Glitz and Glory

In Canterlot Castle, Magica visits Princess Spluff Ivy and Atta in Starlight's room. She tells her that, with the Wooden Knight defeated, she now intends to stop Alan by using ghosts.

After returning to Toad Town from his trip to Autumn Forest, Alan finds the town overrun with Shy Guys stealing people's belongings. Alan tells his friends that he has to run an errand real quick and will meet up with them shortly. After that, Alan spots two Shy Guys and listens in by hiding with his invisibility, Alan is able to observe two of the Shy Guys talk about the Glitzville Tournament and the grand prize is the Championship Belt that holds a yellow gem on it. In other words, the fourth Crystal Star. Suddenly, Alan received another text.

"This might be Princess Spluff Ivy again," Amy said as she, Alan, and the others look at the message.

The text reads, "Alan, I'm sure you're very concerned about me, but please know I'm fine! I'm actually more worried about you. The X-Nauts are searching desperately for the Crystal Stars. We'll try to learn what I can about them. I'll text again if I uncover anything, okay? You must know we miss you all. Anyway, we very hope you come home soon."

"Don't worry Ivy. We have two of the stars now and only five more to go." Alan reassures her. With that, alan heads to the proffesor's office tell his friends about their next destination.

Marky and the group use droppy to video chat with Professor Frankly. Professor Frankly and Toadsworth were busy reading some books. "Hello, Professor," Marky greeted Professor Frankly. "Marky! Glad to see you all," Professor Frankly replied. "But where's Alan?"

"Alan went to run an errand and he won't be back for your advice this time."

"That's totally fine. Now, what's the update?"

"Yeah. I have a question: the next Crystal Stars that appeared on the map is in the sky, but I don't know what it means."

"That means that beneath this town, the thousand-year-old ruins remain intact," Professor Frankly replied. "And that orb's been sealed shut for a thousand years by the Crystal Stars. In order to open that seal, we have to muster the power of all the Crystal Stars."

"Perhaps I'm just daft, but why would they want to seal this treasure away at all? Did they fear thieves and brigands? If not, then what?" Lily asked. "No, that's not…" Professor Frankly stopped mid-sentence to think.

"'That's not' what?"

"Um… I know that the treasure was sealed away around the time the town was destroyed. But the problem is no one's even sure what it was that caused the town's demise. All that's written is this, 'Darkness stole the sky and the cataclysm rained down.' I must research this more. Assuming will just make an... Well, you know the saying."

"I understand," Marky said. "Now, what about the location of this Crystal Star that's floating on the map?" He gave the Magical Map to Professor Frankly, who looked intently at the arena.

"Glitzville" Alan said as he arrives with the others. "I heard two shy guys talking about a town called Glitzville."

"Hmm... Very interesting... Perhaps it's pointing to the floating town of Glitzville... There's a stunning arena there where great warriors engage in furious battles! Ostensibly, families go there on vacation to lounge and enjoy the fights, but... Behind the scenes, the richest people in the world wager on the bouts."

"A floating city, eh? Is there something we can use to fly up there?" Maya asked.

"A special blimp flies there... It departs from Toad Town several times a day. The problem is getting a seat. The only way to get a ticket is through certain 'channels'," Professor Frankly explained.

"Like this one?" Alan brings out the ticket, "Exactly like this one! And it's a Special VIP Ticket! They're very rare in Glitzville and allows the person to bring as many guests as they choose." Frankly explained.

"Oooh! That sounds exciting! A little...on the seedy side. Show us the way!" Alan said. "Hrmmmmmmm... I don't know... But I guess we don't have much choice. Word on the street is, all tickets go through Grubba. Let me write this down." Professor Frankly took out a notepad to type down a list of directions. "Head west from Glitzville's main plaza and you'll reach the west side of town. That part of town is under control of Grubba, the Owner of the Glitz Pit. Apparently, Grubba makes pretty regular jaunts over to Glitzville."

Professor Frankly gave the Magical Map and note to Marky.

"All right-y. Since we got another Crystal Star, what's that spell like?" Alan asked.

"The Sunstone Star you picked up allows you to temporarily freeze enemies in place by simply pointing your finger forward and saying, 'Tick Tock Freeze!'" Professor Frankly answered. "That Star Spell is called 'Clock Out'."

"Sounds very simple," Marky remarked. "I'll relay that to Alan."

"Good. I wish you the best of luck in getting to Glitzville and finding the next Crystal Star."

"Attention, passengers," the captain said over the intercom. "We are now arriving at Glitzville Station. Please keep your seatbelts fastened until the blimp is secure on the mooring masts. Thank you for flying with us, and enjoy the biggest main event in the world!" It didn't take that long for the blimp to dock with the mooring masts. Alan and friends unfastened their seatbelts and made their way to the platform that would lower them out of the gondola.

Alan and Marky's jaws dropped upon seeing Glitzville before their eyes. There were two rows of shops and restaurants on the left and right side and a giant stadium just ahead. The stadium resembled a closed-dome baseball stadium.

"Jeezums... Look at this place..." Marky murmured.

After the platform touched down, the group set foot in the city and decided to explore it for a while. "This is like a mix between Chinatown and the outside of Marina Stadium!" Marky said.

"What's Marina Stadium?" Sonia asked.

"It's one of the coolest stadiums in Star Town," Alan replied. "But I know we have to duke whoever challenges us rather than hit home runs."

"Where to first?"

Alan looked to his right and saw a sign that said "Fresh Gelato Shop".

"Oh yes! One of my favorite ice cream!" Alan exclaimed. He immediately ran ahead with Marky and Spluff Blossom following at a moderate pace.

"Tonight's main event will rule, I tell you!" a Ruff said to a Waddle Dee inside the gelato shop. "I'm betting on Rawk Hawk, no matter who's fighting him!"

"Me too, man. He's the best of-"

Suddenly, Alan busted into the gelato shop, interrupting the Waddle Dee.

"Whoa, dude! Slow it down!" the Lakitu told Alan.

But Alan didn't pay attention as he scanned all the different flavors. "One large cup of Gianduia, please!" he requested with enthusiasm. "Make sure it's filled to the brim!" "Hehehe. Coming right up," the vendor chuckled. He scooped a heaping load of the Gianduia-flavored gelato into a large cup and handed it to Alan. "Excuse me. I'd like a medium cup of Vanilla Bean, please," Marky said, having arrived at the gelato shop.

"Make ours a strawberry, please," Spluff Blossom added in, referring to the Noce Di Berry flavor. After the vendor served Marky, Spluff Blossom, and Spluff Maya's gelato, he said, "That'll be 13 Coins, please."

Because Alan was already devouring his gelato, He already payed for it all himself.

"Goodness, calm down," Dawn said. "I know you love gelato, but you can't barge in like that."

"My bad. I couldn't help it," Alan apologized.

Marky and Spluff Blossom and Spluff Mayatook their time eating their gelato while Alan finished his within seconds.

