Saving the company (2)

"I'm sorry, Mr. Aaron, but I can't pretend that you didn't just say something untrue about me. Pardon my manners but I disagree with the story Monica fed you with."

Aaron raised a quizzical brow, "Oh? Are you suggesting that Monica lied to me?"

"I dare to be preposterous." She's an employee, not a slave who can't defend herself.

Aaron nodded with a smile, "Then, Monica owes you an apology. However, she's not here to do so now. In that case, can we talk about this another time? The company's state is more important, don't you agree?"

"I believe so."

"Alright, so, the higher ups initiated a conference call a while ago and came up with a strategy to combat the situation."

"And what could that be?" She was curious to know why she was needed to solve this problem, because she's merely an employee in the HR department and not on the PR team.