The rules

Aiden's finger was over the blue flame coming from his lighter, but the man didn't seem to notice or care!

"You– you are burning." Alexa managed to utter in a terrible state of shock.

"Oh?" Aiden looked down at his finger and killed the flame. He pulled out a white handkerchief from his breast pocket and slowly wrapped it around his finger.

When he looked up from his finger, he saw Alexa's pale and terrified face. He smiled and stretched out his hand to tuck some of her dreadlocks behind her ear.

"It's nothing to be scared about. It's just a minor burn." He assured her and brushed a finger over her cheek.

'Just a minor burn? From the look of it, blisters would form around it if he doesn't apply ointment!'

Alexa pulled away from his cold touch. She was still shocked by what he just did and his touch seemed to have made her hair stand on end. Earlier, she could perceive this man was more than what he portrayed himself, but now her instinct had gotten stronger.

With his empty hand in the air, he took it back and unwrapped the handkerchief.

Staring at the wound, he explained. "I was diagnosed with CIPA– I'm insensitive to light pain. You shouldn't be so scared of me."

It felt as though a bucket of cold water was doused on Alexa. She stared at him and tried to speak but couldn't find the right words. For a moment, she thought he was a psychopath. Never would she have thought that he had such a disorder.

Alexa didn't know why she always thought the worst of this man. Perhaps it was because he subconsciously releases a threatening aura in fleeting seconds, or maybe it was due to the fact that she hated his older brother.

She wanted to apologize for misjudging him but couldn't bring herself to, so she turned to the window.

Looking out the window, he restated the obvious so she doesn't misunderstand his kindness for love.

"Alexa," he turned to face her, "I don't know why you married me, but you have to know this. I don't love you and never will. But be rest assured, I'll treat you with respect and care." He paused and reclined on the seat.

"I don't have much either. I depend on my grandfather for everything, so you shouldn't ask me for what I cannot afford. I don't have a house of my own and I live with my grandfather. I hope you can make do with that." He locked eyes with her to emphasize on the following rule– it was the crown of his rules.

"Most importantly, I'm allergic to garlic, ginger, lies, and people who snoop around. Don't touch my stuff unless I tell you to," he smiled at her and asked, "what about you?"

So many rules, it's just a little time, I won't have to put up with that. She thought.

"I don't have allergies but I can sacrifice my love for garlic and ginger for your sake. I also don't like people touching my stuff or snooping around me."

Aiden nodded slowly, "We seem to be on the same page. Don't expect love from me. I can't give you that. Also, whenever you realize you made a wrong decision in marrying me, you can ask for a divorce."

Alexa didn't know why he was so sure that he won't fall in love with her, but who cares? She almost rolled her eyes as pride set in. She was beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and classy. She was on the top list of ladies men wanted to have in the Mainland!

How dare he be so confident that he won't fall in love with her? Who even wants to love a nuisance like him to begin with?

With a taut voice, she stated. "Worry not, it won't happen…" at least for now. She completed the statement in her mind.

Silence descended in the car for a while before Alexa questioned, "Don't you want to know who I am and where I'm from?"

He shook his head, "It doesn't matter now. We're already married and I don't like the idea of filing for a divorce, unless it was your doing."

"Oh…" Alexa watched him in silence. What more could she say to a person like this? Anyway, who cares? All she needed was three months at most and she'd ask for a divorce.

Looking out the window, lost in thought, Alexa's phone vibrated in her handbag. She pulled it out and saw it was a message from Nora.

[ 'Babes, what's going on? Something seemed to have happened to your family. It's everywhere on the news!' ]

Alexa's hand shook after reading the message. She didn't even need to search for it. The headlines were already lined up on her screen, waiting to be read.

[ The Fall Of The Quinn Empire. ]

[ One Of The Giant Fast Food Companies, Mobi Corps Sold For Penny. ]

[ Workers On A Rampage: Pay Us Our Salary! ]

[ What Led To The Fall Of The Empire ]

[ Chairman Quinn Feigned Coma To Avoid Paying Workers. ]

As if the headlines weren't bad enough, the articles almost made Alexa puke blood.

What caught Alexa's interest was the last headline. She opened it to read. Her father was in a coma, but the lying reporters twisted the article so badly that it almost looked as if her family's enemies came together to write the story.

The misinformation was so rich that one couldn't even find a complete paragraph without undiluted truth in it.

"These bastards," Alexa cursed out loud. Her beautiful face contorted in a scowl and her grip on her phone tightened.

If anything should happen to her parents, not only was she going to make the Clintons pay, she'd drag those low life reporters to hell with her.

Although her name and information could no longer be found anywhere on the internet after her father disowned her, she still felt that she should be the one getting bullied instead of her innocent parents.

She was the cause of it all and should be the one suffering, but here she was—

"Are you okay?"

The sudden interruption to her thoughts didn't come as a relief, rather it reminded her that she was in the same space as one of the Clintons.

"I'm fine."

Her hostile tone didn't go unnoticed by Aiden. However, he didn't pursue the matter and stated, "We've arrived."

Alexa darted her gaze around and saw a white beautiful mansion sitting dominant a distance away.

She scoffed at the building in her mind. Her house used to be prettier than this until the bank took it away.

The chauffeur opened the car door for her. She got down without a word said. She was in no mood to thank anyone.

Her thought was interrupted again when Aiden gave her his hand. She placed her hand on his and the two walked toward the mansion.

At the entrance, two rows of servants were already bowing.

"Congratulations, Young Master, welcome home, Young Madam. May your marriage be filled with a lifetime of bliss and contentment!" They all chorused.

Alexa rolled her eyes but in the next second, a smile formed on her lips, "Thank you. Please, take care of me."

"Aunt Maya, is my grandpa home yet?"

"Yes, Young Master. He returned not quite long. He's holding a conference meeting in his study room." An old woman who seemed to be the head of the servants, replied.

"Alright. Let him know we've returned once he's done."

"Yes, Young Master."

Aiden led Alexa through the stairs and finally arrived at the last door on the second floor. Aiden turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

"This is our— "