"All right-y. Let's g-" Marky started to say, but Alan tried to hurry to the counter for a second helping. Marky grabbed Alan's tail and dragged him out of the gelato shop. "Alan, one serving is enough. Please."

Alan took a few deep breaths as he was exhausted from being overexcited. They then return to their friends, who became awed at the sight of Glitzville. "My, my, my! Glitzville! I've heard that the Glitz Pit is just full of brawny brawls!" Lily exclaimed. "I must admit, the prospect of some hurly-burly gets me a touch piqued!"

"I know, right?" Sonia agreed.

"Now, guys, let's find that Crystal Star, hmm?"

"Sure," Alan replied. He led everyone through the Glitz Pit's front entrance, which was a foyer with two red doors in front; faint cheering could be heard through the doors. There was also a computerized display showing what battles were taking place. There weren't any lines of people standing inside except for a Ruff photographer and a couple of Toads mingling to the right of the front doors. In addition, there were two red staircases leading to the second floor. Alan and friends decided to go through the front doors first. "Ladies and gentlemen!" the announcer declared over the cheering audience. "Welcome to the biggest main event in the history of mankind!" The actual fighting arena resembled an indoor Coliseum with brown bricks all over. There were twelve rows of seats in the stands; nearly 9,000 people stood on their feet, eager for the night's fights to begin.

In the center of the arena was a brown-tiled boxing ring with reddish-orange ropes as the boundaries. Three beams of spotlights shined on the empty ring, and a video board attached to the spotlight beams showed all the action going on.

Alan and the group entered the arena where a bunch of Lakitus, Toads, and Ruffs sat at their front row seats.

"Holy guacamole!..." Alan said with awe. "This... I..."

"What a positively glorious venue! Oh, mercy, Alan!" Amy exclaimed. "Look in front!"

"Here we go, bud," Marky beamed.

"Put your hands together for the Feral Nuclear Reactor...the one...the only...RAAAAWK HAAAAWK!" the announcer shouted as an anthropomorphic yellow hawk stepped into the ring. Rawk Hawk had a long yellow mohawk and white sideburns, sported a gray headband with a yellow Coin in front, and wore a yellow-orange shirt, orange pants, and yellow boots.

"That's right! Unh! I think it's about time for you to FEEL THE RAAAAAWK!" Rawk Hawk shouted, prompting the crowd to cheer louder. Alan's friends also applauded, but Alan only stood in astonishment.

"Opposing Rawk Hawk is a Koopatrol having redeemed himself from the evil Queen Magica's tyranny..." the audience started booing over the announcer. "...the Razor Blade Brigadier...KOOOOPINATORRRR!"

A Dark Koopatrol strolled into the ring; he had a scared look on his face.

"Three minutes to claim the treasured Champ Belt, two opponents facing each other, one winner standing in the end...GO!" A bell rang from the spotlights, signaling the start of the battle. A countdown timer on the videoboard activated right as the bell rang.

Almost immediately, Rawk Hawk charged forward, leaped up with his fists behind his head, and double-punched the Koopinator to the ground. A referee rushed onto the ring, pounding the floor three times to end the match. As the bell rang again, he held Rawk Hawk's right arm up with victory shouting, "Winner!"

Seconds later, a blue Spike wearing a black and green suit and a black hat with a white brim stepped onto the ring with a microphone.

"Hooooo-WEEEEEEE! Champ! That was a grade-A whuppin'! Yer thoughts on the match!" the Spike announced.

"You call that a match? Ain't there a fighter out there who can challenge me? No! No one can! Hear me? Ain't a fighter out there that can even make me sweat!" Rawk Hawk boasted while the injured Koopinator was escorted out of the arena. "They're all a bunch of little crybabies, running around in diapers! You got a bone to pick?! Come fight me! Bring it! I'll take on anyone! You weaklings might as well stick to playing corny basketball, okay? 'Cause I'll hurt you. YEAH! NUMBER ONE, BABY! RAWK HAWK IS THE CHAMP!" As the audience gave Rawk Hawk a standing ovation, Alan became confused. "What? I thought I was number-one." Alan said. "I guess not this time."

Just then, Rawk Hawk held up a blackish-gray belt with an yellow Crystal Star on the front. Alan and friends gasped upon seeing the Crystal Star.

"Is that a Crystal Star?" Maya asked. "How did Rawk Hawk take it for himself?"

"I don't know, Maya," Lily replied. "But such a tawdry place to find it... Why would it be here, of all places?" Storm let out a sigh and shrugged. She walked out of the arena with Alan following behind. "It may look tempting to steal the Crystal Star from Rawk Hawk, but if we do... Well... I don't want to know what'll happen," Maya said.

"Me neither, Maya. I too don't fancy the idea of stealing that fellow's belt and running away scot-free," Lily agreed.

"How about we battle our way to the top?" Alan suggested. "I want to know what it'd be like to become a Glitz Pit champion."

"Hmm. Not a bad idea," Marky responded. "But I have a feeling it won't be easy."

"Good point," Marky said. "But Alan, you are ten times the man of anyone here! You'll make it to the top in no time!"

"I sure hope so." Amy said.

"Okay. Our next step is to become an official fighter, I imagine," Alan stated. "Let's find whoever is in charge, this minute!"

Alan went ahead and beckoned the cast to follow him. Goombella chose to stay behind Storm and Blossom. They made their way to a door to the left of the west staircase where a security guard stood.

"How can I help you?" the guard asked.

"I would like to become fighters, please," Alan requested. "I really want that belt for me and my friends."

"Hmmm. Well, if you're serious, you'd better go meet with Mr. Grubba, the promoter. Mr. Grubba's office is just down the hallway. You can't miss it. Head on through."

The guard opened the door, allowing the group inside. The hallway had a couple of office doors on the left side and a corridor between supposedly leading to the arena. Each door was guarded by a security guard. The hallway hung right with three more office doors on the left. The middle door had a sign above it reading, "Richard Grubba". Alan asked the security guard for permission to enter; the guard stood aside to let the group into the office.

Grubba's office had two red couches with a central coffee table in front and a bookshelf on the right. Grubba was seated at his desk on the left.

"Wha- Who are you, son?" Grubba asked. "And who let you in?!"

"Your security-"

"This is my office!" Grubba interrupted Alan. "An' you? You and yer friends are rude dudes, comin' in without knockin'!"

"We didn't need to knock, Mr. Grubba," Alan said. "The guard simply said to come in."

"Whatever," Grubba said with sarcasm. "So, what exactly are you in here for?"

"To become fighters and rule over Rawk Hawk," Alan replied.

"Hoo-WEE! That do change a thing or two, sons! I always got time for a couple up-an'-comers!" Grubba exclaimed. "Yep, this place is packed to the gills with young fighters, all primed and a-rarin' to go! I gotta say, son, yer a bit small fer my tastes, but I'm willin' to give you a shot. Now, play me straight, son: you wanna live the glamorous life of a champ, don'tcha?"

