Mere Chess pieces

Hearing Dragovic's words, a sense of foreboding descended on the group, but for the human in the group, her heart actually felt lighter.

According to what Dragovic was saying, she has a higher chance of surviving when compared to the others, to her, that is good news.

Just as this thought crossed her mind, Dragovic's sharp eyes Looked to the side, focusing on her... "Don't think they will spare you too..."

"What?" The human's eyes widened, and she was a bit stunned by his words, noticing Dragovic shifting his face away from her and back to the herd, she yelled with a flushed face, "Wait, these things are buffaloes right? Buffaloes are supposed to be vegetarians right?"

"You haven't yet offered your so-called solution, we don't have all day here!" A dragon shouted out loudly to Dragovic, the gaze of the dragon on Fred who attacked a rampaging buffalo only to be sent flying by a swing of the buffalo's horn at his claw. The swing was immensely powerful and the impact made Fred's scaled fingers begin to bleed.

Dragovic sighed, "There's no rush. So, here's your answer, it's simple, to survive, we have to be with the herd. Clinging to one buffalo, avoid getting flung off in a frenzy and also avoid all attacks aimed at you while you're at the buffaloes back"

Everyone's mouth open wide, a single sentence reverberating in their mind, 'This could really work out'

'Well, it would, only for those persistent enough' I, the author yawned sleepily at this scene.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group watched with a frown as Dragovic fearlessly charged toward the oncoming herd of fierce buffaloes clad in bronze armor skin. As the buffaloes closed in, they kicked up clouds of dust, and one particularly aggressive buffalo lunged at Dragovic, aiming to strike him with its horn.

The buffalo was aiming to slam the blunt side of its curvy horns into Dragovic's chest with an impact that could send even a two-ton container flying like a ragdoll.

With extraordinary agility, Dragovic managed to evade the attack by performing a graceful somersault and seizing the buffalo's horn just in time.

Just as he thought he had escaped danger, another buffalo, dangerously close, charged at him, targeting its sharp horn directly at Dragovic's chest. By sheer luck, Dragovic dodged this new threat when the buffalo whose horn he was holding onto shook its head as it charged forward. Seizing the opportunity, Dragovic used the attacking buffalo's body as a springboard to leap onto the back of the other buffalo that he had been holding onto.

As soon as Dragovic landed on the buffalo's back, the enraged creature bellowed loudly and thrashed about wildly in intense anger, trying desperately to dislodge him. However, Dragovic clung to the buffalo like a skilled leech, outmaneuvering its every attempt to shake him off. This intense struggle continued for a few tense moments until the nearby buffaloes, noticing the commotion, charged at the frenzied buffalo with the intent to impale Dragovic with their horns.

In a dramatic turn of events, it seemed as though Dragovic would be skewered by the oncoming horns. But with astonishing agility, he swiftly evaded the attack, darting aside like Spiderman, evoking the exhilarating scenes often seen in fantasy movies.

After Dragovic dodged the attack, the horn that was meant to impale him went straight inside the buffalo's stomach, giving it a serious injury.

As if all his life depended on it ...because it does, Dragovic didn't let go, some of the blood spilled on him as the injured buffalo grunted and bellowed in inherent pain.

Just as the buffalo was about to fall to the ground and thrash around on the ground, like Spiderman, Dragovic had already leaped to the back of another 'unfortunate' buffalo. The previous event repeated itself prompting the survivors watching intently, to open their mouths wide, as they were lost in the thrill and also filled with awe

The group's gaze never left Dragovic, it was as if they were watching the most wonderful film there is. It couldn't be helped, because Dragovic was so good at what he did that it seemed as if his life was no longer in the hands of the buffaloes instead their lives rested in his hands. This is the harsh reality, especially with seven buffalo lying lifeless on the ground. They were killed by their own kind, who were trying to help by aiming to eliminate Dragovic as he clung to the back of the now-dead buffalo.

More and more buffaloes soon lay dead to Dragovic's trickery,

"Who is this guy? Without him trying so hard to kill, the buffaloes are already dying wantonly. What would be the case when he decides to face them head-on" the human lady thought,

'I must be thinking too much, maybe he's just wits and no brawn' She concluded.

Dragovic cared not of hers or anyone's thoughts, his eyes scanned the battlefield as he looked around fast. Taking note of different points and environmental advantages, potential buffalo threats that can attack at any moment, and current threats that he had to dodge. He was agile as a monkey, and if the need be, he used the horns as branches too. And this angers the buffaloes further

To him, the buffalos are mere chess pieces, it doesn't matter what they do, he is the player himself, and they move only where and when he wants to.

With his lure, using himself as bait, he turns them against each other, bringing chaos to the herd.