
Aiden suddenly paused when he saw the room. He didn't bother to finish his statement and just went in.

"Enter," he said to her.

Alexa froze when she saw what the room was turned into. It was New year's eve and not Valentine's day!

Alexa didn't know which was more annoying. The trail of rose petals on the floor and bed or the scented candles that were lit in the dim room.

Although the sight was a beautiful piece of art, to Alexa, it was an eyesore. It took all of her self restraint to not pull the sheets that had the words written with petals, 'I promise to love you forever'.

"Change your clothes. We'll use another room at night," he uttered with his back turned to her as he slowly took his blazer off.

Relief washed over Alexa when she heard Aiden say that. She couldn't imagine herself sleeping in this room with the breath of romance circling around it. It'd drive her insane.

Talking of changing clothes, she left her luggage at Nora's place. What would she wear?

"Grandfather said there would be a party tonight. He arranged some dresses for Monica. I guess they're inside the walk-in-closet. You should check them out and see if they fit." He looked over his shoulder and gave her a once over look, then deduced, "you and Monica seem to have the same figure."

"Thank you," she responded and headed for the direction he pointed at.

Inside the spacious closet, Alexa saw all the beautiful dresses, shoes, makeup, jewelry, different shades and types of wigs, ranging from ponytail extension, short hair, colored hair, and everything else fashionistas would like.

The old man went over the top to please his granddaughter-in-law so she wouldn't have any reason to complain about Aiden.

But unfortunately, Alexa couldn't appreciate them. She was in no mood for it. Moreover, she was used to wearing designers, just like these ones. As for makeup, everything would be replaced because Alexa and Monica don't use the same palette.

Monica has what the people called, Snow white skin, while Alexa is a caramel brown-skinned lady. She has no much use for wigs either. Alexa loved to rock her long dreadlocks and styles them however she wanted.

She returned to the room just in time to see Aiden taking off his white shirt. Alexa was stunned at his build but quickly got over it. Lucian also had a great body and she had equally seen countless sexy bodies at the gym and on TV a number of times, so Aiden was on the same category as those men with great bodies.

"Grandfather went all out for Monica, I must say," she uttered and stood with her back to the wall, hands folded below her bosom.

Without looking at her, he replied, "She knew nothing about it. My grandfather intended to surprise her as part of her dowry. You can have them all."

Alexa smiled, "He's such a loving grandfather."

Aiden nodded and continued with what he was doing. Once his trousers and shirt were off, what was left of him were his boxers. His boxers were half way down when Alexa choked on her saliva and started coughing.

He looked over his shoulder and questioned with concern on his face, "Are you ok?"

She waved her hand to indicate she was fine, yet Aiden didn't give up.

"There should be water in the jar," he turned to point to the small jar on the center table, in the process, his boxers fell off, showing Alexa his PRIDE.

Alexa's eyes widened and her cheeks turned beet red. She was not supposed to be seduced by her enemy's brother but she couldn't help the lust that was building up inside her. His member was big, stronger, and firm with apparent veins lined on it.

He didn't have a hard-on. If he did, it would certainly be monstrous. Suddenly, she remembered Lucian, her deadbeat ex-fiancee who prided himself over his length. Alexa was sure that if he saw Aiden's length, Lucian would tuck his behind his legs like a coward.

She watched as it dangled here and there until it became still. If she stretched a hand, she'd be holding it. Her heart raced at the thought of it inside her.

"Alexa, are you ok? You look unwell."

She snapped out of her unholy thoughts only to find him towering over her. Alexa's face turned scarlet with embarrassment. She was caught staring and probably drooling. What a fool she was!

"I– I'm fine," she cleared her throat and reiterated, "I'm fine."

"I don't think so. Your face is red. Come," he grabbed her hand and led her to the bed and sat her down. Aiden grabbed the jar of water and poured some for her, "drink some."

Alexa didn't know where to hide her face. He was standing gallantly in front of her. His strong built prevented her from seeing beyond.

Aiden is a tall brawny man with a firm body. The protruding veins on his arms made him look dangerously alluring. All of that was an attestation to the long and torturous years he spent at the gym.

"... should I force it down your throat?"

At that moment, she finally realized she had been lost, staring at his body again. 'Fuck!' she cursed.

Alexa took the glass of water from him and gulped it down in one go.

"Careful." Just as he warned, she choked on water and started to cough for the second time.

He sighed and took the empty glass from her. "You're not a child. You should have known that rushing through it was a bad idea."

'Whose fault was it?!' she almost screamed at him but regained her reasoning and held herself back.

"What are you doing?" she inquired.

"In regards to what?"

How should she say this that it wouldn't sound differently? He was standing too close to her, naked... Wait a minute, does he want to consummate the marriage?!

Alexa suddenly bolted up from the bed and took a few steps back until she was a safe distance away from him.

"I'm not ready," she said.

"Ready for what?"

Yeah, ready for what? She couldn't bring herself to say it. First impression matters. If he doesn't understand, then let him remain ignorant.

Seeing she had no interest in explaining, he turned and headed for the bathroom. "I want to take a shower."

"Oh..." so that was why he was naked? She watched him enter the bathroom before sitting herself on the edge of the bed, slowly sinking into memory lane.

The news about her parents had awoken her guilt again. Had she been more careful, none of this would have happened to her family.

Lucian destroyed them and left no crumbs.

"Why are you crying?"