Unexpected situation (1)

At the hospital...

Reporters perched around the front of the long, white and blue, three storey building, under the heavy snow. Caring little or less about their well-being.

Alexa, who has gotten out of a car, wondered what the media was doing around the building until she spotted Mrs. Wilfred and Aaron in their midst.

The old hag and her children couldn't wait to reap the people's sympathy, Alexa sneered as she inched further and further towards the entrance.

"... Although my father-in-law wasn't the nicest to me, I wished I could mend our relationship somehow before he passed away, but unfortunately, death is no one's friend, waaah!"

Alexa frowned, was the old man dead? He wasn't completely out of oxygen when they sent him to the hospital... Thinking of that, she pushed her way through the reporters who probably didn't notice her.

What would Aiden be feeling right now?

That was the only thought on her mind as she walked hastily through the door and entered the building.

The white lobby was shrouded with doom and discomfort. Alexa hated the smell of hospitals and the feelings it invoked in her, but couldn't help appearing there again. She sighed softly as she hurried without stopping to the reception desk to make an inquiry.

"Hello, please, where is the Clinton family?"

The nurse gave Alexa the once-over before asking, "Who are you to the family, and what's your name?" seeing that Alexa had narrowed her eyes on her, the nurse further explained, "I need to enter your details." She knew the Clintons, after all, it was their hospital. But this lady standing in front of her, she'd not seen her before, so her details were needed to save her some trouble.

"I'm Aiden's wife."

"Oh," the nurse slowly nodded and pointed at the passageway beside her desk before entering her details on her computer.

Alexa headed for the direction. Coming out of the corner, the family members were seen pacing back and forth— Mr. Wilfred, like a loving son, was pacing as he shot glances at the tightly shut ICU door. Seth stood with his back to the wall, and Talia, just like her father, was pacing and cursing quietly.

Aiden was the only one sitting on one of the long benches with his hands holding his head as he stared down at the white floor.

A number of guards in black suits stood along the passageway, minding their businesses.

Haply because of the annoying sound of her heels, everyone turned to look her way.

"You– " Talia was about to lurch at her when Seth grabbed her.

"Behave," he cautioned her.

"She— " Talia didn't want to give up, but her father's intervention put her rage in check.

"We've talked about this, don't make me repeat myself," Mr. Wilfred glared at Talia.

Although Talia didn't fight her anymore, she continued to glare daggers at Alexa.

When the incident happened earlier, it crossed Alexa's mind that she might be accused of wanting to kill the old man. She was right after all.

Alexa shifted her gaze to Aiden and her breath hitched in her throat. She didn't mind the other's glares, but that of Aiden's...

When he stared at her, she felt killing intent from him. Shocked by those eyes, she paused in her steps. Did she do something wrong? Was he suspecting her? Suddenly, she heard him say:

"I told you to stay back," he gave up his seat for her and decided to take the nearest bench.

"I– " Alexa was lost. Wasn't he just glaring at her just now? What changed? Or was the look not directed at her?

Probably. It must be that she just happened to receive the stare that was meant for someone else. But Aiden isn't capable of giving people such a deadly look, right?

She was confused by those eyes she just saw. They looked deadly, like they belonged to a killer... Alexa shook her head, how could she come to such a conclusion. She hasn't even seen a killer's stare before. She was overreacting again.

A small smile graced her lips as she closed the distance, "I couldn't sit still. How is Grandfather?"

Aiden stood up and brushed off the snow on his overcoat. She was wearing his overcoat from yesterday.

"The doctors are working on him. Hope you're not cold?" he shook off the snow on her hair and brushed a few locs behind her ear.

She stared at his side profile. Aiden was too calm. Although he wasn't smiling like he used to, he didn't look angry either. It must be that the old man's situation wasn't that serious.

Suddenly, her brows knitted. If the old man wasn't dead yet, why was Mrs. Wilfred granting such an interview outside? What kind of a human is that woman?

A scoff escaped Alexa's lips. They seem to be eager for the old man to die.

Alexa suddenly felt a great sense of compassion in her heart for her husband. If the old man dared to die, what would become of this young man?

Subconsciously, her hand moved and held his hand. Looking into his eyes, she said with conviction, "Grandfather will get through this. He'll be fine."

With his lips pressed together, he gently pulled his hand away and asked, "Do you want him to survive?"

Alexa frowned, what does he mean by that? "Of course, why would I want him dead?"

He suddenly smiled and pulled her to the bench and sat her down, "What if he doesn't make it?" his tone was overly flat like he didn't care whether his grandfather lived or died.

Alexa couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did he really not care? Or he didn't know how to show concern? That was unlikely. If Aiden could treat a stranger like her with so much affection and care, he must love his grandfather more than life itself.

Suddenly, what he told her the day before rang in her ears, "Crying reminds me of a funeral. I hope this will be the last time you'll shed tears in front of me."

She glanced at him again. Does it mean he doesn't know how to feel sad? Because, really, he shouldn't be in the mood to care about her right now. If her suspicion was right, then it means that he was dying inside right now.