"For a while, yes," Alan replied.

"All right! All right, son! I hear where yer comin' from, loud an' clear!"

Grubba approached Alan.

"When I was just a poor pup, I didn't give a care for fancy, big-city ways. But I jumped into the world of martial arts and fought my way to fame and riches! An' know what I realized? Bein' rich an' famous is dynamite!" Grubba explained. "Now, I can't mix it up in the ring no more, but I earned enough to set me for life."

"Hmm... Sounds interesting," Alan remarked.

"Yep, that's the key, son! Dream big, and you'll get big, that's the winner's way! And when you make it big, you'll look back at all those small-dreamers and laugh! You readin' me here?"

"Yeah," Alan replied.

"That's the spirit, chiefs! Here, let's have us a little walk 'n' talk. C'mon, now!"

Grubba walked the group out of his office back into the hallway. They went straight and Grubba stopped them at the third door, which was locked.

After unlocking the door, Grubba took Alan, and the others into a vast bedroom with one bed on the left side and a bathroom on the right side. A small yellow computer was stationed to the right of the bedroom door.

"Now how you like this, pards? Just feast yer eyes, go on!" Grubba insisted.

"Nice layout," Alan said while looking at his surroundings.

" the champion's room. Isn't it a sight? Deee-luxe! You've become a champ, son, and you get the key to this room! That ain't all, of course! That's on top of the big money and screamin' fans! Yeah, no doubt about it, son! Apply yourself an' a life of wealth an' comfort awaits!"

Again, Grubba took Alan out of the champion's room and walked with him to the right. They entered the first door on the left into a giant locker room with various high-ranking fighters roaming about. There wasn't much to see yet since everyone stopped at the doorway. However, there was a small pink computer on the left of the door. "Now, uh, here we have the major league locker room. A lotta contenders here! Whatcha think, son? Huh?" Grubba asked.

"Looks cool," Alan answered.

"Not exactly glamorous, but it's clean and comfortable. Totally sanitary, too. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I care about my fighters!"

Then, Grubba led the group back into his office and stood behind his desk again. "Now... I'm sure you know this already, sons, but there ain't but one world champion. Clawin' your way to the top an' takin' the belt to become champ ain't an easy thing... Not to mention there might be two..." Grubba said.

"I already knew that," Alan pointed out.

"But that's the point, son! Wouldn't be worth it if there were no challenge! I can see you got the fire for it too, pard! You got the eyes of the tiger, there! Yer gonna be a champion, I can just feel it! I ain't never been so sure about some tough fighters!"

Grubba proceeded to take out a contract written on a long piece of white paper. He placed a red pen next to it.

"Now... You gotta sign this contract and you'll be good to go. Just sign your name when you've finished reading it, okay?" Grubba said.

"Okey-dokey," Alan answered. He took his time to read the contract intently and signed his name on the bottom.

"Awesome sauce!" Grubba exclaimed. "Best thing you ever done, son! Now, yer Alan, no?"

"That's what it says on my undies," Alan answered showing his name on his boxers, "And they've never lied about it."

"Anyway... Still, I gotta say, hedgehog, they lack a little punch as true fighters' names, get me?"

"Why, Mr. Grubba?" Alan said. "I'm Alan, so that should be enough." But Grubba didn't answer and tried to come up with the best fighter names for Alan. Eventually, Alan came up with an idea.

"Bam! Hoooooo-WEEEEEEEEEE! I got it! From now on, I'm...The Blue Typhoon!" Alan shouted.

"Blue Typhoon? Grubba said in confusion.

"Those good names come 'round once a lifetime, right?"

"Um... Yeah. I like it," Grubba hesitated.

"Thanks, Mr. Grubba." Alan thanked Mr. Grubba. "Excellent! Soon, everyone will bow before the Blue Typhoon! Make me proud, sons!" Grubba said.

"So, what's next?" Alan asked.

"Well, now that we got the business side outta the way..." Grubba reached for his walkie-talkie. "Jolene? Could you come in a minute, darlin'?"

"On my way," Jolene's voice answered.

A minute later, a female Toad with long yellow hair walked into the office.

"Yes, sir? You wished to see me?"

"Sure did, hon. Jolene, this is the Blue Typhoon, our newest risin' star. Be a peach and take him on down to the minor league locker room, okay?"

"Right away, sir," Jolene answered before turning to Alan.

"Mr. Typhoon? If you would be so kind, please follow me."

"Okey-dokey." Alan answered, respectively. Jolene led him out of Grubba's office and to the left.

"As you know, you are contracted fighters now, so you must abide by some rules. First and foremost, what Mr. Grubba says goes. Period," Jolene explained. "You must do what he says. Also, as per your contract, you cannot quit until Mr. Grubba releases you. There are many other small guidelines that I will explain as they become relevant."

Eventually, everyone stopped at the third door on the right. Jolene opened it, revealing a dilapidated locker room with only a couple of fighters roaming around. There was also a blue computer on the left of the door. Alan became disgusted at the layout.

"At least it doesn't smell horrible," Alan said.

"This is our locker room?" Marky asked.

"Yes, it is," Jolene answered. "You're starting in the minor league, of course, as you've just now started your career. If you don't like this dingy room, I suggest you work your way up through the ranks."

"Obviously," Alan agreed.

"When you're ready to fight, you just log on to this computer terminal." Jolene pointed to the computer. "Mr. Grubba will then decide who you'll match up against. You will have no say in this."


"I wish you two the best of luck," Jolene said before exiting the locker room.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's fight," Alan advised himself.

Alan logged into the computer, which first showed two choices: "Reserve Match" and "View Rankings". Alan immediately selected "Reserve Match", which took him to the "Name Entry" screen.

Since there were no special Spanish characters on the touch screen's keyboard, Alan typed out his ring name. After pressing "Enter", three more choices came up: "Add Partner", "Go Solo", and "Finish". Alan chose "Go Solo" and pressed "Finish" afterward. The computer showed a loading bar, which took around ten seconds to reserve the match. Then, Alan's ring names flashed on the screen with "The Goomba Bros" flashing beneath the word "Vs".

"Huh? I thought we beat the Goomba Bros," Alan wondered out loud. He was referring to when he took down Red Goomba, Blue Goomba, and Goomboss nearly a year ago.

"It's probably a common name nowadays," Alan said.

The computer then showed a text box saying, "Fight will start at 7:55 PM. Good luck."

"All right-y. There we go," Alan sighed. He sat on one of the benches in the middle of the room.

For the next several minutes, Alan waited until a security guard walked into the locker room.

"Typhoon! Match time!"

Alan immediately got up and followed the security guard to the corridor leading to the west side of the arena.

