The long awaited CEO

"Aiden, you're back," Alexa beamed at him.

"Did you have fun?" Aiden asked with a smile as though nothing happened.

"Yes, I did," Alexa replied.

"Hmm, that's nice. I was worried you would be bored."

"I– no, I wasn't. I had some dessert and they were tasty."

The innocent and calm look on his face made her feel horrible. How could she agree to hurt his reputation for her selfish reasons? She was a victim of betrayal and knew how devastating it could be, yet she has agreed to be the villain in his life for her selfish interest.

'Alexa, snap out of it! You're doing this for your family. The Clintons hurt you first, you're not wrong to hurt them back!'

'The culprit was Aaron and not Aiden. Aiden is innocent and has always treated you with kindness. You shouldn't treat him so callously.'

'A Clinton is a Clinton! Your parents were innocent. You were innocent, yet got betrayed so badly. Aiden only has himself to blame for having a brother like Aaron.'

As the thoughts in her head fought over dominance of her mind, Alexa felt a nudge on her shoulder. She looked up and saw that Aiden was staring at her.

"Weren't you listening?" he asked.

"H– huh?" she questioned stupidly.

"You seem very tired. I should take you to the house to rest."

"No, I'm fine," she quickly shook her head.

Aiden nodded, "Alright," he sat down beside her and turned his eyes to his grandfather who was chatting with friends.

"Everyone, please have your seats," Chairman Clinton instructed. Once everyone was seated, he continued:

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my grandson and granddaughter-in-law's wedding party. I am very happy. I never thought I'd be alive to witness this day," the old man's stern eyes zoomed in on everyone in the room before he continued.

"Two years ago, before my wife passed away, she made me promise to take care of our grandson. That, I've done to the best of my ability. And now that he's finally married, I'm happy to say that my joy is half complete... What is left now is the arrival of my great grandchildren," the old man looked towards the couple as he said that with a light tone.

The room echoed with laughter and even Aiden couldn't help but glance at his wife.

Was he considering it? Alexa thought with a bitter taste in her throat. She would also love to give him a child, but… A sigh escaped her lips.

Once the hall had quieted down, the old man further added, "As you all know, I intended to retire from office after New Year, but I changed my mind and decided to retire earlier. Tonight is New Year's eve and I feel it's the best day to name the new CEO."

Alexa glanced at Aiden who seemed to be concentrating on his grandfather. Would he be the CEO? If yes, then what would she do with Aaron?

A pin-drop silence swept through the room. This is what everyone had been waiting for. The official heir to the company!

The old man's eyes traveled around the room before it settled on Aaron and for the first time, he smiled at him. "Aaron has done a lot for the company and thanks to him, the company has seen significant growth. The young would forever outshine the old. And for that, Aaron will become the next—"


"Clap, clap, clap!!"

The old man had not finished before a deafening round of applause erupted in the hall. Looking around, those who started the clapping were Talia and the other members of the Wilfred family.

In less than ten seconds, Aaron was already getting toasts and good wishes from the guests, who seemed to be pleased with the announcement.

The smile on the old man's face was slowly replaced by a sharp glare. They seem very eager for him to hand over his blood and sweat to this ambitious grandson of his. But unfortunately, they'll have to try even harder. He waited while drinking from his glass until they've had enough of jubilation and the hall had quieted down before he continued.

"... Vice President. Aaron and the other members of the company would give Aiden, the new CEO of Clinton Group all the support he needs to become a competent president."

An eerie silence filled the hall. No one could even breathe loudly for fear of the repercussions. If looks could kill, the Wilfred's' dagger stares would have pierced the old man's heart by now.

Alexa looked at her husband. The man looked… annoyed? Was he annoyed that he became the CEO or what exactly? But why?

"My daughter-in-law, Alexa, will assist her husband in running the company as the COO of the company."

Gasps broke out among the guests. What was the Chairman saying? The COO literally does the same job as the Vice President!

Shocked, Alexa found it hard to believe her ears. Did this old man truly make her the COO?

Thinking of it a little deeper, she winced. Her grandfather-in-law was putting her out as a target to protect Aiden. Giving her the same power as Aaron isn't a good thing at all. As it stands, Aaron must have already recruited most of the staff under his umbrella. Gaining those people's trust and pulling them away from Aaron would be extremely difficult. The old man must have known that, which was why he threw her out there, but why? She was just a graduate with a one year internship. She only has a textbook knowledge of running a business.

At least, that was what she told him, so why was he giving an 'incompetent' person such a big position?

"Grandpa, what are you doing? How are you giving two crippled people such important positions in the company?!" Talia yelled.

The old man glared at her, shutting her up instantly.

"Father, you're making a wrong decision. Aaron is the only one who can handle the company. He has been working for the company ever since he was 17. He slaved away 23 years of his life for the business and– "

"Then start your own company and hand it over to your children. Why are you angry over who I give my company to?"

"Chairman Clinton, as a member of the board, I disagree with your decision. The company will fail in the hands of Aiden."

"I agree. What qualifications does your granddaughter-in-law have to become the COO?"

Almost all the guests agreed with the two board of directors. Old Man Clinton swept his deep gaze over them and suddenly uttered with much disgust.

"As the board of directors, I know you're concerned about your money. Be rest assured, your money will not be lost and also, your profit will not diminish in any way. I think that would be all," the old man finished his drink and left the hall.

Everyone in the hall had no pleasant look on their faces. No one believed that the old man would be so absurd. He promised the shareholders that they wouldn't lose any money, but how was that possible when a good-for-nothing and his wife with a questionable background would become the heads of the company?

This matter has to be discussed in the board meeting on Monday. By then, Chairman Clinton would have thought over his rash decision.

With that conclusion, the guests departed the hall in droves.

Admist the fight, Alexa had reconciled with the fact. Being a COO meant that she would be able to get her hands on the documents she needed. Her husband being the CEO would make it easier for her to get his signature. Does that not mean that she could get things done in less than a month?

But how could the old man make her the COO of his multi-billion conglomerate when he barely knew her?

Something is not adding up!

"Aren't you leaving?"

Aiden's voice suddenly interrupted her chain of thought. She looked at him– he had his hand stretched out to her.

Alexa took the hand and left with her husband. As they were walking through the path, Alexa saw Aaron sitting alone on the empty seats. A cloud of smoke concealed his expression, but from the air around him, she could tell he was furious.

When Aaron channeled his menacing glare at them, her heart constricted and she felt suffocated. This man, she cannot have anything to do with him. But what should she do about their deal?