Alexa's deal with Aaron

After Alexa left the ladies, she headed for the dessert area. The hateful stares and unpleasant remarks from some women and ladies she met scrawled under her skin, after all, she was a human with feelings. However, her best response– silence, irked the people even more.

"I hope you remain deaf and mute for the remaining days of your miserable life!" one of the ladies spat with resentment.

This, Alexa didn't ignore.

"You mean decades? Ah, how could I forget, it's you who have barely two more days to live, prolly why you have no idea that I will live for many more years," she beamed.

"How dare you lay a curse on me!" simultaneously, the lady raised her hand and was about to slap Alexa when a voice stopped her.

"Mr. Smith, I'd say your daughter has got some guts."

A panicking voice belonging to a middle-aged man spoke pleadingly, "It's my fault, Young Master Aaron, I failed to teach my daughter well."

The one who was about to slap Alexa widened her eyes when she heard the voices behind them. Her friends all scurried away, leaving her and Alexa standing before the dessert table.

"Y– Young Master Aaron," the lady stuttered. She didn't know what she did wrong but for her father to be so flustered and even bowing, the matter must be severe.

"Celyn, apologize to Mrs. Aiden, hurry!" her father urged her.

"What?" Celyn glanced at Alexa with disdain, "Father, how could you tell me to apologize to this nonentity? She just cursed me to die!"

"Celyn!" the father yelled and what followed was a loud slap which sent her falling. "I shouldn't have let you be so unbridled, this is my fault," he turned to the surprised Alexa and bowed with humility. "On behalf of my daughter, I deeply apologize and my Smith family shall send in our apology tomorrow morning to show you our sincerity."

Alexa looked at Aaron, what is he up to? Why was he taking her side when he and his family clearly hates her?

"The quality of your apology would determine if you're sincere or not. If you would excuse us, I have words for my sister-in-law," Aaron dismissed the father and daughter.

After they left, Alexa squinted, "What are you up to?"

"Defending my brother's wife should not be seen as malicious, Alexa," he stated.

Shocked, Alexa uttered, "I'm quite appalled by the fact that my name glided through your tongue without hesitation. I remembered y'all addressed me by anything but my name, barely five hours ago."

"Excuse my manners. My family and I were only concerned about Aiden."

"And now, you're no longer concerned?" She knew he was lying through his teeth and didn't want to expose him. Playing along was the only way she could know his intention.

"You were investigated and you seem to have a valid reason for marrying my brother."

Alexa's heart thumped and her hand shook. Did he find out about her identity? A person who was able to buy her father's company could certainly override everything her father did to hide who she really was.

She stylishly glanced at him. He was staring at her with his brooding eyes. Alexa grabbed a dessert and chunk it down. She was nervous and didn't want to speak. Having her mouth full would be a better excuse to not speak and by the time she washed it down with wine, she would have thought of a solution.

"I must say you're brave and ambitious. For a countryside girl like you to wed my brother and have him respect you so much that he couldn't keep his eyes and hands off you is something and I must applaud your skills."

Alexa choked and coughed a few times. He didn't know! Her identity was still hidden! Excited, she washed the dessert down and got into character.

Her lips stretched into a sweet beam as she said, "Why do I sense something else from your tone, Young Master Aaron? You sound like Monica embarrassing Aiden on the altar was my doing."

He suddenly smiled and uttered, "It could be."

"Excuse me?" Alexa frowned.

Aiden moved towards a stand of cookies. He picked a sandwich cookie and took a bite, "Too sweet," he said and flung it into the bin.

He took a wipe from the table and wiped his fingers before turning to Alexa.

"What do you say, I tell everyone here what they want to hear?"

Alexa blinked, what was he talking about?

"Monica cannot leave the house because she's making headlines for bad reasons. What she did affected me more than it affected her, so, let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"Tell the media that you and Aiden have been dating and that it was yours and Aiden's idea for Monica to call off the wedding. In return, I'll give you $500,000 and a furnished apartment in the busy part of Mainland."

Alexa froze. All of a sudden, she howled with laughter. To Aaron, she was mocking him but pulled himself together. He needed her to make his slate clean. Monica was stupid to make that clumsy move, but it was consequential to remedy the situation first and then teach her a lesson later.

Aaron could have denied her when she broke it off with Aiden, but because of what he'd lose, he decided to play along with her dumb idea.

"Mr. Aaron, do I look like an idiot to you?" Alexa snickered again.

Why was she suddenly meeting comedians today? Is Sky City full of clowns? Why didn't she know before now? She would have visited earlier.

"Too little? Then I'll double it. $1 Million and a Villa."

"Hold up, do you know what it is to be Aiden's wife?" she sneered, "he's the beloved grandson of Chairman Clinton. I hear he'll become the CEO. Also, once your grandfather leaves us, Aiden will most certainly have a large portion of inheritance. And I believe as his wife, I'll also have a share, so do you think what you're offering me is enough to satiate my thirst?"

She was going to hold on to this storyline. It doesn't matter what name they would brand on her back, but this facade, she was going to keep it up until the end.

"You're a greedy one, I see."

"I'm not greedy, I'm ambitious, like you rightly stated," she beamed again.

"Aren't you afraid that you'd lose everything?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Not as much as you," she retorted with a confident smile.

"Interesting," Aaron picked up another sandwich cookie and took a bite. Earlier he said it was too sweet and threw it out. Now he's eating it again. Alexa wondered why but said nothing.

"I knew from the moment I saw you that you were more than what you portrayed. I wasn't wrong after all," he said.

"Neither was I," she replied. She knew from the start that he was faking his concern for Aiden at the wedding venue earlier.

"Fine, I'll give you..."