"You got this, Alan." Alan whispered.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's go time once again!" Grubba's voice called out. "Squarin' off next are...the Meteorite Hardheads...the GOOOOMBA BROOOOS!" The audience cheered as five regular Goombas entered the ring. "And on the other side...a newcomer...with a hankerin' for hammerin'...the BLUUUUE TYPHOOON!"

Alan casually walked into the ring as the audience booed in the response.

"I knew they're going to boo me.", Alan thought.

"Yo, dude!" one of the Goomba Bros said. "You'll never stomp on us like our other comrades! Tonight, me and my bros have a new strategy those weaklings never thought of!"

"Oh, please!" Alan responded. "A new strategy? In your dreams!"

"If you are all ready, then the time has come to get set...GO!"

The bell rang, prompting the Goomba Bros to start running at Alan.

But the Goomba Bros didn't even move two steps as Alan took his hammer fist out and slammed it on the floor, knocking all five Goomba Bros on their heads. Then, Alan spin dashes on the Goomba Bros, squashing them flat. The referee pounded the floor three times and ended the match, raising Alan's arm up. The bell rang again.

"Whoa! Only five seconds and the Goomba Bros are down and out?!" Grubba cried amidst the gasps of the audience. "I guess the win goes to the Blue Typhoon!"

Grubba rushed into the ring with a microphone to interview Alan.

"Well, well, well! Tell me, son, what was this first taste of victory like?" Grubba asked.

"That fight? It was nothing," Alan answered. "But at least there's one down with a lot more to go."

"I'll tell you what I just saw, folks: a whuppin'! This kid's got skills! We got ourselves a new hero! Let's hear it for them, folks! Yeah! The Blue Typhoon!"

The audience politely applauded and cheered lightly. All at once, Alan weas escorted out of the arena while the flattened Goomba Bros were carried away by a medic. Back in the locker room, Jolene waited for Alan's arrival. She smiled upon his entrance.

"Mr. Typhoon! Good start!"

"Thanks." Alan replied.

"As a reward, you get 100 Coins put in your money bank," Jolene said. "The prize money rewards will grow larger the more you rank up. As of right now, you are at Rank 10. Once you get to Rank 1, there will be an opportunity for you to upgrade to the major league."

"Sounds good," Alan said with a bigger smile than Jolene's. "I feel a bit better than before the match."

"Keep in mind your next match will not begin until you reserve it," Jolene said. "Feel free to do whatever you like until your next fight." Jolene proceeded to leave the locker room.

After that, Alan ends up defeating nine opponents until he makes it to the final round. After the match, Alan was each awarded 400 Coins and were placed at Rank 3. Alan's bank had 3,680 Coins.

Just as Alan closed out of the computer, another group text was sent to him, "This is your last warning! Forget about the Crystal Star! If you don't, you'll suffer the same fate as the other fighters who have gone missing..."

"Oh, jeez..." Alan said in a worried tone of voice. "I think I know who it is. It's Mr. Grubba. He's the one spying on me."

Alan took a few seconds to think it over. "Um... Maybe not. It's just a guess."

"Hey! You there!" one of the Shady Koopas from the Shellshockers called out. "There's a gift for you in the quarters!"

"Okay," Alan answered.

On a round table between two of the left wall's bunk beds was a tray with a slice of Cake with a note in front.

The note read, "Congratulations to you, Typhoon! All of us are proud of you for making it this far! In the meantime, take a break and reflect on what you've done. You deserve being the champ of the Glitz Pit!" There was no signature or addresser name on the bottom of the note.

Alan looked at the Cake, which looked delicious. "Can't let a good slice of cake go to waste." Alan offered. "To me: the international soon-to-be champ of Glitzville."

Alan slowly picked up the cake and raised it. Despite Alan being unsure about eating the cake, he downed it quickly.

"Ooh. It's a bit stronger than I expected," Alan said as he puckered his face from the cake's flavor.

Suddenly, Alan felt his stomach churn and his face warming up. He clutched his stomach immediately, feeling it slowly hurt.

"Wha... What the..." Alan murmured. He felt like his head was spinning round and round and his hands started to tremble. He couldn't tell if the cake was causing those symptoms.

"I don't feel well..."

Before Alan knew it, his vision became blurry and he fell backward on the floor. KP immediately rushed up to Alan's side; "Woah! Hey kid, are you ok?" KP Said. "Someone call a medic!"

"Help me..." Alan groaned. He tried to lift his head up to no avail, and finally went unconscious.

"Alan! Wake up!" Marky yelled, shaking Alan. "Talk to me!"

"Is he dead?" Blossom asked in a worried tone of voice.

Storm laid her ear on Alan's chest; Alan's heart was still beating and he was breathing faintly.

"No. He's breathing," Storm answered with relief. She peered at the empty plate, specifically Alan's. I think someone poisoned Alan's cake...

Storm immediately picked Alan up and hurried toward the locker room's door.

"Where are you taking him?" Amy questioned.

"To the nurse!" Storm replied as she exited the locker room.

"How else are we gonna win the Champion Belt?" Marky wondered.

Spluff Storm looked to her left and right for a nurse's office while speed walking down the hallway to the foyer. On the bottom-right side of the foyer was the nurse's office. She barged inside, startling the receptionist.

"Hey. Easy, ma'am. How can I help you?"

"I'm sorry. Our friend's knocked out because he ate a poisoned slice of cake," Spluff Storm explained. "And he's supposed to fight in the upcoming match to take the champ position from Rawk Hawk."

The receptionist called up one of the nurses and stated Alan's condition. A few seconds later, the nurse carried Alan to one of the beds in the examination room.

"Will you please update me on how Typhoon is holding up?" Storm asked the nurse.


"Thank you."

With that, Storm ran back to the major league locker room and met up with the other.

"Is Alan gonna be okay?" Amy asked.

"I hope so. The best we can hope for is him waking up before we fight Rawk Hawk," Spluff Storm answered. He went ahead and reserved the next match at 3:00 PM against Chomp Country: two Red Chomps. The only fighting condition was to only use acrobatic attacks.

As Spluff Storm, Marky, Amy, Leaf, and Spluff Blossom, went back into their seats; Sora, Spluff Maya, Spluff Lily, Spluff Sonia, and the others, became worried about Alan's presence.

"Where's Alan?" "Is he hurt?" Dawn and Spluff Sonia asked, respectively.

"I hope not, guys," Spluff Lily replied. "But rest assured he'll be good to go soon."

As the bell rang, Rawk Hawk did a couple of backhand springs toward Chomp Country and hammered the floor, slightly cracking the Red Chomps.

Next, Rawk Hawk did a high forward flip and lifted one of the Red Chomps before tossing it at the second Red Chomp. Chomp Country lunged forward to bite Rawk Hawk, but at the last second, he grabbed the Red Chomps' jaws and held them open. This prompted the Red Chomps to fling Rawk Hawk backward.

Right before he hits the ropes, Rawk grabbed the Red Chomps by their chains and swung them around twice, releasing them toward the south end of the arena.

