Greedy man

The next morning...

Nora was seen setting the table while Mike arranged the napkin on his neck. The couple were formally dressed with Nora wearing a red gown while Mike wore a black suit and white inner.

"Nora, I know a secret. I'm contemplating if I should tell you or not."

"I'm not interested," she replied bluntly while serving him the ginger lemongrass broth with spaghetti and broccoli, she just finished preparing.

"Are you sure you don't want to know?" He asked while sniffing the air. The aroma of her food is always what keeps him happy after sex. Nora is the best cook he knows.

"Mike, please!... Don't ruin my morning."

He looked at her pulling a long face and shrugged, "Alright, if you don't want to know, I won't bother, but don't blame me later if your friend gets in trouble at the party," he said while picking up his spoon.

Nora paused and looked at him, "What do you mean?"