Will and Testament (1)

Inside the old man's study, the family could be seen, occupying the seats, while a middle aged man with a briefcase in front of him, assessed the family members for a long while before he cleared his throat and broke the tense atmosphere, "Now that everyone is here, can we start reading the Will?" 

"Does she need to be here?" Talia extended an evil stare at Alexa who was sitting beside her husband. 

The lawyer followed her gaze and when it dawned on him that Alexa was the reason for the taut ambiance in the study room, he nodded and said, "Your grandfather specifically added that his granddaughter-in-law must be present for the reading of the Will." 

"Damn that old foo– " Talia was about to curse the old man when her father gave her a disapproving glare. 

The lawyer felt annoyed by Talia's disrespect but it wasn't in his place to teach her manners, so he opened his briefcase and brought out a file. He needed to handle this asap and begone.