Turning his wife on

Alexa suddenly jolted. Crying? She wiped her face. Indeed, it was covered in tears.

Fuck me! She thought she was over this stage but how could she be so naive? Every time she thought of Lucian and what he did to her, her chest squeezed and she couldn't breathe, just like right now.

Alexa went for another glass of water. She drank the water, but this time, in mouthfuls to prevent embarrassing herself again. Once she had gotten a considerable hold of herself, she replied, "I'm fine."

That was a terrible answer. The blank look in his eyes made it clear that he didn't believe her. She had to come up with a more believable answer.

"Your relationship with your grandfather opened up my sealed memories. My grandparents and I used to be so close. But they died and left me alone as an orphan... Waah!"

Although she lied, the wailing was real. She tried to hold back but the moment she opened her mouth to speak, her lips quivered and she couldn't stop herself from crying like a child who was deprived of candy.

Aiden watched her without a feeling of sympathy or repulsion. Alexa couldn't predict what was running through his mind as he stood in front of her.

After watching her cry for so long, he suddenly said, "Crying reminds me of a funeral. I hope this will be the last time you shed tears in front of me." He turned and walked towards his wardrobe.

He seemed upset.

Alexa's tears suddenly ceased. After hearing his heartless words, she lost the urge to cry. Why was he being mean? And where was his signature smile? Has his face grown tired of faking a smile? Or was she so 'annoying' that she was able to penetrate his shield?

On a more serious note, why was he walking around stark naked without wiping his body? He's freaking leaving a trail of water behind!

Alexa couldn't hold back and questioned, "Don't you wipe yourself after showering?"

"I do."

"Then..." she stretched the word out as her gaze followed the trail of water on the marble floor. If one is not careful, they might slip and find themselves falling and that would be so embarrassing... And satisfying to watch. That is, if she was not the victim.

Aiden looked behind him and saw that he had messed up the room with his unconventional behavior. "I heard you weeping and thought you were hurt."

Alexa was stunned for the umpteenth time. Did he mean that he rushed out of the bathroom because he heard her weeping? Why would he do that? He clearly said he didn't love her, but his behavior until now proved otherwise.

"Aiden, why are you so nice to me? You said you didn't love me."

Aiden stared back at her with his brows knitted and queried, "Is that your definition of love? Well, because I don't love you doesn't mean I can't treat you well. You're my wife after all," he shrugged and went back to what he was doing.

Alexa's eyes stung with tears as she felt a dull pain in her broken heart. Why did she not see this man earlier? If Aiden was in Lucian's place, he wouldn't have hurt her the way that scumbag did. She just celebrated her 23rd birthday and had enough vitality for fun and romance, but the chance to enjoy a long lasting affection from a man who wasn't her father was snatched from under her feet.

She thought Lucian loved her as much as she loved him. He never gave her red flags nor made her suspect he was up to no good, otherwise, it wouldn't have gone undetected.

The bastard took two years and eight weeks to dig out her heart when she least expected it.

As she continued to brood, Aiden had finished wiping his body and applying lotion. He took out a homey outfit and put them on before saying, "I usually eat lunch with my grandfather by this time. Do you wish to come along?"

"I'll be thankful." She didn't eat anything before leaving Mainland but due to the strings of events that had taken place since morning, she forgot to be hungry.

Aiden took her hand. Just as he was about to pull her, she suddenly remembered his injuries from earlier and pulled her hand back.

"What is it?" he queried.

"Your finger, how is it?"

Aiden brought the finger to her face. He had forgotten about it. The wound was starting to blister.

Alexa sighed, "You should be careful with burns and they shouldn't be treated so nonchalantly, otherwise—"

Her doe eyes went wide as he popped the blister. Out of reflex, she grabbed his finger and yelled, "You don't pop a blister!" she instinctively pulled out a wipe from the box on the table and wiped the clear fluid.

Suddenly she froze. Did she just grow worried for him? She slowly looked up at him and saw he was staring at her with a blank look. Alexa blinked and let his finger go, then took two steps back.

"Ah... Ehm, where is your first aid kit?"

"I can handle it on my own," he said.

"I don't think so. If you can irresponsibly pop a young blister, what more will you not do?" she sneered in his face and rolled her eyes.

Why was she annoyed?

His lips cracked a smile. He stepped forward. With every step he took, Alexa took a step back. Suddenly her leg hit the bed frame and she tripped.

"Ahh!" she cried out in shock. But before she could topple over, he pulled her hand and she slammed her face on his sturdy chest.

"Ouch," she winced and pulled away, holding her nose to make sure it didn't break.

He raised her chin to assess her face, then slowly massaged her forehead with two fingers before trailing his finger down her nose. Alexa was startled and tried to pull away but he swiftly snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Stay still," he ordered with a stern voice as his gaze pierced into her eyes.

There was something about how this man said those commands that made her reluctant to disobey. It was as if her nerves were happy to surrender to him.

Alexa's heart thrashed rebelliously in her chest. She sniffed in his masculine scent and subconsciously raised her hands to pull him closer but regained her senses at the nick of time.

Why was she acting shamelessly after seeing his PRIDE? Has she become so loose that she would at the sight of a grown man's body and smell?

'This is crazy, Alexa. I didn't know you to be such a perv', she shamed herself.

All the while, the man who was gently and carefully massaging her nose from both sides had no idea he had turned his wife on without doing anything.