Milky Way Galaxy Core]

[Congratulations on becoming the chosen one, skill, Bloodline plunder is now available]

Dragovic was speechless, he didn't know what to make out of all this. It was way too overwhelming. For a moment, he completely forgot about the depression of the whole situation and his father's death.

With his current circumstances, he didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky, for he had received all these after the death of his father, and the destruction of the Dragon Reah

He thought this was the end of it all, but just as he was about to summon his system panel, another prompt appeared.

[You have been summoned by the Galaxy Core]

Suddenly, the surrounding space around him distorted and Leon disappeared from where he stood that instant, he had no control over what was happening and it annoyed him low-key.

After his disappearance from the place all Leon could see was thick darkness, and he wasn't able to feel his body, if not for the fact that his consciousness was still intact he would have thought that he was dead.