The Orb of Creation

Alan's first objective led him out of Countdown Town and into Petunia Prairie . Down the long trail, they run into a town in the shadow of an Erie castle. When they get up to town, they see no one is outside, save for one buzzy beetle merchant. He confronts Alan, Marky, and Droppy, and says, "You may not take my daughter you fiend!" and starts attacking Alan. After the battle, the assailant figures out you aren't the man he was seeking.

the merchants name is Buzz, and he explains why all the villagers are indoors. For the resident of the neighboring castle is home to the Azure Knight Boomley. He comes down every week and takes cute little girls to his castle, and if any villager refuses, the Azure Knight will blow up Petunia Village. Then, after Buzz's story, people start coming out of their houses. Then Mayor Dogour confronts Alan and begs him to get back their daughters from Boomley. And if Alan does, he'' give him the towns treasure, the Lunar Violin. Buzz, given the fact he wants to get back at Boomley for taking 3 out of his 4 daughters, wants to go with you to the Azure Castle.

Now having 2 companion's Alan and his friends set off, but before they go they go get what they need to enter the castle. So Alan and co. go to Buzz's house and get his youngest daughter, Sunita's hat, to disguise them in making them think they're a girl. As they slip into the castle and infiltrate the labyrinth of it's catacombs, they fight off many goombas and koopas, and eventually run into the Azure Knight at the top. And with a short dialogue, they battle. When the Battle is almost over, Boomley threatens to blow up, killing them both. Giving Alan only a few more turns to defeat the Knight. Whether he blows up or is defeated, it is revealed the Boomley, the Azure Knight is nothing more then a young Bomb Boo. He explains he took the girls in order to get a girlfriend. So Alan brings back the girls(one of which is the Mayors), who have been spoiled beyond belief, and Boomley, who apologies to the town folk. With that, the Mayor gives Alan the Diamond Emerald. 

After a ride with a Dragonite and Gengar, the boys arrive at the Sandgem Town Pokémon Center, where they find all the Eggs stored there being loaded into a large truck by Professor Rowan, against Nurse Joy's objections. Just as Amy, Dawn, alternate Dawn, and the girls come out of the Pokémon Center and reunite with Alan and Marky. Then, another Professor Rowan and professor Frankly suddenly appears and demands to know what's going on. The first "Professor Rowan" and his "assistant" remove their disguises, revealing themselves as this world's saiyans. They escape with the Eggs while Meowth briefly stays behind to keep anyone from following them. Alan and Pikachu battles them, but before they can even attack, the time reversal turns Pikachu back into a Pichu. Alan and Alternate Dawn recommend their friends should recall their Pokémon to slow down the reversal process, which they agree to do, while Leaf places Pichu in her travel bag.

"Hey there! Alan, right?" The little Tanoomba asked. "Oh pff, OF COURSE you're Alan! I'm so silly!" said the tailed Goomba. "My name's McTail! Oh and by the way, the professor wants to see you! His lab is located on the west side of Town Central. Come with me!" Alan and McTail headed off to Frankly's Office afterwards. The group resumed walking east, looking at the various buildings on the left; one of them had to be Professor Frankly's place. Goombella eyeballed the building right next to the archway leading to the next area.

"I have a feeling he's in there," McTail pointed out.

"Why?" Alan asked.

"I don't know. Let's check it out first."

McTail led the cast to the top left building and opened the door to let them in first. There, they saw Professor Frankly looking over some notes on his desk.

"I'll go greet him. You stay right here," McTail whispered. She approached Professor Frankly to greet him. "Hi, Professor Frankly!"

"Whuzzah? Who's there? Who wants me?" Professor Frankly woozily asked; he had just snapped out of his reading trance. He turned to Goombella . "Ah, yes. You. Now, you… Uh…"

Professor Frankly tried to remember Goombella's name.

"I've seen your face before… Yeah… Wait a minute… Hold on… Umm… It's not Goombriel… Err… It's not Elizagoom…"

Alan and Marky silently giggled at the names Professor Frankly came up with.

"What kind of names are those?" Alan asked.

"How would I know?" Marky responded.

It took ten more seconds for Professor Frankly to finally remember Goombella's name.

