My enemy's enemy is my friend

Outside the auction house, Veronica Scott was heading to her car with a train of bodyguards when the three guys from the auction house earlier blocked her way.

Veronica's guards immediately formed a protective barrier around her, with their guns ready to kill if there happened to be a slight threat to their Miss's life.

"Miss Scott," the guy who bid for the painting extended his hand, "nice to meet you."

"Open the path," Veronica Scott ordered her men. When a path was cleared, she stepped out of their protection and shook the guy's hand, "nice to meet you, Mr... " she replied with a tilt of her head.

"First son of Duke of Country M, Gerald," he replied with a faint smile.

A look of realization flashed past Veronica's eyes. No wonder he looked familiar. She took her hand off and slightly bowed to him, "thank you for earlier, Sir Gerald."