The rescuer

Nathaniel sighed, "This would seem like gossip, but forgive me if you feel bad. I saw your boyfriend last night with a gallon. I thought he was filling your car, but as it seems, he was siphoning."

"Fuck, Mike!" she slammed her fists on the steering wheel, fuming. It was something he could do. That bastard, she reminded him to fill his car when they returned home yesterday and he told her he's got a full tank!

Remembering there was someone in her car, she felt embarrassed and at the same time, couldn't contain her anger. That leeching boyfriend of hers has to be gone, but how?!

"Take calming breaths, Nora. One doesn't think straight and is prone to make wrong decisions when angry."

"I'm sick of him! He's been doing too much...!" she quickly got a hold of herself and shut her eyes while taking calming breaths one at a time.