"Hey hey! How'd that wall taste?" Rawk taunted after the referee ended the match. "Was it chicken-flavored? Huh?"

Following the match, Rawk Hawk won 500 Coins with his money bank at 14,540.

"Well, that takes care of two matches," May remarked in a mellow tone of voice. "I'm still worried about Alan, though."

"Me too. But I'm sure he'll recover soon," Marky said. "If you didn't know already, Alan's a super kid. Any injuries sustained will be healed quickly. With the exception of fatal wounds."

"Does that mean he'll be up and at 'em as if nothing happened?" Spluff Blossom asked.


Just then, Marky and Sora received a text that was also sent to Alan's phone even though the latter was still in the nurse's office.

"What does it say?" Amy asked.

"rEmOvE tHe BlUe TyPHoOn pOsTeRs In ThE fOyEr. From X."

"I hope Alan gets the text too." Sora said.

"He'll see it after he wakes up," Marky said. "Maybe he'll be out in time to help take down the posters. But why would X ask us to take them down?"

"How would I know?"

Everyone immediately left the arena again to search for all the posters bearing the Alan's ring name.

Meanwhile, the nurse that helped Alan earlier prepared a small cup of juice for him to replenish his energy if he was up already. When she walked into the bedroom, Alan was still asleep, or so she thought.

Less than a minute later, Alan slowly opened his eyes. "Oh my Gosh..." he groaned, reaching for his head. "My head..."

"Mr. Typhoon," the nurse said. "How are you feeling?"

"My head's aching..." Alan sat up and wondered where he ended up.

"You drank a poisoned drink, which knocked you out," the nurse explained. "Your friend with the four leaf clover on her hat was the one who brought you in here."

"You mean Spluff Storm...?"

"Yes. Her."

The nurse handed Alan the juice, which he slowly sipped.

"Where's Storm?" Alan asked.

"Last I heard, she and his allies just left heading back to the arena. It seems you might be fighting Rawk Hawk next."

Suddenly, Alan spat out his juice and started toward the office door.

"Hey! You just recovered!" the nurse called.

"I can't miss this! I don't wanna be disqualified! Besides, I have time to rest too!" That was the last thing Alan yelled before he sprinted out of the nurse's office.

"They should be easy to find," Marky said as he and the others entered the foyer. "Let's start from the left."

To the right of the west staircase were three posters of Alan in his battle poses. Right as Marky tore off the first poster, he saw a Super Mushroom fall in front.

"Wow! A powerup was hidden behind the poster?" Marky asked. "How convenient!"

"Yeah. Especially since it'll make Alan just as strong as Rawk Hawk," Blossom agreed. Marky picked up the Super Mushroom and stowed it in his pack's pocket.

"DON'T DO IT, BUD!" Alan screamed, not noticing Everyone by the posters.

"Is that Alan?" Amy asked, having heard Alan's voice. She and the others turned to see Alan running toward the other end of the foyer. "Hey! We're over here!"

Alan didn't have time to face Amy and his friends as he ran into the left staircase without looking.

"Oh, jeezums!" "Holy smokes!" Marky and GPSparrow shouted with shock. They ran up to Alan lying on his back.

"Not again..." Alan muttered. Amy immediately helped him on his feet.

"You okay, Alan?" Amy asked.

"I don't know..."

"You really oughta pay more attention," Spluff Lily pointed out.

"Sorry, guys and girls. I thought I was about to be dismissed from the Rawk Hawk match," Alan said.

"Are you sure you're fine? You literally got poisoned." Sora reminded him.

"Yeah. It was because of Stormy."

"Wait a second..." Alan stopped for a second to think. "How come only you got poisoned?"

"I guess whoever came up with this plan got lazy and forgot to poison everyone else," Blossom guessed.

"All right." Alan looked at the torn-up poster in Marky's hand and back at the other two on the wall. "Why are you ripping our posters off the walls?"

"The 'X' guy texted us to do so," Marky answered.

Alan took out his phone and read the group text. "Okay. Whatever he says."

Alan ripped off the other two posters, revealing a Dizzy Dial and a Red Timebomb. "No way!" he gasped. "Who put these powerups behind the posters?"

"They just happened to be there," Sora replied as Alan obtained the powerups.

The group found three more posters to the left of the east staircase, but there wasn't anything behind them. They then went upstairs and found two more posters. The one on the left concealed a Shooting Star while the one on the right had a red key behind it.

"Hmm. Where does this key go?" Blossom asked.

"I thought I saw a locked door in the storage room's attic," Alan replied. "Follow me."

Alan led his friends back into the storage room and climbed the ladder into the attic; he used the key to unlock the door on the right side.

They entered what was another storage room with a whole bunch of wood crates scattered here and there. Again, everyone split up to find a potential clue to the Crystal Star. Suddenly, Marky noticed Jolene peeking through the door and jumped to his feet; Jolene immediately left the room.


"What about Jolene?" Dawn asked. She and the others didn't see Jolene during her brief appearance.

"I saw her peek in the room, but I don't know why." May wondered.

"What the Spluff is going on here?!" Storm demanded. "Is Jolene setting us up?! Did she poison-"

"Hey. Easy, stormy. Calm down," Sonia coaxed Storm. "Let's just take this one step at a time."


"How about we go back to the locker room?" Alan offered. "We'll take a break before I fight Rawk Hawk."


Back in the major league locker room, Alan and friends took a ten-minute breather before signing up for the championship match at 4:15 PM. The only fighting condition was to use at least one special move.

Alan felt his heart beat fast and laid his hand on his chest. "I know we've made it so far, but I'm already nervous about the match," he said.

"It's okay, Typhoon," Amy reassured Alan. "Trust me: I feel the same too, but you know what the best you can do is?"

"What's that?"

"Believe in yourself. You might actually think, 'Maybe Rawk Hawk is more bark than bite in the ring. What is he really capable of?'"

"She's got a point, Alan," Leaf agreed. "Remember your bout with Mecha Magica? She had a weak point we had to find out for ourselves. In fact, everyone has a weak point. What if Rawk Hawk is a coward on the inside, yet he shows how tough he is on the outside?"

Alan took a second to take in Amy and Leaf's advice. "You're right. Let's just play Rawk Hawk's game and he'll reveal his weak point by accident."

It's now 4:14 PM. The audience was already on their feet, cheering like crazy.

"Now fer the actual biggest main event in Glitz Pit history!" Grubba announced. "You thought the major league qualification was huge? Wait 'til you see what's bound to happen in the ring!"

The audience started chanting Alan's ring name.

"This evening will be the championship match! The match where one will walk out of here with the one and only Champ Belt! So, let's bring in our current champion... Feral Nuclear Reactor... RAAAAWK HAAAAWK!"

Half the audience cheered for Rawk Hawk entering the ring while the other half booed.

