Saving the company (3)

"Mr. Aaron!"

"Hehe, what? I'm just telling you the possible outcome of your choice, so think carefully. Either you do what the higher ups want or take your place in prison. You have ten minutes to think it over. After that, you know where to find me."

"Is this what the higher ups want or what you want?!" she glared at him, standing there like a rebellious teen.

"Correct, so know your place, Miss Nora." He smiled and turned to leave the rooftop.

Nora stood there, stunned. Alexa told her before that this man was a devil's apprentice but it seems she got it wrong. Aaron is the devil incarnate in human form!

Before anything else, she needed to find out if Alexa indeed betrayed her. But Alexa was still unconscious, so how would she know? Nora didn't know how much time she had spent brooding over her situation when her space was invaded.

"I knew I would find you here."