Wife in trouble

"I don't know the details, but Monica did say he passed out and stayed in a coma for a few weeks when he received the news of his grandmother's passing."

"Received news? Was he not present?"

Nora shook her head, "Aiden spent most of his adulthood in Central Mainland. Two years ago, Aiden returned to the country in a comatose state after his grandmother's death."

"So, it was believed that he passed out due to the news? There could have been some other reasons, right?"

"It could, but Monica's story is more likely to have been the case as Aiden couldn't possibly have any other reasons to drive him into a coma."

"Hold on, did you say he spent most of his adulthood in Central Mainland?!"

Nora nodded, "Yes... "

"Then, he must have known who I truly was from the moment I approached him?"