"A-HAAA! I've got it! You're Goombella, aren't you?" Professor Frankly asked. "You were in my Explorer class last year, am I right?"

"Yes, sir! That's me! I'm Goombella, a junior at U Goom!" Goombella said with glee. "Gooo GOOMBAS!"

"Of course I remember you," Professor Frankly said. "Not to toot my horn, but I'm pretty good at remembering. You, though… You stick out in my mind because you were such an exceptional student."

"It's my straight A's, isn't it?"

"Absolutely! I still can't believe you aced the final exam!"

"Uh, sir? I hope you don't mind me introducing myself," Alan butted in. He and his friends approached Professor Frankly.

"Sure. Who are you?"

"I'm Alan, and these are my friends Marky, Leaf, Amy Sparkle, GPSparrow, Smolder, Dawn, May, Sora, and the Spluffettes, Spluff Lily, Spluff Blosssom, Spluff Storm, Spluff Sonia, and Spluff Maya."

"Hello there," Amy greeted Professor Frankly, waving hello.

"Alan's one of those world-famous heroes, you know," Goombella remarked.

"Excuse me? What are you talking about?"

"Alan. Does that name ring a bell?"

"Oh! My apologies," Professor Frankly apologized. "I'm such a bookworm, I haven't a dang clue about what's 'hip' right now. In any case, what sort of errand brings you all the way to a place like this?"

"We were hoping you'd tell us about the legendary treasure said to be below Toad Town," Goombella said.

"Goombella said if anyone knew anything about the treasure, it'd be you," Alan added in.

"Of course I know about it," Professor Frankly stated. "The reason I came here was to study that very subject. But why do you all want to learn about the legendary treasure? You know that most say it's a little more than a fairy tale, no?"

"Come on, Professor! Explorers, Archaeologists, and historians have to search for truth in those fairy tales! I seriously believe the legendary treasure does exist, and I really want to find it!"

"Me too." "So do I," Alan and the others agreed, respectively.

Just then, The Professor Rowans and Professor Frankly explain that it is discovered that their planet and ours were once one and at some point in the past, the planets it split into four different planets and dimensions, with their own timeline.

"But how can time stop? That's impossible!" Marky said in shock.

"I'm afraid it is possible. Some time in the distant past, our world, yours, and two more were one and the same. Then a mysterious event divided them in four. Each world suddenly had its own timeline. They now inhabited parallel universes, unaware of the other's existence." Professor Rowan explained.

"The two worlds are beginning to join again, and the two separate timeline will soon start to join together as well." Frankly said.

"But how can you prove this theory is true?" Marky asked.

"It's no theory. Even as we speak, the two timelines are unconverging. Soon they'll meld completely, and when they do, they'll cancel each other out, and time will stand still. The result will be catastrophic. The unjoined planets will be frozen in time while billions of years will pass in the rest of both universes."

"Once the timelines are fused, the effects will be irreversible." Alternate Rowan finishes.

"So we'll be stuck in time?" Alternate Dawn said.

"That's right. When time stops, there's no such thing as the future or the past. None of us will grow older, and we won't be able to change, either." Rowan said.

"Oh, no. Is there anything we can do?" Dawn asked.

The two universes are seperating and the timelines will cancel each other out, causing time to stop and the only way to stop this is to merge the two universes together permenantly.

"You make a good point, Goombella. In that case, I'll cooperate with you however I can. First of all, about the treasure, there are many mysteries surrounding it. Some say it's an infinitely vast treasure hoard, while others say it's actually a monster, while still others claim it's an empty chest. So many different theories."

"Obviously, it's impossible to divine the truth among them, but all agree on one point," Professor Frankly went on. "To find the treasure of yore, one must have the seven Crystal Stars and take them to the Star Glorb!"

"Yes, they are real, indeed. The book is sealed in an hidden door, and after collecting all of the seven emeralds, they will lead their owner to the location of the orb" The old Toad replied. "Crystal Stars? The Star Glorb?" Alan asked with confusion. "Oh yeah! Angella to me, Marky, and Droppy about it."

