Saving the company (5)

"That is because I was asked to lie. Someone threatened to send me to prison on behalf of my superior, ex-manager Klein, for an embezzlement that he carried out with the department of finance. They wanted me to say that Alexa's pregnancy was not Aiden's. They wanted me to say that Alexa wanted to get rid of the pregnancy and thought to pin it on Talia, whereas, Alexa had no idea that she was pregnant to begin with."

Gasps and murmurs of disbelief broke out in the crowd. The executives glanced at one another. They wanted to stop Nora but couldn't because they were live on TV.

Using Nora was a very big mistake, they concluded.

They turned to Aaron, but the man didn't look as if something bad was happening. He even seemed to be enjoying the situation.

"Miss Roland, who was it that threatened you? Can you call him out?" a reporter inquired and others concurred.