Unexpected situation (2)

Alexa bit her lower lip. She had never met someone like this before, so she had no idea how to console him. He doesn't feel physical pain, and now, he can't show sadness. She sighed.

All of a sudden, Talia stood in front of them, yelling with raw emotions in her tone, "How could you jinx Grandfather? He loved you the most and gave you everything, yet you and your gold-digging wife want him dead! I wish he could hear you right now. I'm sure he would have been very disappointed!"

After the confrontation from last night, Alexa realized Talia was a dumb bitch with a loud mouth who doesn't listen to herself speak.

"I think you should take a walk outside to see who really wants grandpa dead. Don't blindly throw stones at my husband and I," Alexa retorted.

Although she was warned by Aiden to not get into a conflict with these people, it was not in her nature to abide bullies or get bullied.

"Said the one who poisoned him with tea!" she yelled.

Alexa would lie if she didn't expect they'd pin this on her, but she still felt annoyed by it. She looked at the rest of the family members, they were all staring back at her with narrowed eyes.

"Talia, don't cause trouble. The doctor hasn't said anything about poison. It could be anything but poison in his tea."

Aiden defending her at a time like this was something Alexa didn't consider. It warmed her heart but why does she feel sad?

"I know you're a big fool, but can you tone it down? It is obvious the wench you married killed grandfather, but you dare to give her the benefit of the doubt?!"

"How are you so sure that I tried to kill him?" Alexa raised a brow.

"Because you're the only suspicious one in the family. You must have married Aiden with bad intentions and you— "

"Haven't you ever considered yourself to be stupid, even if it's once in your life? I'm not shocked that you would believe the lie you coined, but let me tell you now, I wouldn't be so foolish to poison grandfather when all evidence points straight at me. Have some sense."

"How dare you— "

"Talia, I told you to keep shut!" Mr. Wilfred suddenly thundered. After getting his anger across to Talia who immediately closed her mouth, he continued, "No one is responsible for my father's predicament until investigations proved otherwise, so I don't want to hear any of you speaking carelessly about this matter. Do I make myself clear, Talia?"

"I'm sorry, Father," she replied begrudgingly, huffed and took a seat.

But this was far from over!

The ICU door made a creaking sound as it was pushed open to reveal a stressed-out doctor.

Mr. Wilfred rushed forward and asked, "Doctor, is my father doing?"

"Was my grandfather poisoned?" Talia queried.

"Is he dead?" Seth suddenly asked while still resting on the wall.

Hearing that, the doctor frowned and Mr. Wilfred glared at him, "You should go home and wait."

"I thought I was a doctor when you had me come over," Seth voiced with a tinge of annoyance lacing his tone.

"Brother, don't speak that way about grandfather. He's still– "

"What? Did I say something wrong? Would his life and death mean anything to you? Well it means nothing to me," with that he turned and left.

Alexa had seen a dysfunctional family, but this was on another level. How could they hate their grandfather so much?

"I'm sorry you had to witness that. How is my father doing?" Mr. Wilfred broke the silence.

"Well, your father wasn't poisoned, we noticed a considerable amount of diquat in his system, which caused his kidneys and liver to fail to detoxify the built up toxins that were found in his bloodstream, due to excessive intake of toxic tea."

"What? Then, is my father alright now?"

"We can't say for now until he wakes up. We managed to perform an exchange transfusion on him, so he should be fine once he's awake."

"Thank you so much, doctor," Mr. Wilfred shook hands with him before the doctor left.

A few minutes after the doctor left, Mrs. Wilfred came rushing over while wailing, "My father-in-law, who killed my father-in-law?!" getting closer, she sighted Alexa and the next thing, she pointed her finger at her, "It's you, you vixen killed my father-in-law! I'll tear you apart!"

"Talia, escorts your mother home. She's exhausted," Mr. Wilfred couldn't endure the humiliation anymore.

"What?! Honey, what are you– "

"Mother, grandfather is not dead. The doctor said– "

"Do I have to repeat myself?!" Mr. Wilfred thundered, "send your mother home!"

"Yes, dad," Talia held her mother and left with her, not forgetting to shoot a glare at Alexa.

After they were gone, it was just Mr. Wilfred, Aiden, and Alexa with a few guards left in the space. The man looked at Aiden and Alexa, then said, "You can return home, I and Aaron shall be here to look after him."

"I have nothing to do at home," Aiden replied.

"You have been given the CEO position. You should head home as you'd have to be present in the company tomorrow."

"Thank you for your concern, but I have no intention of going to the company."

Hearing that, Mr. Wilfred smiled, "Then once your grandfather is awake, you can have him revoke your title and give it to Aaron. After all, he's more deserving of it," with that, Mr. Wilfred left with the guards.

Standing with his back to her, Aiden said, "You should go home, I'll stay behind."

"I'll stay with you."

Aiden glanced at her but said nothing. Soon, the old man was wheeled into a VIP ward.

Aiden and Alexa stayed with the old man until night before Aiden went out to get them something to eat.

Alexa on the other hand, received a call from Nora who was shocked by the news of Old Man Clinton's alleged death. While the two were talking on the phone, three nurses entered the ward.