"If I remember correctly, they're these special stars in that old saying that super-elderly people pass down," Alan said. "Indeed, the same," Professor Frankly agreed. "As the saying goes, if you want to find the legendary treasure, you must first collect the seven Crystal Stars." Goombella chimed in, "'Hold the Magical Map aloft before the entrance to the Star Glorb. Then, the stars will light the way that leads to the stones of yesterday.' So, essentially, a lot of the lore I've read says that if this Magical Map is taken to the doorway, then it'll show you where to find the Crystal Stars!"

"Correct! And the Star Glorb is supposedly here, deep beneath this town. Yet the critical piece of the puzzle, the Magical Map, is lost. If only we had that map!"

"You mean this map, Professor!" Alan butted in. He took the Magical Map out of his pocket and gave it to Professor Frankly. "WHAAAT? Hummina hubbity hubbida hippity hoobida hammala huffala hoofala... REALLY?" Professor Frankly exclaimed. "Yep. Found it in front of my mother's house," Alan said.

Professor Frankly looked at the Magical Map for a few seconds and became excited. "Astounding! This is it! The real thing! The one and only Magical Map! You are my hero! You're great! Fantastic! Wonderful, even!"

"Hehehe. Thank you, Professor," Alan thanked Professor Frankly.

"You must be really excited about the treasure," Leaf remarked.

"Like heck, I am!" Professor Frankly said. "With this, we can find the Crystal Stars just by holding this aloft before the legendary orb of creation!" He gave the Magical Map back to Alan.

"Well, what are we doing just standing here?" Goombella asked. "Let's take the Magical Map to the Star Glorb pronto!"

"Right on, Goombella!" Professor Frankly replied. He led the cast and Goombella out of his office and spotted a green Warp Pipe behind a wood fence. "We can use that pipe to get down under the city streets! It's as simple as that!"

The group climbed over the fence and entered the Warp Pipe that took them to Toad Sewers. The Cast gazed at their surroundings briefly.

"To be honest, this looks a bit nicer than Town Sewers back in Star Town," Marky said.

"Technically, this is not a sewer," Goombella responded. "The current town was built on top of this ancient one. Pretty surprising to find all this down here. I mean, it kinda blows my mind. The ruins here are all crumbly and gnarly now, but it was once a great town, really."

"There's another pipe we can travel through," Professor Frankly pointed out. There was another green Warp Pipe behind a metal fence. The group hopped over the fence and into the Warp Pipe to go one story deeper.

Along the way, Everyone and Goombella fought some Goombas, Spiked Goombas, and Paragoombas that roamed the area. At the bottom left side was another Warp Pipe that led to a larger room than the last one. There was a trampoline in front of a tall ledge on the left end, a metal grate on the top center side, and a wide doorway at the top right corner.

"How close are we to the Star Glorb?" Alan asked.

"Almost there," Professor Frankly answered. "There should be a hidden passage to the door…" Alan and friends pressed on to the doorway and entered a small room with a big black chest. The chest had a small keyhole in the center. "Hmm… I wonder what's inside that chest…" Goombella wondered out loud. Just as Alan walked up to open the chest, it wriggled violently, startling everyone at once. "Goodness! Don't scare us like that!" May said with irritation. "Hey! You! Can you hear me?" a female voice called out from inside the chest. "Yeah, we do," Alan replied. "You can?! That must mean you're the hero of legend!"

"Who? Me?" Alan confusingly asked.

"Yes. Only the great hero of legend can hear my voice," the voice explained. "Everyone else...nothing. You see, long ago, an evil spirit cast a curse on me, locking me in this chest. I was bummed. I've been here ever since, waiting a long, long time for the hero to come by!"

"Well…here I am, then…" Alan said. "So, what brings a heroic person like you to a place like this?"

"Er, Alan…? Come over here," Professor Frankly whispered, pulling them to the side.

"What's wrong?" Alan questioned.

"I'm not exactly confident that we can trust this…um…this chest. I think it may be best not to mention that we're looking for the Crystal Stars."

"Oh yeah? Searching for the Crystal Stars, are you, now?" the voice stated, having overheard Professor Frankly. "Urgh! Goodness, I just said it out loud! What's wrong with me?!" Professor Frankly cried.

