Waking the sleeping dragon

Hearing Renren's claim, Aiden raised his gaze to stare intensely at him. He wasn't sure if it was one of Renren's jokes. Although he encouraged Alexa to go out and get some fresh air, he didn't ask her to go clubbing.

Seeing that Aiden and Talford were staring at him like hawks about to dive down on a chick, he pointed at the window, "It's not one of my jokes, a man is trying to force himself on her."

A thin layer of ice casted over Aiden's eyes as he slowly got up from his seat and strutted to the window– it was a one way privacy window, so Aiden was not afraid to be sighted.

Standing by the window, he saw a group of men standing guard while a man harassed his wife. The man spanked Alexa's butt and she threw her drink at him. Prolly enraged from the humiliation, the man landed a slap across her face while saying things in a fit of rage.

Nora was screaming by the side and couldn't do anything because she was held by two men.

"Who is he?"