"Hey! Who's booin' out there?!" Rawk Hawk demanded, having heard the boos. "This is my moment!"

"Hooooo, DOGGIES! Champ! How're you feelin', son? Yer challengers' a handful!" Grubba said before giving the microphone to Rawk Hawk.

"They don't want a handful of this! Unh-unh! There's only one champ...and it's me! Even if this Typhoon wuss ever shows up, what's he gonna do, huh? NOTHING!" Rawk Hawk boasted.

"But the Blue Typhoon made it to the top of the majors faster than anyone ever!" Grubba argued. "He even got up there faster than you did, champ! What you got to say about that?"

"What do I have to say?" Rawk Hawk did a loud raspberry. "That's what! Who cares what this guy did to a bunch of chumps?! 'Cause now he gets rawked!"

"Very well. Anyway, let's bring out the top dog of the majors...the Merciless and Superstar Executioner...the Little Blue Ally...the BLUUUUE TYPHOOON!"

The audience gave Alan a standing ovation as they entered the ring and looked Rawk Hawk in the eye.

"Hold on a second!" Rawk Hawk shouted with disbelief. "It can't be! How are you in the ring when you should've been dead?!"

"What do you mean?" Alan asked.

"I poisoned that slice of cake I sent to you!"

The audience and Grubba gasped upon hearing Rawk Hawk's confession. Alan didn't react.

"I kinda figured that out. Did the others fly away from their nest?" Alan teased.

"The others?" Rawk Hawk stopped himself and realized why he missed the other participents. "DARN IT! I got caught up in my training and only got one in!"

"Oh, quit your fussing, you big baby!" Alan scolded Rawk Hawk. "Speaking of which, were you the coward who's been sending those threatening texts about the Crystal Stars?"

"Huh? I have no idea what you're babbling about now. What's a Crystal Star?" Rawk Hawk paused for a second. "No, wait. I DON'T CARE!"

"Oh yeah? Who gives a care in the world about poisoned pastries?" Alan retorted. "This is about competing for the Champ Belt! Not about poisoning people to get what they want!"

The audience cheered in response to Alan's statement.

"Just listen to this crowd hoot 'n' holler fer the challenger: Blue Typhoon!" Grubba said. "Will his hammers of hurt 'n' harm be enough to rock the Rawk Hawk's socks?"

Alan took out his hammer hands right on cue.

"Yeah! Knock him out of the ring!" "It's on, people!" Storm and Marky cheered from the south end of the arena.

Amy and Spluff Blossom waved at Alan to get his attention.

"Now, at long last, the battle to end all battles is here! Let's keep it clean, boys!" Grubba said.

"If this is the case..." Rawk Hawk started. "...then I think it's about time for you to FEEL THE RAAAAAWK!"

"Three minutes to claim the treasured Champ Belt, two fighters facing each other, one winner standing in the end..."

Alan clenched his fists.

"GO!" Grubba shouted before the bell rang to begin the match.

Rawk Hawk made the first attack by lunging forward with his arms crossed. But just before he could squash Alan, the latter double-fist punched his beak, knocking him on his back. Rawk Hawk immediately stood up.

Next, Rawk Hawk jumped, forward flipped twice, and went to pound the floor with his boots. Alan acted quickly and took both boots before tossing them out of the ring. Alan and friends didn't feel any shockwave after Rawk Hawk impacted the floor.

"Hey! Those were my boots!" Rawk Hawk exclaimed after seeing his bare feet.

"And now I have them" Alan argued. "But, I don't want them, judging by the smell."

After Alan did his joke, He started to swing a fireball at Rawk Hawk's side. But Rawk Hawk was quick enough to grab the fireball and bat Alan until he bats it back at Rawk Hawk making him hit the ground.

"How's the floor taste?! Pretty good, eh? Harharhar!" Alan laughed. Rawk Hawk, already angered at Alan beating him down, tried to tackle him.


Alan interrupted Rawk Hawk by grabbing him and tossing him at the ceiling. The ceiling didn't break, but Rawk hit his face on it so hard that it temporarily knocked him out.

"That's it, one to go!" Rawk Hawk declared. He got back up on his feet, ready to pummel Alan too.

At the last second, Alan began shooting a large electric volt through his hands and electrocuting Rawk Hawk.

"DON'T MESS WITH THE TYPHOON...!" Alan yelled. He continued to shock Rawk Hawk for a few more seconds before stopping.

Rawk Hawk immediately collapsed on his stomach and his sunglasses fell off his face.

Rawk Hawk regained consciousness and stood back up, shaking uncontrollably. "Yuuuuuurgh..." he groaned. "I... Rawk Hawk... The champ... The undefeated master... I've lost to...such a loser..."

Again, Rawk Hawk fell on his stomach, exhausted from Alan's electric attack. Everyone stayed silent for a brief moment until the audience broke the silence, applauding louder than the end of the major league qualification.

Alan stood in disbelief while the referee ended the match.

Did I win...? Alan wondered.

"Folks, I feel like my eyes just popped outta my head! We got ourselves a miracle! Technique versus technique!" Grubba announced. "Raw power versus raw power! A clash of superhumans! Folks, this was truly, honestly, without question, no doubt, absolutely... The most legendary, amazin', improbable, history-makin' bout of all time!"

The group finally realized what they did and started laughing with relief.

"And the victor in this match fer the ages is... the BLUUUUE TYPHOOON!"

The referee held Alan's arm up with victory while Alan pumped his other arm up too.

"I did it, guys!" Alan squealed.

"Way to go, Blue Typhoon!" Amy said.

"You rock!" Marky shouted.

"Congratulations, kid!" Grubba congratulated the group.

The referee took the Champ Belt off Rawk Hawk and handed it to Alan, he also held the Champ Belt and both raised it in the air, making the audience chant his ring names.

"Thank you all!" Alan thanked the audience, waving at them.

Back in the major league locker room, Alan checked the final stats. For defeating Rawk Hawk and becoming the new champ, Alan won 3,000 Coins, putting his respective total at 2,700,000 Coins. Alan tried to calculate both totals and the 50 Coin bonus.

Upon seeing the grand total on his phone's calculator, Alan's jaw dropped and he dropped his phone on the ground.

Alan picked up his phone and looked at the grand total too. "You're never going to believe this: all my money banks and a bonus cheque adds up to 135,000,000 Coins."

"That's even more than I expected!" Marky remarked. "What do you think, Alan?"

"I... I've never...been my life..." Alan hesitated.

"Our lives, Alan," Maya corrected Alan. "But still, that's a whole lot of money. We could use that for whatever we need on our quest."

"That's possible."

"Interesting. Love that idea," Spluff Lily said.

Just then, the locker room door opened and Grubba and Jolene walked inside.

"Well, son, you finally did it! Today's yer first day as the new champ!" Grubba said with glee. "Show me that Champ Belt!"

"Right here, Mr. Grubba," Alan responded, holding the Champ Belt in front.

