Who's the suspect?

"Ma'am, it's time to clean him up. Do you want to remain here or excuse us?" one of the nurses questioned.

Alexa hated the sight of blood, so she excused the nurses and stood outside the door to continue her call. About thirty minutes later, the nurses came out, "We're done. You can head back in."

Alexa went in and checked on the old man. He was still sleeping and the machines were beeping. With nothing out of the ordinary, she went to the couch and sat down, awaiting Aiden.

Not long after, Aiden returned with takeouts, "I took longer than expected because of a traffic jam, I'm sorry."

"You didn't have to apologize," Alexa smiled and helped him set the table.

After they were done eating, a team of doctors, led by the man who carried out the operation on the old man, came into the ward.

"Is he not awake yet?" He asked while inching towards the bed.

"Not yet," replied Aiden.

The doctor frowned, "He should be awake by now," he checked the machine, it was still beeping and the numbers were alright. The doctor took out his stethoscope and placed it on the old man's heart. After a while, his brows knitted. He took it off and placed it back on.

The doctor's face contorted into an ugly scowl. He took the old man's pulse and then checked his eyes with a touch.

By now, the doctors were starting to panic and from the look of things, Alexa could already guess what had happened.

"We're sorry... We tried our best," the doctor addressed them.

Aiden didn't react, except that his fist was clenched tightly.

Alexa, on the other hand, was lost, "How is that possible? He was fine a while ago. His machine didn't show signs of malfunctioning. How could you pronounce him dead just like that?"

"We're going to find out the reason why the machine didn't show changes, but– "

"I refuse to believe that. Less than an hour ago, three nurses came to clean him up. None of them– "

"You said what?"

"I said I refuse to be– "

"No, the nurses."

"Three nurses came here, two men and one lady. They came to clean him up and I left them… What happened?" Alexa queried when she saw the horrified look on the doctor's face.

"The control room! Hurry to the control room and lock down the hospital!" The doctor's team hurried out of the ward, leaving the doctor, Aiden and Alexa staring at each other.

"Wh– what is going on?" She could already tell what had happened, but was scared to admit it.

"He's been murdered… under your watch."

Alexa's heart skipped a beat. She aided them to kill the old man? Had she been inside, the old man could have been saved, right?

"I– I– "

What could she say? She was lost for words.

"You didn't kill him, you should relax."

Relax? How could she relax when the old man was killed under her watchful eyes?

Suddenly, the VIP ward was flung open and Mr. Wilfred and his family who were supposed to have left, barged in, leaving Alexa wondering if they were hiding around a corner.

"Aiden, what happened to your grandfather?" Mr. Wilfred inquired with a stern look.

"The news traveled like a dart. Let's not waste words," Aiden replied.

It came as a shock that the kind-hearted Aiden with a smiley face would vomit such blunt words with a straight face.

Alexa swallowed. He must be very upset.

"Insolence! You and your wife were the ones watching him, so how did he suddenly die?!"

"That question would be best answered by a doctor."

"Don't talk to your father like that!" Mrs. Wilfred thundered.

"Please, this is not the time to fight each other. Your grandfather was poisoned. Get the police as soon as possible before we move him to the morgue. There might be pieces of evidence around him," the doctor intervened. He was tired of the family's fights.

"What's the use of an investigation? He's already dead. Nothing will bring him back. Please fix a date for the funeral, I'm sick of this."

Akexa raised her gaze. As expected, it was none other than the heartless Seth. What was he even doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be gone? If only she wasn't in a foul mood right now, she would have taught him a lesson.

Right now, she was more worried about the state Aiden was in.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Seth, the hospital's protocol must be adhered to."

"The hospital is ours, we do whatever we want," he retorted.

"Being the owner of the hospital doesn't exempt you from following medical rules. This is a criminal case, a few nurses entered this room and tampered with your grandfather's body and medical instruments. Sky City's medical rules demand that we get the police involved, otherwise, there'd be a serious repercussion for the hospital's reputable name if such matters get out," the doctor explained with outstanding confidence, not minding that he might be fired.

"Whatever massages your ego," Seth retorted and stood by the wall.

"Talking of nurses entering the ward, where were you and your wife? You said you'd stick with your grandfather. That was why I had to leave," Mr. Wilfred questioned Aiden.

Aiden turned to stare back at his father for a while before his face broke into a pleasing smile, "My wife and I needed a much quiet place to ease built up pleasure for a few minutes."

"You– "

"How shameful!"


Mr. Wilfred lost his tongue, Talia and her mother couldn't even find the appropriate words for how appalled they felt.

Mr. Wilfred cleared his throat and voiced, "When you knew you couldn't keep your hands off your wife," he gave Alexa a once-over, "You should have gone home with her and allowed others to stay here."

"I couldn't trust anyone other than myself. Stepmother already told the world about my grandfather's death, so now that he's truly dead– murdered, are you still surprised?"

"What do you mean by that?!" the man's tone changed.

"How dare you accuse me of killing him?!"

Aiden ignored the husband and wife and turned to the doctor, "Have my grandfather sent to the morgue. His funeral will commence as soon as possible. No need for investigation, otherwise it'd ruin the hospital's reputation."

"But Young Master– "

"Who wants to bring their sick to a hospital that couldn't protect the wealthiest man in Sky City?" Aiden added.

With that, he took Alexa's hand and was about to leave when Mr. Wilfred blocked his path.