Old Man Clinton’s reason

Aiden only had a three year old daughter. The mother died after giving birth to Chloe, so whenever they went to war, Chloe stayed with Late Madam Clinton until they returned.

After Aiden took a bullet for his friend, before he passed away, Aiden begged Old Man Clinton to take care of his daughter. He also pleaded that Clinton should marry Chloe to Wilfred as he believed that only his friend's family would genuinely treat his daughter right.

Old Man Clinton and Late Madam Clinton watched Chloe grow up and started to show interest in Wilfred. The son of a gun didn't show repulsion at the early stage and led Chloe on until she fell helplessly in love with him, then he brutally rejected her.

Old Man Clinton was appalled by what his son did and when he tried to know why, he realized it was because of a gold digger he was dating.

Old Man Clinton didn't want to interfere with Wilfred's relationship when he already had another woman. The old man didn't want Chloe to suffer, so he started to look for an honorable match for her. He couldn't allow her to live outside the Clinton walls for fear that she was too obedient and naive and may be used, so he thought of finding her a live-in Son-in-law. However, his good-for-nothing son went behind their backs and slept with Chloe, taking her virginity in the process.

Enraged, the old man forced Wilfred to marry Chloe. If only he knew that his beautiful daughter-in-law would be abused and killed. If only she didn't hide the fact that Wilfred used to lay his hands on her, maybe she would have been alive. Maybe she would have been sitting beside him on the table right now. Just maybe he would have been staring at her instead of Alexa.

"Grandfather, is the food not tasty?"

Alexa's voice pulled the old man from his reverie and he slowly shook his head. The food he was chewing suddenly tasted bitter.

"Aunt Maya, prepare some porridge for my grandfather," Aiden instructed.

"Yes, Young Master," Aunt Maya left to do as told while the old man drank some water.

The old man casted his eyes on Alexa and questioned, "You said you interned at Mobi Corps, is that true?"

Alexa put her cutlery down and sat up. "Yes, Grandfather."

"What are your other qualifications?"

"I attended Mainland University as a scholarship student and graduated with a GPA of 3.95."

"Why were you not employed by Mobi Corps?" The old man was genuinely curious. He learned that the Chairman of Mobi Corps would give ten bright students a scholarship and employ the best three into his company. A GPA of 3.95 out of 4.00 should definitely be among the best students.

Alexa sighed and replied, "It was unfortunate and a blessing in disguise."

"What do you mean?" the old man raised a brow.

"That year, I was the fifth on the line. Two of my course mates had a GPA of 4.00 and one had a GPA of 3.98, so I was not qualified, however, they allowed a few of us with outstanding results to intern in their company."

The old man nodded slowly. It was reasonable. "Quinn was such a talented businessman with a creative mind. I wonder why he had to put his company up for sale."

Alexa's heart squeezed. She almost screamed that her father didn't put his company up for sale, but swallowed and consoled herself. She'd be getting it back soon enough, she vowed.

"Who is your father and what family are you from?"

"My full name is Alexa Winnie Jonathan. I have no idea who my father is. But my mother abandoned me and married another man. I don't care about her and I don't want to search for her... " she quickly made it known that she hated her imaginary mother, so they don't start to look for her.

"... and as for my grandmother who raised me, she passed away four years ago. After my intern service, I tried to get a job in Mainland, however, getting a job without connection was a hassle, so I came down to Sky City to leech off of my friend, Nora who promised to help me scout around for a job."

After knowing her 'story', Aiden shifted his gaze to her and smiled for whatever reason before he shoved a fork of veggies into his mouth. As for Old Man Clinton, he narrowed his eyes at Alexa and stated with a heavy tone.

"In that case, you didn't marry my grandson because you loved him. You married him because you wanted to leech off of him."

Alexa quickly shook her head, "I'm afraid there's a misconception, Grandpa. I've seen Aiden in a car once, last winter and I fell in love with him at first sight. I told my friend, Nora, who was with me that I liked him and she told me not to think about it. Then, she made me understand that he was Aiden Clinton who already had a fiance. Although I was in pain, I let him go, until this morning when I saw his bride... Ahem," she coughed and stopped talking.

They already knew what happened after that.

The old man got up from his seat and turned to leave but before then, he uttered. "It seems to me that you have a solid starting point. Once I've run a background check on you and I find that you're genuine, I'll give you a position at the company. Until then, remain a good wife to my grandson like you promised. Maya, bring the bowl of porridge to my study room." With that, the old man walked away.

After he left, Alexa's phone beeped. When she glanced at it, it was an email from Jerry. A small smile settled on her lips, but suddenly, she felt a scorching gaze on her. She turned her head and saw Aiden was glaring at her.