Caught red-handed

"Fine, I'll give you... 5% shares in Mobi Corps. In five years, it would be worth more than anything you'd gain for marrying Aiden."

Alexa stared at him blankly– her heart burning with resentment. She used to hold the largest shares in Mobi Corps. If not that Lucian drugged her and made her sign away everything, would she be met with this kind of insult?

Alexa's grip on the champagne glass tightened. She was angry. She was offended, but she dared not let herself fail.

She twirled her glass with a smile. "You're asking me to ruin mine and Aiden's reputation. Do you know what would happen to me after that? Your grandfather would haunt me wherever I go. And me, I'd be known as a horrible person for years to come. That stain would ruin my future chances."

"What are you insinuating?"

"I mean, If you're asking me to sacrifice my life for you, then I deserve a jaw-dropping compensation, don't you think?"

"Wasn't 5% shares of Mobi Corps enough?"

Alexa laughed, "Even you know it's not enough. Don't treat me like a choice less peasant. It's you who needs me."

"Then what's enough for you?"

"15% shares from Clinton Groups, a penthouse in the Mainland and the $1 Million you promised, or 20% shares from Mobi Corps. A mansion in Central Mainland and the promised $1 Million."

It was Aaron's turn to choke, "You're out of your mind," he retorted. How much shares does he have in both Clinton Groups and Mobi Corps? How could this countryside girl be so greedy?

Aaron took another drink from a passerby servant and downed the drink in one gulp. He would give in to her. He was going to take everything back and end her miserable life after that, anyway. With that thought in mind, he relaxed and nodded, "Indeed. You're doing the most work, I should increase it."

Alexa chuckled, "Right? Also, we'll sign some legal documents and we'll go public with the announcement of the share transfer."

"Why is that necessary?" Aaron raised a brow, feeling a sense of dread. Going public would ruin everything for him.

Alexa gave him a knowing smile, "Don't think I'm a fool. I don't trust that you won't send people after me. The offer is too good to be true."

Alexa would be stupid to believe that Aaron wouldn't play dirty. She had seen foul play in the world of the wealthy and she was one of those people.

Aaron threw his facade aside and closed the distance between them. He leaned closer to her ear and whispered in a dreadfully cold voice, "Since you know that I'm capable of taking your life, what makes you think that I can't force you to do what I want and still kill you in the end?"

Alexa trembled as fear and trepidation filled her heart. True, he could do that. However... She took a few steps away to create a safe distance between them. She forced a smile to hide her discomfort and asked, "Can you? Then why are you here? Let me guess... " she looked into his dark eyes and chills ran down her spine.

This guy has a dark soul, she concluded.

"... you've thought about killing me, but decided against it. Reason is because your grandfather would suspect your involvement and with that, you'll completely lose your chance of becoming the CEO. Mr. Aaron, need I remind you that you're walking on thin ice around your grandfather? A mistake and you're back to square one."

Aaron's lips curled into a smile. This girl is smarter than he thought. He thought he could threaten her and make her cower in front of him. If she's by his side, she'd be a big help to him. But if she's against him, she'd be his biggest obstacle. So, he has to enlist her into his team, otherwise, destroy her.

From his thoughtful stare, Alexa could tell he was considering the option to keep her alive. She deduced that if she didn't show him what she was made of, he would get rid of her. Now that she had convinced him of her intelligence, he would want her by his side and to achieve her aim, she needed to be by his side.

"We have a deal," he stretched his hand out for a hand shake.

"What's the stake?" she asked.

"20% shares of Mobi Corps, a mansion in Central Mainland and $1 Million."

Alexa smiled and shook his hand, "Nice doing business with you." His hand felt too smooth to the touch. She was about to take a closer look at it when he pulled it away.

"I hope for a future partnership," he suddenly raised his glass, distracting her from her line of thought.

"You're generous. Cheers," she proposed.

Meanwhile, at a corner beside the fireplace, a guy in a black suit had been standing there and taking pictures of Alexa and Aaron. After Aaron left, the guy gave Alexa a scorching glare.

Alexa felt a chill run down her spine and shivered. She looked toward the fireplace but saw no one.

Aaron on the other hand, after leaving Alexa, he strolled out of the hall. Getting to the outside of the place, he stopped and looked back at the entrance with a smirk.

"Come," he uttered. From no where, a guy in a blue checked shirt walked over and bowed before him.

"Boss," he uttered.

Aaron moved his sleeve away from his wrist and gently pulled on his wrist. With much difficulty, he peeled off a clear and tiny rubber glove.

As he was doing that, the guy in checked shirt pulled out a small transparent bag and opened it. Aaron carefully placed the glove before the guy sealed the opening.

"Work with that. It has her finger print. No mistakes, Ben," he warned with a much colder voice.

"Yes, boss," the guy bowed again and left.

Once he was left alone, Aaron took off the second glove and trashed it before heading back to the party.

A while later, Aiden, Old Man Clinton, and Mr. Wilfred with a scowl on his face, walked into the hall. While the old man was receiving the pleasantries, Aiden was called aside by the suit guy who took pictures of Alexa and Aaron earlier.

He whispered something to Aiden before handing him the phone.

Aiden scrolled through the pictures and when he saw the one where the two shook hands, his gaze shifted to Alexa who had risen from her seat and was probably waiting for him. Aiden returned the phone to the suit man without a word uttered and made his way to Alexa.