Will and Testament (3)

"What nonsense is this?!" Seth breathed in great annoyance. His grandfather didn't acknowledge them, he insulted them!

"Silence!" Aaron glared at him. Even though he felt more humiliated, he wasn't bothered because everything Aiden was given– everything Aiden owns, he would take them all.

"The remaining 40% in Clinton Groups, 15% in L&G, 20% in Mobi Corps, 18% in Devi Int, and 10% in Glove, will be given to my grandson, Aiden."

"Grandfather!" Talia bolted up and screamed as though the old man was sitting right there. "I hate you so much and I wish you rot in hell!" With that, she ran out of the study room, weeping.

Seth also got up and shot a dangerous glare at Aiden and his wife before he also stormed off.