"Looks like you really are heroes in this case," the voice said. "Well, you're definitely gonna need my help if you hope to get those bad boys. So, first off, you should look for the key to this chest. Then, use it to let me out."

"Well, what do you think we oughta do, Alan?" Goombella asked. No one said anything for a few seconds.

"Well, I know my vote goes to you finding that key. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. I mean, being stuck in a box is no picnic! I'm counting on you, O' Great Legendary Hero!"

"Okay. Whatever. We'll go find the key," Alan gave in.

The group went back into the large room to search for the key. For a while, they couldn't find anything until Marky saw a black object behind the green Warp Pipe next to the grate.

"Is that it?" Marky asked. He approached the object and looked at it closely. It was a black key the size of the chest's keyhole. "There we go! That should do it!"

Alan grabbed the key and led his friends, Goombella, and Professor Frankly back to the chest.

"We found it, ma'am," Alan told the voice in the chest.

"You brought back the key?!" the voice gasped. "Yes! Oh geez, I owe you big time!"

"Wait a second…" Alan murmured, having thought of something. "I don't feel good about this…"

"What's wrong?" Amy asked. Alan tried to think of why he was getting anxious, but decided to forget about it.

"Ok. I'm opening the chest."

"Are you sure? You sound worried," Amy said with concern.

"Amy, I'm fine." Alan proceeded to unlock the chest and opened the lid up. "Hello? Anyone in here?" Alan asked as he looked inside; there wasn't anything in the chest. "Is this a prank or something?" Suddenly, the room darkened as if the power had gone out. Everything went completely silent too. "Professor, what's going on?" Goombella whispered to Professor Frankly. "I haven't a clue," Professor Frankly quietly replied.

Suddenly, the female voice screamed very loud, "WHEEHEE! FOOOOOOOOLS!"

"YYYAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Marky shrieked over the voice; he fell backward and crawled behind Leaf's back, shaking uncontrollably. Leaf, Professor Frankly, Marky, and the rest only yipped out of startlement.

A second later, a bright yellow evil face appeared above the open chest, creeping everyone except Alan, out more. Leaf shook almost as much as Marky.

"Oh, you so fell for it, huh? I burned you!" the voice boomed. "Did you really think I was gonna help you?!"

"You s-sounded…so convincing…" Leaf stammered.

"I did! And now you'll pay the price as no other would!"

"D-don't… Please…" Leaf pleaded.

Professor Frankly and Goombella backed up against the right wall while Marky grasped Leaf's legs and peeked at the face.


Four ear-piercing white flashes sounded, prompting the Spluffettes to scream too; they flew their backs against the left wall and fell on their hands and knees. Amy, Marky, and Leaf reacted the same way, but Alan still stands and is in a fighting stance.

"Wheeheeheeheehee! Enjoy that curse, suckers! You got what you deserved!" the male voice cackled. "Farewell forever!"

The evil face disappeared and the room lit up again. Upon seeing the spluffettes shaking with fear, Goombella felt sorry for them and decided to walk up to comfort both.

"No, Goombella. Leave them be," Professor Frankly calmly ordered Goombella. "They got the guts scared out of them."

"I know. It's so sad."

Maya started crying over being scared and embraced Lily tight. Storm did tear up, but she wasn't as emotional as the others were.

"It's okay, Maya…" Lily coaxed Maya. "That voice is gone…"

But Spluff Maya couldn't respond due to him sobbing. Lily held on to Maya for a little bit until Maya calmed down.

"Are you feeling sick, girls?" Amy asked as Maya and Blossom took a deep breath.

"I feel it in my stomach…but not too much… I'll be fine." 

"How are you holding up?" Goombella asked Alan and his friends.

"We're good now," Alan replied. "It was just too scary for us. Like, holy spluff!"

Everyone chuckled briefly at Alan's comment.

"Sorry, guys. I tend to joke every now and then. Bad habit for me."

"No problem," Goombella said. "Now let's find the Star Glorb."

Alan led his friends, Goombella, and Professor Frankly out of the room and toward the trampoline near the high ledge. Everyone took their turns jumping onto the ledge before going through the doorway into the next room.

