Will and Testament (2)

Alexa looked over her shoulder and a smile graced her lips at his cute and innocent expression. Even though she'd seen his killer vibe, something in her doesn't permit her to consider him a threat. 

"Because I use fruity shampoo... You don't like it? If you don't, I can change to your preference," she uttered in a calm voice as though she was speaking with a child. 

"It's calming and smells nice. Wear it often," he said and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

Alexa felt a tickle in her heart and it bubbled with extreme satisfaction. She loved it whenever he gave her such unexpected kisses. While she was basking in full happiness, it was interrupted with an irritating harrumph from... Who cares? 

As if the harrumph was a breeze to Aiden's ear, he gently squeezed his wife's hand when he caught her stifling a yawn and inquired lightly, "Are you feeling tired?"