"Awesome sauce! Tell you what: I'm gonna go ahead an' get you set up in the champ's room straight away." Grubba turned to Jolene. "Ms. Jolene, be a peach an' show Blue Typhoon the champion's room, okay?"

"Absolutely, sir." Jolene beckoned the group to follow her into the hall. "Well then, Mr. Champion... Would you follow me, please?"

"Yes, ma'am. We're coming!" Alan answered, respectively. They followed Jolene down the hall and into the champion's room. Its beauty had stayed the same as when Alan and friends toured it yesterday.

"OMG..." Blossom murmured. "It's just as beautiful as it was before..."

"Congratulations again, Mr. Champion," Jolene stated. "From now on, this is where you'll stay. It's your room now, so make yourselves at home. You will use the terminal as you always have, of course. Will there be anything else?"

"I don't think so, Jolene," Alan answered.

"Well then, have a nice day, Mr. Champion."

Jolene walked back into the hall, leaving the Alan and his friends in the champion's room.

Alan stood still, processing what just happened. Meanwhile, Everyone else gazed around the room.

"This is so cool, Marky!" Maya said. "It's like a fancy hotel room!"

"It is," Marky responded. Suddenly, Amy noticed Alan frozen in place and became concerned. "Alan? You okay?"

Before Amy knew it, Alan embraced her tight, crying happily. "Alan! Too tight!" she winced.

"Sorry...!" Alan loosened the hug a bit, letting Amy hug him back. "I'm j-just so happy...!"

"Me too, Alan," Amy said softly.

"That's very nice.", Marky thought, smiling big.

Suddenly, Droppy's message alert went off, interrupting their best friendly moment.

"Seriously? At a time like this?" Alan asked with irritation. He let out a sigh and read the group text, "fInD tHe VoIcE iN tHe ChAmP's RoOm. From X."

Right on cue, a distant laugh echoed from out of nowhere, startling everyone.

"Who was that?" Marky asked.

"I don't know. But we better find where that laugh came from," Alan said.

The laugh bellowed out again, which drew the group's attention to an air vent to the right of the door.

"This way," Alan said. He reached up and pulled the vent cover off the vent before crawling inside. The Cast followed behind him.

"All right. Go slow," Alan quietly instructed his friends. "Please don't make any noise if we hear anyone. Especially you, Sparrow."


After a few minutes of crawling through the vent, a familiar voice chuckled from the other end, "Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! Well, that's in perfect condition, as usual! Yep, long as I got that baby workin' for me, this ol' bod ain't nevergonna get weak!"

"Mr. Grubba..." Maya murmured.

"But I'm gonna have to watch my tail here fer a little bit... First I let that King K idiot walk in on me when I was with...that... An' now I can't shake the feelin' that Jolene, Typhoon is onto me... Well, I guess I'll burn that bridge when the time comes. I'll just disappear him! Yep, just like I did to them I did to Prince Mush, the first champ!"

"Wow. Mr. Grubba's behind all those missing fighters," Lliy whispered.

"It's dead fighters. He's using 'missing' as a slang term," Storm corrected Lily.

"I better lock this room up tighter 'n a peanut butter jar at a squirrel convention," Grubba's voice said. "An' I'll just go ahead an' hide the paper relatin' to that in the desk drawer..."

I don't understand what he's meaning by 'that', Alan thought. Is it a secret he can't even tell himself about?

"There we go! Y'know what, though? Since I'm thinkin' aloud, here... Good fighters ain't nothin' to mess with. Even Rawk Hawk lost to Tyhpoon. These new champs might have to disappear purty soon. For my sake..."

Alan and friends heard a door open and close, which should mean that Grubba walked away. Alan punched the vent cover in front, revealing a secret entrance to Grubba's office.

"Is he actually gone?" Maya asked. "I hope he is."

"Let's check his desk drawers," Alan said. He walked up to Grubba's desk and looked through two vertical rows of three drawers on either side of the desk.

In the bottom-left drawer was a diagram that resembled the diagram found in the hidden storage room within the minor league locker room. This one was more detailed with text boxes describing each feature and a gold star inside the lightbulb on top.

"So that's what the machine on the first diagram was!" Alan said. "I guess the Crystal Star powers it somehow."

"Does that mean it killed Bandy Andy and King K?" Amy asked. "I think their power all got drained from the machine and their bodies were shriveled dry."

Suddenly, the office door opened again and Grubba ran inside. The Cast gasped upon seeing him.

"HOLY SCHNIKES!" Grubba shouted. "How the juice did you get in here, son?"

"Through an air vent! Duh!" Alan answered.

"And yer starin' at my secret paper too!"

"It isn't secret anymore, Mr. Grubba!" Alan said. "Why'd you kill Bandy Andy and King K?"

"Whoa, nelly! This ain't good!"

Grubba ran out of the office again.

"After him!" Alan declared. He ran after Grubba alongside his friends. They chased Grubba into the foyer and through the arena's front doors. The arena was completely empty with only one spotlight beam lit up, and Grubba was standing in the ring.

"Stop right there! You're cornered!" Goombella exclaimed as he, Alan, and the others entered the ring too.

"I gotta say, y'all are a buncha slack-jawed idiots, sniffin' 'round my business..." Grubba stated. "Now you know my big secret, I'm afraid yer gonna have to take a li'l ol' dirt nap."

Just then, the arena shook and the center part of the ring lowered with Grubba standing on said platform.

"What's going on?" Sonia asked.

"I don't know, Sonia," Alan replied.

A moment later, the machine depicted on the diagram rose back up with Grubba standing inside the cage. The Crystal Starcould barely be seen in the lightbulb.

"Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk! How you like my machine? Pretty nice, huh? Yep, I've been suckin' power from fighters with this baby!" Grubba boasted before he made a slurping noise. "Yer darn tootin'! An' you know why? 'Cause it keeps my bod forever young, son!"

"We trusted you, Mr. Grubba! You showed us all that respect, and you betray us by using that Crystal Star for evil purposes!" Alan scolded Grubba. "So what? I became a champ for nothing?"

"Shut up, Typhoon!" Grubba argued. "I'll use my Crystal Star however I please! Check this out!"

Grubba flexed his arms, prompting the coils to shoot green-colored electricity into his body. Within seconds, he grew as big as the cage itself and turned orange with a deadly glare on his face. His clothes ripped apart and his hat fell to the ground.


"Holy Spluff!" Alan exclaimed. "Mr. Grubba just beefed up!"

"I know, right?" Marky agreed.

"Hoo-wee! I'm gonna smoosh you guys into guacamole an' snack on yer energy too!" Macho Grubba said. "I'm a powerhouse now, you pesterin' li'l pieces of prairie piffle! So long's I have this here machine, my bod'll be rough, tough, an' ultra-buff!"

"You're not the only one!" Alan said.

Marky gave Alan his Super Mushroom, which the latter used to grow one foot taller, spreading a white glow around his body.

