Saving the company (4)

Mike stayed silent for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Mr. Aaron said you wouldn't betray Alexa, so he asked me what your weakness was and I told him–"

"You told him I'm addicted…was addicted to you?!" she quickly rephrased her statement.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Nora, I just– "

Pointing at the exit, she said calmly, "Leave."

"Nora– "

"Leave before I do something we'd both regret!!!"

With his hands raised in surrender, he replied. "It's ok, it's ok, I'll go."

After he left, Nora staggered and grabbed the railing for support. Staring at the ground, she had a fleeting urge to jump down. Her chest was in pain from this man's constant betrayal. Who else did he tell about her weaknesses? Florence, Nathaniel, everyone in the company?!

At the thought of her shameful secret becoming a public knowledge, Nora's breathing grew haggard and her eyes stung with tears. Good thing she had not accused Alexa. How would she have faced her?