Inside was a squat, wide platform with a pedestal in the middle, three stone pillars on either side of the room, and a doorway atop a high ledge on the left side. Finally, there was a giant light-blue Star orb that glows different colors. Everyone gasped at the sight of the large orb.

"Is that…?" Alan murmured.

"Oh, my heavens!" Professor Frankly exclaimed with joy. "There's the Star Glorb spoken of in the legends! I can't believe it's real! So the legends are all true! I mean, look how big it is!"

"This is incredible, I tell you!" Goombella added in. "I've seen pictures of that orb before, but seeing it in person is just… Wow!"

"Looks pretty," Maya remarked. "Can we get a closer look at it, Professor Frankly?"

"We shall! Let's go!"

The group moved closer to the Star Glorb only to stop at the pedestal.

"Hey, what's the deal with this weird pedestal? What could it be?" Professor Frankly asked.

"Maybe this is where you step on it and take out the Magical Map," Marky answered. "I mean, that's what the legend said, right?"

"I guess so."

"Let me try it," Alan said before climbing onto the pedestal. He then took out the Magical Map, turned toward the Star Glorb, and held the map in front. Just then, a bright cyan star appeared on the center of the pedestal and two cyan rings formed within the platform.

"Oh my Gosh…!" Alan said with awe, looking at the light displays. Within seconds, a squiggly pattern formed around the pedestal, and seven open stars formed at the platform's rim. Everyone became mesmerized by what was happening.

Next, a white glow surrounded the Magical Map, which floated out of Alan's hands. Star-shaped glitter also appeared within the glow. A thin cyan circle faded in and lowered until it touched the Magical Map. The room then brightened up, causing everyone to shield their eyes.

Three seconds later, a star-shaped orb exploded outward and a bang sounded across the room with a final white flash. The room darkened to its normal state and the cyan lights disappeared. The Magical Map dropped into Alan's hands again.

"So, what just happened?" Marky asked.

Alan examined the map and saw a teal and blue castle on the top right and a shiny silver star at the castle's base. "That castle wasn't on the map before. It just appeared on its own."

Alan stepped off the pedestal and allowed his friends, Professor Frankly, and Goombella to look at the map too.

"What was with all the crazy lights?" Goombella questioned. "And how did they make the map change?"

"Hrmmm... It appears that information related to the locations of the Crystal Stars appeared," Professor Frankly replied. "And those shining lights, they looked as if a mysterious power was given to Alan."

"Mysterious power?" Alan wondered.

"Well, one way or another, we should return to my place and study the map closely," Professor Frankly said.

"Good idea," Goombella agreed. She proceeded to lead the Cast and Professor Frankly through Toad Town Sewers back to Professor Frankly's place. Professor Frankly, the Cast, and Goombella have been studying the Magical Map for the last few minutes. Eventually, Professor Frankly figured out what the mysterious power given to Alan was. "Aha! Now I see!" Professor Frankly declared. "You understand it, Professor?" Goombella asked. "Of course I do, my dear. Firstly, about that light we saw shining on Alan… By my reckoning, they can now perform what is known as a 'Star Spell'."

"A 'Star Spell'?" Alan asked. "How does it work?"

"Firstly, what you've been given is what's called 'Tasty Treat'," Professor Frankly explained. "It's a spell that if recited correctly, you'll be cured of any attack that could immobilize you; poison is one example. There's no need to move your hands, legs, or whatever. All you gotta say is…'Sucrosa Chow!'" Alan and the others laughed at the spell's words.

"W-what…?!" Alan asked between laughs. "A-are you…?" Everyone calmed down while Professor Frankly talked about the spell's purpose. "Is there a thing that shows how much power the spell needs to help us?" Sora asked. "There is. Look at your right arm." Alan held his right arm forward and saw a faint orange dot on his wrist. "Using 'Tasty Treat' costs one unit of Star Power, which is what the orange dot resembles," Professor Frankly said. "Hmm… It's like the powers the Star Spirits gave me," Alan remarked. "But there's no need for a wristband." "Yeah. Sounds cool, huh?" Goombella asked.

"There's one more thing to mention. After using the spell, it'll take a short time for your Star Power to fill back up to full capacity. I'd say in less than a minute. I think that's all you need to know about the Star Spell."

