The inseparable triad of Sky City (1)

Winter nightlife in Sky City was more than Alexa imagined it to be. The number of people who turned up at the luxurious club, wearing revealing clothes got her wondering if it was summer.

Alexa and Nora sat on the counter, staring at the chaotic dance floor as young men and women sought pleasure in dancing, flirting, screaming and doing whatnot.

This was her lifestyle until two weeks ago.

"The club is always crowded during festivals. Once New Year is over, it would become less rowdy and more peaceful," Nora immediately explained before Alexa would kill her for lying about the peaceful atmosphere they've not seen since they stepped in.

"I'm not bothered. I'm more concerned about your broken lip…" she focused her stare on Nora's face, "need I guess why your lip is broken?" she arched an eyebrow.

Nora cleared her throat and turned away to drink all the content in her glass before she ordered for more drinks.