"Impossible... This Galaxy has a core!"

He inherited his brain from the Celestial elves Bloodlines, this race, being one of the smartest races there is. Fifty percent of the bloodline in him comes from the Celestial elves, the remaining fifty comes from his father's genes...The Dragon race.

To put it simply, his mother is a Celestial Elf.

So as he observed the fight, he was easily able to find out that things were not going his father's way. He had guessed the results before the fight could even start. He knew of his father's strength, but the pressure from the Cthulhu was too strong, it's at a level far greater than that of his father. While he isn't accurately sure of his father's strength, call it intuition or whatever, he is sure that the Cthulhu's strength was far greater than that of his father.

He wished to call his father and ask him to retreat with him. But he couldn't, his father was just too focused on the fight. Even if he could, he knew his father wouldn't listen, his dragon pride would prevent him from ever deciding to back down from a fight.

Dragovic, with his mixed bloodlines, isn't affected much by pride, so he doesn't mind retreating from this place with his father.

This fight just isn't worth it.

He had only come to this galaxy and the dragon realm about a week ago, so he hadn't connected much to the people of this galaxy. But he could tell his father cared for them, if not for that, he wouldn't be willing to protect them so hard.

After all the twists and turns of the fight, his father's journey in the circle of life came to an end at the hands of the brutal Cthulhu.

Dragovic felt as if his heart had been shattered to a thousand pieces, he didn't scream or sob, instead, tears trickled down his eyes. He had accepted the results even before it came to being. He knew that his father could easily escape if he wanted. But he had probably accepted his own death.

Dragovic deemed that behavior foolish, but there is nothing he can do about it, he is too weak to affect the situation, so whether he likes it or not, he has to accept his father's death too.

Wiping out the tears with the back of his hand, he quickly made his way to the tower that stood proudly at the peak of the mountain.

This mountain is his father's treasure, it was hidden from the Cthulhu when his father was still alive, but now his father is dead, the connection between him and the tower was severed, and it is now open for all to see and detect.

The mountain was shrouded with mist, but Dragovic was familiar with the paths, so he easily and quickly made his way to the top.

Soon he heard a voice resounding in the entire realm but he continued to run at top speed toward the black tower. He knew wasting time thinking about that voice wouldn't do him any good, he had to get to the tower quickly.

It was at this point that the Cthulhu finally noticed the tower.

His eyes were crazed and filled with greed, though the treasure was still at its lowest level. He would become extremely powerful if he could level it up to higher levels in the future.

As for Deus Anima, The Cthulhu was still scared, but there was nothing he could do about it. A great opportunity was lying in wait for him, all he needed to do was claim it, he'd be a bad guy if he let this awesome opportunity go to waste.

Flapping his wings to go to the mountains, he made his tentacles act as a beard, stretch endlessly to the ground below, and continue their action of catching beings.

The tentacles act like a rope, tying up all those they could stick and lash unto.

Within a minute, all that was left of the bodies were just the dried and hollow husks of their former self, even the dragons, the top 1 race of this galaxy were not spared. Their life force was sucked off just as easily as those from other races.

Witnessing this gruesome sight from his awareness as he flew towards the floating misty mountain, The Cthulhu laughed maniacally and continued till all that was left was a few ten dragons.

Nobody was able to resist the might of those beard tentacles.

It is only a matter of time before the last few tens were destroyed as well

But then, The Cthulhu suddenly froze in his tracks a single word escaping his lips, "Impossible..."

"This galaxy has a will. Just how is this possible?" He muttered in delusion, seemingly held in place in the air by an invisible force.

He felt as if his entire view and understanding of this world had been flipped upside down.

Being a Galaxy Hunter, he stayed away from old galaxies with cores. This galaxy was extremely hard to find, and he is lucky to have chanced upon this galaxy.

He got incredibly excited when he found out that the Galaxy is without a core, which means it's not sentient.

Sentient worlds are dangerous and extremely hard to deal with, their dimensional spaces are thick and extremely fortified and sometimes filled with traps in the form of void holes, that would transport and trap them in the void.

Even if one managed to get through, then they would have to face off and fight against several Gods who are native of, and defend the galaxy. All sentient Galaxies have at least 10 God-class beings.

In fact, sentient Galaxies are formed when they reach a certain age, and when the tally of gods formed inside it reaches 10, then it would team them up and form an army, that would help defend itself against galaxy invaders who seek to destroy galaxies amass the core of the beings in it to consume for increase in strength.

So, when the Cthulhu found out that this world isn't sentient, he was happy, cause it meant the Galaxy was helpless to attacks.

He was surprised to spot a realm within, as the realm is a higher level of the world. Without hesitation, he invaded the realm, spotting beings with a hint of Celestial Dragon bloodline, he was incredibly happy. He laughed to himself thinking that his luck had gotten really good recently.

It was soon time for the easy job, suck their life force, and collect their cores.

He was still beginning to catch them with his tentacles when he spotted a God-level being coming for him.

But he laughed, thinking that he shouldn't be really surprised especially since the galaxy has a realm, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise for there to be a God-level being residing in the realm.