"That don't matter!" Macho Grubba retorted. "I'll still stomp you no matter how buff you are!"

The battle commenced with Alan and Macho Grubba engaging in a "boxing-type" fight.

"This is actually entertaining", Marky said to himself. "I'll be the referee for the fun of it."

Initially, Alan was able to dodge Macho Grubba's punches, yet the latter blocked his hits.

"Come on, Mr. Grubba!" Alan said in his Super form's voice. "You want to sock my face in, do you?"

"You bet I do! Keep it spicy, son!" Macho Grubba replied. Both started boxing again with Alan landing a left hook on Macho Grubba's gut.

Meanwhile, Marky took the remaining items out in case the fight got too heated.

"If Mr. Grubba gets knocked down, use this Dizzy Dial against him," Marky told Blossom, handing her the Dizzy Dial. "It should keep him knocked out by ten."

"That didn't hurt, Typhoon!" Macho Grubba stated after he got hit by Alan's left hook. "Left hooks may be the deadliest, but not fer me!"

At one point, Macho Grubba started double-fist punching, making it hard for Alan to dodge or block. But he still stayed on his feet even after he took a head blow.

The boxing continued for another half-minute with Alan and Macho Grubba still standing.

"How much more can you take?" Macho Grubba asked. "I can tell you'll-"

Alan interrupted Macho Grubba's comment with two head blows and an uppercut, knocking him to the floor.

"Down!" Marky yelled before starting to count to ten. Spluff Blossom then threw the Dizzy Dial at Macho Grubba's head to daze him. But to their surprise, Macho Grubba got up at five, unaffected by the Dizzy Dial.

"I ain't finished yet, Typhoon!" Grubba shouted. "Ain't over 'til it's over! That's the way it goes in combat sports, son! And lemme tell you somethin'-"

Again, Alan interrupted Macho Grubba, kicking him in the chest. Macho Grubba bounced against the ropes but didn't fall over.

"No talking during combat sports!" Alan argued. "That's how the rules go!"

"Very well!"

Macho Grubba tried double-fist punching Alan again, but Alan was able to block them successfully.

"How about that emerald?" Spluff Blossom asked Marky, referring to the Shooting Star item.

"Sure. Let's try that."

Marky tossed the Shooting Star in the air, sending a barrage of shooting stars falling from the ceiling. This item resembled Skolar's Star Storm move.

Macho Grubba was hit on the head so much that it caused him to fall on his stomach. Again, Marky started counting to ten.

"Get up! This isn't naptime!" Alan teased.

"Urrrrrrrrgh..." Macho Grubba groaned. He tried pushing himself up only for his arms to splay across the floor.

"K.O.!" Marky shouted, having reached ten. Macho Grubba knew this meant he lost the battle. He shrunk back to his normal size and reverted to his normal skin color. Alan's Giant form also wore off.

"Noooo... How'd this happen? How could a perfect bod like mine lose to such a chub?" Grubba muttered.

"Like I said, you're not the only person who can turn Super or Macho," Alan answered.

"Oh well... Great fight there, son..." Grubba let out a disappointed sigh.

"Mr. Champions!" Jolene's voice called out from the west side of the arena. Alan and friends turned to see her walk up to the ring. "No, I mean...Alan, and Friends. Please allow me to offer my earnest thanks for defeating that foul Grubba."

"He deserved it for sure," Spluff Storm said.

"I really have to apologize... I'm so sorry that I had to get you involved..." Jolene apologized.

"It's all good. No worries," Alan replied.

"But you must understand... I had to learn the truth about this arena by any means."

"What's the truth?" Marky asked.

"I had a little brother once, by the name of Mush. He'd have done anything for me. Our family was always poor, so he became a fighter here to support all of us... But he suddenly went missing one day. Our family was inconsolable. I suspected foul play, so I got hired on as the manager and investigated in secret. As I looked for clues about my brother, I accidentally saw Mr. Grubba transform. Seeing what I was up against, I almost gave up hope...and then you appeared. So I decided to secretly guide you."

"Hold on... Were you the guy named X?" Alan questioned.

"Yes. It was me," Jolene replied. "Once I saw you fight, I knew you were the only ones who could challenge Grubba." She walked up to Grubba and glared at him. "You! I want answers, right now! What did you do with my precious little brother? You know exactly what I'm talking about! The first champion, PRINCE MUSH!"

"Urrrgh... Prince Mush..." Grubba said in a weak voice. "He... He...discovered the secret of my...power-suckin' machine... I had him disappear... Or die, I should say... Any which way you look at it...he ain't around these parts no more..."

"I suspected as much..." Jolene murmured. She started to tear up at the thought of Prince Mush being dead. "Oh, poor sweet Mush..."

"I thought Jolene was so mad for no reason," Leaf said. "But I understand why now."

Suddenly, the lightbulb above the cage started shining yellow-orange rather than green and the Crystal Star became more visible.

"Guys! Look!" Amy pointed out.

Everyone looked at the Crystal Star flying out of the machine. It started spinning rapidly and glowed even brighter. A white flash accompanied by a loud bang caused a Toad with a pink-spotted cap and a blue shirt to fall from the Crystal Starto the floor.

Then, the Crystal Star floated into Alan's hands and released giant sparks that exploded outward, engulfing him briefly. Finally, a faint pink dot appeared below the red dot on his right arm.

Jolene gasped upon seeing the Toad lying on the floor. "MUSH!" She ran up to Mush and hugged him tight.

"What... What happened...?" Prince Mush asked. "Am I back in the Glitz Pit...?"

"It's okay, Mush. I'm here with you," Jolene coaxed Prince Mush. She stopped hugging him.

"Is that what Crystal Stars can do?" Amy asked. "Revive anyone from the dead, like the Star Spirits?"

"Maybe just this one," Alan answered. "At least everything's back to normal. Well, with the exception of Bandy Andy and King K."

"You got the Crystal Star with you?" Jolene asked Alan. "I insist you take it with you so that nothing like this will ever happen again."

"Thank you so much, Jolene," Alan thanked Jolene, shaking her hand. "Even though it took one entire day of work to become a so-called champ of the Glitz Pit only to have it stripped from me, we still had a great time here."

"In fact, if they reopen this place, I'd like to be the new champ, for real this time." Alan added in.

"We'll see about that," Prince Mush said. "I'm still the one and only champ. No one else can equal the likes of me."

Everyone except Grubba laughed at Prince Mush's comment.

At Canterlot, TEC-XX asks Ivy and Starlight to go ask Grodus a question relating to his plans. The Princesses goes undercover in X-Naut disguises and learn that Magica, Stolas, and Aikon are plotting to use the Crystal Stars to take over the two worlds and keep them from merging together. TEC helps them to send this message to Alan.

Meanwhile, the Spider Seven are searching for one of the Crystal Stars in Shyville, where they discover that Alan already obtained it.