
"Grandfather-in-law, why are you telling me all of these?"

"Because I know that you have an agenda for choosing my grandson."

Alexa's heart skipped a beat and she quickly took a bite of her toast. Has she been caught so soon? She raised her gaze and quickly lowered it when she caught him staring.

She knew that her behavior was suspicious and it wouldn't be helpful if the old man truly knew something. So, she cleared her throat and forced a smile, "Grandfather, what are you saying?"

The old man ignored her and drank his tea before he continued, "My ears are everywhere. I know of your little meeting with Aaron tonight."

Alexa's heart thumped faster and her palm turned sweaty. She pulled at the hem of her dress. How much does this old man know? Would he believe her if she tried to tell him the truth about what Aaron and her discussed?

The old man reclined in his chair and continued, "I will not force you to disclose your agenda, but be sure you have no intentions of hurting my grandson and the company. I made you the COO just so you could be in the position of power to carry out whatever you want, at the same time, protect my grandson. The moment you start to bite more than you can chew, you won't find me so patient."

Alexa breathed a sigh of relief. It means that the old man knows nothing. She smiled faintly and said, "Grandfather, I– "

"Whatever Aaron offered you, I can triple it. Just don't hurt my grandson or my company."

Alexa stared at the man, feeling complicated. If he suspected that she was not genuine, why didn't he get rid of her? Aiden doesn't love her, so he can't use that as an excuse. Why was he tolerating a person he suspects of being a betrayal?

"If you suspect me of dishonesty? Why don't you get rid of me?"

"You saved my grandson's face yesterday and made my grandson have a genuine laugh last night. He may not have fallen for you, but you're the first to make him laugh boisterously in a long time. That is why, you have to be by his side no matter what."

The old man wanted to add that she reminded him of Aiden's mother but swallowed that. As for Alexa, she wondered what laugh the old man was referring to, until she remembered the embarrassing moment in Aiden's spooky room.

She suddenly looked up at the old man. Was he spying on them last night?


As Alexa walked down the passageway, she couldn't stop thinking about the old man's words. She had a lingering feeling that he knew something else he wasn't letting out. Maybe he found out she changed her identity, or worse, he saw through her mask. Otherwise, why was he so sure that she needed power to do whatever she wanted?


"Argh… Who is– "


The sudden loud sound of objects falling and the old man's agonizing cry caused Alexa to freeze. Once her mind registered what was going on, she made a run for the study room.

On arrival, Alexa saw the old man thrashing on the floor– blood trickling down his lips!

Her eyes widened and she dashed to the old man. Helping the old man up, she cried out in panic:

"Grandpa, what is happening to you?!"

The old man tried to speak but coughed out blood.

"C– call, call Aiden– keough, !" the old man continued to cough out blood.

Alexa laid the old man down and rushed out of the study. Standing along the stairs, she saw Aunt Maya instructing the servants moving things here and there.

"Aunt Maya, get the ambulance! Grandfather is– "

Aunt Maya jolted and looked up at Alexa, "What happened to Chairman Clinton?!"

"I don't know. He is spitting out blood. He wants Aiden but I think we should send him to the hospital first."

"Call Aiden!" Aunt Maya yelled and started hurrying for the stairs.

"I don't have his phone number," Alexa regretted not taking his number.

Aunt Maya paused on the stairs, "I also don't have his number. No one does."

"Then let's call the ambulance," Alexa proposed.

Aunt Maya nodded and instructed the servants in the living room to call the ambulance. She called a few male servants before they headed for the old man's study.

Inside, the old man was still thrashing with barely enough strength left in him.

"I don't think we can wait for the ambulance. Get the car!" Alexa yelled. At the same time, the old man grabbed her hand and tried to speak but his words came out jumbled.

Alexa went on her knees and pressed her ears closer to his lips, "Grandfather, what do you want me to do?"

"A– Aid– en… take– car-e of Ai– den… "

Alexa stiffened as the old man's hand gradually fell lifeless. She slowly looked at his pale face, his eyes were starting to dim as his lashes lethargically fell over his eyes.

"Get the car!!!" Alexa roared. Images of her grandmother's last days flashed in her mind. Panic, dread, and anxiety hit her with full force.

No, this cannot happen again. Another soul cannot die in her hands… No, no, no!

The room broke into chaos. The male servants hurriedly carried the old man and started rushing out of the room. Aunt Maya, who was rooted to the ground earlier, suddenly lost her strength and fell on her knees.

Alexa had no time to console Aunt Maya and rushed after servants. However, before she got to the stairs, she saw Aiden standing by the entrance.

"Go back inside," Alexa heard him say to her before leaving with the servants.

How could she go back inside and wait? Although she didn't want to get involved with the family's troubles, it seems that she can't escape it now. She sighed and went back into the room to change her dress.

Meanwhile, a female servant who had been at the side, watched Alexa's dissappearing back with the corner of her lips raising to form a sneer. She pulled out her phone and sent a message.

[ Done ]