A morally upright man

Startled, Alexa subconsciously sat up straight. His glare was far from malicious, but the way they bore into her made her feel like a child caught doing something wrong. It was judgemental, at the same time, nonchalant.

"Did I do something wrong?" Alexa couldn't stay silent anymore and directly called him out.

Aiden's gaze drifted to her phone that was on the table and slowly shook his head. "Don't bring your phone to the dining table next time. Grandpa hates to have his meal interrupted."

"Oh, thank you," Alexa said and flattened her lips. Was that why the old man left the table? It wasn't likely… She turned her head in the direction the man left in, feeling a little bit of remorse.

"He didn't leave because of you. He lost his appetite after recalling an important matter, so don't feel bad and eat your food."

Alexa looked at her husband. He had started to eat after saying that. She nodded and scooped a spoonful of rice.

Both of them ate in deafening silence until they were full and returned to their room.

"There's still some time before the party. You should take a nap if you want. The other room is getting cleaned up, so you can manage here for now."

"I'm not feeling sleepy. I want to take my bath and find something to wear… we only have three hours before the party," Alexa attempted to unzip her dress but she had a problem.

First off, her dress requires help to unzip and Secondly, Aiden was still in the room, sitting on a couch and pressing his phone.

How would she tell him to give her privacy and to get her a maid to help out?

Suddenly, she saw him raise his gaze and ask, "Do you need help?"

What an Angel!

"Yes, please. I need assistance with my zipper. Could you help me get a maid?"

He slightly shook his head and replied, "They don't come into my room when I'm home."

A scowl formed on Alexa's face. Why? Did he molest them? Was that why the maids don't want to be left alone with him?

'Alexa, get a grip! How could you think so lowly of someone who had been nothing but good to you since morning! You're so bad,' she chastised herself.

Alexa felt a sense of shame gnaw at her conscience. Her fake lashes cascaded over her eyes in an attempt to hide her guilt.

She was not the nicest person and it was rare for her to feel guilty or shame. But she couldn't help it. Aiden had been too transparent with her which came as a shock to her.

Alexa lived in a society where deception was the order of the day, which was why she doubted Aiden's easy going nature at first. Although, she still had a lingering feeling that all thy glittered are not gold, she had come to understand that Aiden has a charming nature she was reluctant to stay away from.

"I can help you with your zipper if you want," he suddenly cut into her thought.

Alexa glanced up at him and slowly nodded without a word. Aiden came behind her. As he was about to unzip her dress, he noticed that the zipper extended to her butt. He paused for a brief moment before zipping the dress down. When he zipped the dress down to her waist, he pulled away.

"Done," he said.

Alexa noticed he didn't zip it down to its end but she was still thankful.

"Thank you," she said.

"If you need my help with anything else, I'll be on the balcony," he turned. As he was about to leave, he further added, "if it's another zipper, zip it to your waist before you call me to help you with it," with that, he walked away.

Alexa watched him leave without knowing how to react. His Words came as a slap to her ego. Was he trying to tell her that she was not attractive and he couldn't look at her?

Earlier, he kept yapping on and on about how he wouldn't fall in love with her and now, he was indirectly telling her to not put up effort to seduce him. Did he think she was craving to have his child? He must have thought that she took what his grandfather said literally. What a scum!

The wilder her thoughts the angrier she got. Suddenly she yelled, "Why?"

She couldn't fight the urge to tear him apart for stepping on her ego, after all.

He halted and turned to look at her before saying, "A woman's body is her pride and her husband's honor. I refuse to desecrate you with my eyes when I'm not sure if you'd stay in this marriage with me."

Stunned, Alexa stood speechless with a hard lump forming at the back of her throat. He is so respectful towards her, but why did he let her see his body? Did he not have respect for his?

"But you.. " her mind was still trying to adjust. He just slapped her with a great sense of honor that made her feel extremely special and respected.

"I'm your husband. It doesn't matter to me if you saw my pride. But the moment I see your body, I'll enter you. And if l do, you can't leave me, even if you want to."

Alexa melted like a butter inside when he made that declaration in an overbearing manner with all seriousness. If she had heard it from a man she was willing to be with, she would have purred like a cat. But regrettably, her mission was her priority.

So unfortunate!

She has no right to this man. He was too good for a deceitful person like her. She married him to make him a stepping stone, she also has desire to take advantage of his body and after that, she would leave him.

A morally upright person like Aiden does not deserve such a horrible treatment. She would just do what she came for and leave him alone. She should preserve his body for that golden woman he would end up marrying after her.

But what is this dull pain in her chest? Why the unwillingness to let him go? She can't have her father's company and Aiden, because Aiden had told her earlier that he detested liars. Right now, she was a pathological liar, so by the time her truth comes to light, he would certainly hate her.

She swallowed the unwillingness in her heart and let her dress slide down her body.