"Thank you, Professor Frankly," Alan thanked Professor Frankly. "We'll make sure to use the spell properly." "Good for you! Now let's look at the Magical Map and see what we can learn about the..."

Just as Professor Frankly got back to the Magical Map, he became amazed at the castle and silver star on the top right corner.

"WOW! ASTOUNDING! This map has radar-like functions! It now shows the location of a Crystal Star! It looks like the first Crystal Star is to be found in a place called the Petunia Prarie."

"Petunia Prarie?" Alan asked.

"Yes. The area is a vast forest and meadow that lies far to the east of Toad Town. To tell you the truth... I've always thought that place was a tad suspicious. The name Whispering Woods did come up from time to time in my research," Professor Frankly said.

"Oh Yeah! Me, Marky, and Droppy were just there. And, the mayor gave us this." Alan takes out a diamond colored Star from his backpack. "That's the Diamond Star! You managed to get one Star already?!" Professor Frankly said in suprise. "We helped Mayor Dogour save his daughters from a knight named Boomley, but he patched things up with dogour and everyone else he caused problems with." Alan explained.

"Excellent work alan!" Frankly said.

Alan climbed up to the center of the pedestal and held up the Star Emerald. The blue rings of light flashed once again around them, glowing in the similar designs. This time, the Diamond Star was in the center of a circle in the north part of the stone slap. The map returned to life quickly, yet slowly rose above their heads. Alan couldn't help but stare. The flower pedal light blasted out of it, as another location was being recorded.

Above a orange spot in the top center of the map, a large tree suddenly sprouted. Then, a green star appeared right on top of it.

A glass-shattering motion and sound was detected, and everyone snapped out of the trance they were lost in. The map returned to Alan's hands, and the gang stared at it.

"Hey, uh, Alan. Look there. The next Crystal Star showed up on the map. But…I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue where that is!" Blossom exclaimed.

"Hrrmm…mmmmmm HRMMMMM…"

"Well? You gonna tell us what we want to know!" demanded Storm.

Frankly shut the book he was reading and turned to the heroes. "I see, I see. Crystal clear!"

"Um, so can you tell us where the next Crystal Star is or not?" Koops questioned.

"It's in Shyville. The second Crystal Star is in a canyon somewhere." Frankly explained. "About those woods…I think some villagers live there. If memory serves, the town's at south just over the woods."

"Alright. Shyville it is." Alan said.

"Um… By the way, Alan…" Professor Frankly started to say, having realized something. "Where did you get that map, anyway?"

"Princess Starlight," Alan answered. "She mailed it to me yesterday."

"Really? Her Highness sent this to you?" Professor Frankly gasped. He rummaged through his desk. "This wouldn't be her, would it?" He showed a picture of Ivy.

"That's definitely her," Alan said.

"Hrmm... I can't imagine Spluff Ivy getting involved with them..." Professor Frankly said. "We'll worry about that later. For now, it's all settled, and it's off to Whispering Woods you three go!"

As Professor Frankly gave Alan back the Magical Map, Marky asked, "Aren't you coming, Professor?"

"No. I'll stay in town and ask around about Spluff Ivy and the princesses and that suspicious gang," Professor Frankly replied. "Besides, I doubt a shriveled old Goomba like me could handle the trials of the road. Of course, if anything happens and you need some advice, come see me, okay?"

"You got it, Professor!" Goombella said with determination. "Ready, Everyone?"

"Let's-a go!" Alan exclaimed. Goombella decided to join Alan and his friends and aid him in their quest with her knowledge.

Having heard Starlight's earlier instructions to Luna, Alan suggests they go south and seek out the "Mother of Stars" themselves. Some of them are nervous of traveling beyond Avalonia's borders, but they stick with Alan nonetheless.

Atop the Shooting Star summit, Alan's new friends are greeted by the Star Spirits, who tells Alan and co. that they created the Crystal Stars. They further explain that the gems in which they have been trapped are now divided among Magica and Vora's forces, and that Alan must retrieve all 7 of them them. In doing that, Alan will gain a power that will help him stop Magica and Stolas.

"Well Alan, let's go!" Marky said to Alan. The spikey haired hero nodded. Everyone went on to their first destination, Shyville.